# Nanook This is a Ruby library for managing a [nano currency](https://nano.org/) node, including making and receiving payments, using the [nano RPC protocol](https://github.com/nanocurrency/raiblocks/wiki/RPC-protocol). Nano is a fee-less, fast, environmentally-friendly cryptocurrency. It's awesome. See [https://nano.org](https://nano.org/). [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/nanook.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/nanook) [![CircleCI](https://circleci.com/gh/lukes/nanook/tree/master.svg?style=shield)](https://circleci.com/gh/lukes/nanook/tree/master) ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'nanook', "~> 2.2" ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install nanook # Getting Started ## Initializing Nanook will by default connect to `http://localhost:7076`. ```ruby nanook = Nanook.new ``` To connect to another host instead: ```ruby nanook = Nanook.new("http://ip6-localhost:7076") ``` ## Basics ### Working with wallets and accounts Create a wallet: ```ruby Nanook.new.wallet.create ``` Create an account within a wallet: ```ruby Nanook.new.wallet(wallet_id).account.create ``` List accounts within a wallet: ```ruby Nanook.new.wallet(wallet_id).accounts ``` ### Sending a payment To send a payment from an account in a wallet: ```ruby account = Nanook.new.wallet(wallet_id).account(account_id) account.pay(to: recipient_account_id, amount: 0.2, id: unique_id) ``` Or, a wallet: ```ruby wallet = Nanook.new.wallet(wallet_id) wallet.pay(from: your_account_id, to: recipient_account_id, amount: 0.2, id: unique_id) ``` The `id` can be any string and needs to be unique per payment. It serves an important purpose; it allows you to make this call multiple times with the same `id` and be reassured that you will only ever send that nano payment once. From the [Nano RPC](https://github.com/nanocurrency/raiblocks/wiki/RPC-protocol#account-create): > You can (and should) specify a unique id for each spend to provide idempotency. That means that if you [make the payment call] two times with the same id, the second request won't send any additional Nano. The unit of the `amount` is NANO (which is currently technically Mnano — see [What are Nano's Units](https://nano.org/en/faq#what-are-nano-units-)). You can pass an amount of raw instead by adding the `unit: :raw` argument: ```ruby account.pay(to: recipient_account_id, amount: 999, unit: :raw, id: unique_id) ``` Note, there may be a delay in receiving a response due to Proof of Work being done. From the [Nano RPC](https://github.com/nanocurrency/raiblocks/wiki/RPC-protocol#account-create): > Proof of Work is precomputed for one transaction in the background. If it has been a while since your last transaction it will send instantly, the next one will need to wait for Proof of Work to be generated. ### Receiving a payment The simplest way to receive a payment is: ```ruby account = Nanook.new.wallet(wallet_id).account(account_id) account.receive # or: wallet = Nanook.new.wallet(wallet_id) wallet.receive(into: account_id) ``` The `receive` method when called as above will receive the latest pending payment for an account in a wallet. It will either return a block hash if a payment was received, or `false` if there were no pending payments to receive. You can also receive a specific pending block if you know it (you may have discovered it through calling `account.pending` for example): ```ruby account = Nanook.new.wallet(wallet_id).account(account_id) account.receive(block_id) # or: wallet = Nanook.new.wallet(wallet_id) wallet.receive(block_id, into: account_id) ``` ## All commands Below is a quick reference list of commands. See the [full Nanook documentation](https://lukes.github.io/nanook/2.2.0/) for a searchable detailed description of every class and method, what the arguments mean, and example responses (Tip: the classes are listed under the "**Nanook** < Object" item in the sidebar). ### Wallets See the [full documentation for Nanook::Wallet](https://lukes.github.io/nanook/2.2.0/Nanook/Wallet.html) for a detailed description of each method and example responses. #### Create wallet: ```ruby Nanook.new.wallet.create ``` #### Restoring a wallet from a seed ```ruby Nanook.new.wallet.restore(seed) ``` Optionally also restore the wallet's accounts: ```ruby Nanook.new.wallet.restore(seed, accounts: 2) ``` #### Working with a single wallet: ```ruby wallet = Nanook.new.wallet(wallet_id) wallet.balance wallet.balance(account_break_down: true) wallet.balance(unit: :raw) wallet.pay(from: your_account_id, to: recipient_account_id, amount: 2, id: unique_id) wallet.pay(from: your_account_id, to: recipient_account_id, amount: 2, id: unique_id, unit: :raw) wallet.pending wallet.pending(limit: 1) wallet.pending(detailed: true) wallet.pending(unit: :raw) wallet.receive(into: account_id) wallet.receive(pending_block_id, into: account_id) wallet.account.create wallet.accounts wallet.contains?