#!/usr/bin/env ruby WINDOWS_HINTS = %w(-win32 win32- mswin mingw32) if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw32|mingw64|win32\-|\-win32/ then puts 'This gem is not meant to be installed on Windows. Instead, please use:' puts 'gem install gosu --platform=i386-mingw32' exit 1 end if `uname`.chomp != "Darwin" then puts 'The Gosu gem requires some libraries to be installed system-wide.' puts 'See the following site for a list:' puts 'https://github.com/jlnr/gosu/wiki/Getting-Started-on-Linux' puts end BASE_FILES = %w( Bitmap/Bitmap.cpp Bitmap/BitmapColorKey.cpp Bitmap/BitmapUtils.cpp DirectoriesUnix.cpp FileUnix.cpp Graphics/BlockAllocator.cpp Graphics/Color.cpp Graphics/Graphics.cpp Graphics/Image.cpp Graphics/LargeImageData.cpp Graphics/TexChunk.cpp Graphics/Texture.cpp Graphics/Transform.cpp Input/Input.cpp Input/TextInput.cpp Inspection.cpp IO.cpp Math.cpp Text/Font.cpp Text/Text.cpp Utility.cpp Window.cpp ) MAC_FILES = %w( Audio/AudioOpenAL.mm Bitmap/BitmapApple.mm Text/TextApple.mm Text/TextMac.cpp TimingApple.cpp UtilityApple.mm ) LINUX_FILES = %w( Audio/AudioOpenAL.cpp Bitmap/BitmapFreeImage.cpp Text/TextUnix.cpp TimingUnix.cpp ) require 'mkmf' require 'fileutils' # Silence internal deprecation warnings in Gosu $CFLAGS << " -DGOSU_DEPRECATED=" $INCFLAGS << " -I../.. -I../../src" pkg_config 'sdl2' pkg_config 'ogg' pkg_config 'vorbis' pkg_config 'vorbisfile' if `uname`.chomp == 'Darwin' then SOURCE_FILES = BASE_FILES + MAC_FILES # To make everything work with the Objective C runtime $CFLAGS << " -I/usr/local/include -x objective-c -DNDEBUG" # Compile all C++ files as Objective C++ on OS X since mkmf does not support .mm # files. # Also undefine two debug flags that cause exceptions to randomly crash, see: # https://trac.macports.org/ticket/27237#comment:21 # http://newartisans.com/2009/10/a-c-gotcha-on-snow-leopard/#comment-893 CONFIG['CXXFLAGS'] = "#{CONFIG['CXXFLAGS']} -x objective-c++ -U_GLIBCXX_DEBUG -U_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_PEDANTIC" if `uname -r`.to_i >= 13 then # Use C++11 on Mavericks and above # TODO: This can probably be enabled starting from 10.6? CONFIG['CXXFLAGS'] << " -std=gnu++11" end $LDFLAGS << " -liconv -lSDL2" %w(AudioToolbox IOKit OpenAL OpenGL AppKit ApplicationServices Foundation Carbon).each do |f| $LDFLAGS << " -framework #{f}" end else SOURCE_FILES = BASE_FILES + LINUX_FILES if /Raspbian/ =~ `cat /etc/issue` or /BCM2708/ =~ `cat /proc/cpuinfo` then $INCFLAGS << " -I/opt/vc/include/GLES" $INCFLAGS << " -I/opt/vc/include" $LDFLAGS << " -L/opt/vc/lib" $LDFLAGS << " -lGLESv1_CM" else pkg_config 'gl' end pkg_config 'pangoft2' pkg_config 'openal' pkg_config 'sndfile' have_header 'SDL_ttf.h' if have_library('SDL2_ttf', 'TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended') have_header 'FreeImage.h' if have_library('freeimage', 'FreeImage_ConvertFromRawBits') have_header 'AL/al.h' if have_library('openal') end # And now it gets ridiculous (or I am overcomplicating things...): # mkmf will compile all .c/.cpp files in this directory, but if they are nested # inside folders, it will not find the resulting .o files during linking. # So we create a shim .c/.cpp file for each file that we want to compile, ensuring # that all .o files are built into the current directory, without any nesting. # TODO - would be nicer if the Rakefile would just create these shim files and # ship them along with the gem SOURCE_FILES.each do |file| shim_name = file.gsub('/', '-').sub(/\.mm$/, '.cpp') File.open(shim_name, "w") do |shim| shim.puts "#include \"../../src/#{file}\"" end end if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.0.0' then # See http://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/8315 CONFIG['CXXFLAGS'] = "#$CFLAGS #{CONFIG['CXXFLAGS']}" end create_makefile 'gosu'