(account_id) wallet.export wallet.locked? wallet.unlock(password) wallet.change_password(password) wallet.destroy ``` ### Accounts #### Create account: ```ruby Nanook.new.wallet(wallet_id).account.create ``` #### Create multiple accounts: ```ruby Nanook.new.wallet(wallet_id).account.create(5) ``` #### Working with a single account: See the [full documentation for Nanook::WalletAccount](https://lukes.github.io/nanook/2.2.0/Nanook/WalletAccount.html) for a detailed description of each method and example responses. ```ruby account = Nanook.new.wallet(wallet_id).account(account_id) account.balance account.balance(unit: :raw) account.pay(to: recipient_account_id, amount: 2, id: unique_id) account.pay(to: recipient_account_id, amount: 2, id: unique_id, unit: :raw) account.pending account.pending(limit: 1) account.pending(detailed: true) account.pending(unit: :raw) account.receive account.receive(pending_block_id) account.exists? account.info account.info(detailed: true) account.info(unit: :raw) account.last_modified_at account.ledger account.ledger(limit: 10) account.ledger(modified_since: Time.now) account.ledger(unit: :raw) account.history account.history(limit: 1) account.history(unit: :raw) account.public_key account.delegators account.delegators(unit: :raw) account.representative account.change_representative(new_representative) account.weight account.destroy ``` #### Working with any account (not necessarily in your wallet): See the [full documentation for Nanook::Account](https://lukes.github.io/nanook/2.2.0/Nanook/Account.html) for a detailed description of each method and example responses. ```ruby account = Nanook.new.account(account_id) account.balance account.balance(unit: :raw) account.pending account.pending(limit: 1) account.pending(detailed: true) account.pending(unit: :raw) account.exists? account.info account.info(detailed: true) account.info(unit: :raw) account.last_modified_at account.ledger account.ledger(limit: 10) account.ledger(modified_since: Time.now) account.ledger(unit: :raw) account.history account.history(limit: 1) account.history(unit: :raw) account.public_key account.delegators account.delegators(unit: :raw) account.representative account.weight ``` ### Blocks See the [full documentation for Nanook::Block](https://lukes.github.io/nanook/2.2.0/Nanook/Block.html) for a detailed description of each method and example responses. ```ruby block = Nanook.new.block(block_id) block.info # Verified blocks in the ledger block.info(allow_unchecked: true) # Verified blocks AND unchecked synchronizing blocks block.account block.chain block.chain(limit: 10) block.history block.history(limit: 10) block.republish block.republish(sources: 2) block.republish(destinations: 2) block.pending? block.publish block.successors block.successors(limit: 10) block.generate_work block.cancel_work block.is_valid_work?(work_id) ``` ### Managing your nano node See the [full documentation for Nanook::Node](https://lukes.github.io/nanook/2.2.0/Nanook/Node.html) for a detailed description of each method and example responses. ```ruby node = Nanook.new.node node.account_count node.block_count node.block_count_by_type node.bootstrap_any node.bootstrap(address: "::ffff:", port: 7075) node.peers node.representatives node.representatives(unit: :raw) node.representatives_online node.synchronizing_blocks node.synchronizing_blocks(limit: 1) node.sync_progress node.version node.stop ``` ### Work peers ```ruby work_peers = Nanook.new.work_peers work_peers.add(address: "::ffff:", port: 7076) work_peers.clear work_peers.list ``` ### Keys #### Create private public key pair: ```ruby Nanook.new.key.generate Nanook.new.key.generate(seed: seed, index: 0) ``` #### Working with a single key ```ruby key = Nanook.new.key(private_key) key.info ``` ## Nanook Metal You can do any call listed in the [Nano RPC](https://github.com/nanocurrency/raiblocks/wiki/RPC-protocol) directly through the `rpc` method. The first argument should match the `action` of the RPC call, and then all remaining parameters are passed in as arguments. E.g., the [accounts_create command](https://github.com/nanocurrency/raiblocks/wiki/RPC-protocol#accounts-create) can be called like this: ```ruby Nano.new.rpc(:accounts_create, wallet: wallet_id, count: 2) ``` ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome. Pull requests with passing tests are even better. To run the test suite: bundle exec rspec spec To update the yard documentation: bundle exec rake yard ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). ## Buy me a nano coffee This library is totally free to use, but feel free to send some nano [my way](https://www.nanode.co/account/xrb_3c3ek3k8135f6e8qtfy8eruk9q3yzmpebes7btzncccdest8ymzhjmnr196j) if you'd like to! xrb_3c3ek3k8135f6e8qtfy8eruk9q3yzmpebes7btzncccdest8ymzhjmnr196j ![alt xrb_3c3ek3k8135f6e8qtfy8eruk9q3yzmpebes7btzncccdest8ymzhjmnr196j](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lukes/nanook/master/img/qr.png)