module Ironfan class Provider class Ec2 class Machine < Ironfan::IaasProvider::Machine delegate :_dump, :addresses, :ami_launch_index, :ami_launch_index=, :architecture, :architecture=, :availability_zone, :availability_zone=, :block_device_mapping, :block_device_mapping=, :client_token, :client_token=, :collection, :collection=, :connection, :connection=, :console_output, :created_at, :created_at=, :destroy, :dns_name, :dns_name=, :ebs_optimized, :flavor, :flavor=, :flavor_id, :flavor_id=, :groups, :groups=, :iam_instance_profile, :iam_instance_profile=, :iam_instance_profile_arn=, :iam_instance_profile_name=, :id, :id=, :identity, :identity=, :image_id, :image_id=, :instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior, :instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior=, :ip_address, :kernel_id, :kernel_id=, :key_name, :key_name=, :key_pair, :key_pair=, :monitor=, :monitoring, :monitoring=, :network_interfaces, :network_interfaces=, :new_record?, :password, :password=, :placement_group, :placement_group=, :platform, :platform=, :private_dns_name, :private_dns_name=, :private_ip_address, :private_ip_address=, :private_key, :private_key=, :private_key_path, :private_key_path=, :product_codes, :product_codes=, :public_ip_address, :public_ip_address=, :public_key, :public_key=, :public_key_path, :public_key_path=, :ramdisk_id, :ramdisk_id=, :ready?, :reason, :reason=, :reboot, :reload, :requires, :requires_one, :root_device_name, :root_device_name=, :root_device_type, :root_device_type=, :save, :scp, :scp_download, :scp_upload, :security_group_ids, :security_group_ids=, :setup, :ssh, :ssh_port, :sshable?, :start, :state, :state=, :state_reason, :state_reason=, :stop, :subnet_id, :subnet_id=, :symbolize_keys, :tags, :tags=, :tenancy, :tenancy=, :user_data, :user_data=, :username, :username=, :volumes, :vpc_id, :vpc_id=, :wait_for, :to => :adaptee def self.shared?() false; end def self.multiple?() false; end # def self.resource_type() Ironfan::IaasProvider::Machine; end def self.resource_type() :machine; end def self.expected_ids(computer) [computer.server.full_name]; end def name return id if tags.empty? tags["Name"] || tags["name"] || id end def public_hostname ; dns_name ; end def keypair ; key_pair ; end def created? not ['terminated', 'shutting-down'].include? state end def pending? state == "pending" end def running? state == "running" end def stopping? state == "stopping" end def stopped? state == "stopped" end def start machine = self adaptee.start adaptee.wait_for{ machine.pending? or machine.running? } end def stop machine = self adaptee.stop adaptee.wait_for{ machine.stopping? or machine.stopped? } end def to_display(style,values={}) # style == :minimal values["State"] = state.to_sym values["MachineID"] = id values["Public IP"] = public_ip_address values["Private IP"] = private_ip_address values["Created On"] = created_at.to_date return values if style == :minimal # style == :default values["Flavor"] = flavor_id values["AZ"] = availability_zone return values if style == :default # style == :expanded values["Image"] = image_id values["Volumes"] =', ') values["SSH Key"] = key_name values end def ssh_key keypair = cloud.keypair || computer.server.cluster_name end def to_s "<%-15s %-12s %-25s %-25s %-15s %-15s %-12s %-12s %s:%s>" % [ self.class.handle, id, created_at, tags['name'], private_ip_address, public_ip_address, flavor_id, availability_zone, key_name, groups.join(',') ] end # # Discovery # def self.load!(cluster=nil) Ec2.connection.servers.each do |fs| machine = new(:adaptee => fs) if (not machine.created?) next unless Ironfan.chef_config[:include_terminated] remember machine, :append_id => "terminated:#{}" elsif recall? machine.bogus << :duplicate_machines recall( << :duplicate_machines remember machine, :append_id => "duplicate:#{}" else # never seen it remember machine end Chef::Log.debug("Loaded #{machine}") end end def receive_adaptee(obj) obj = if obj.is_a?(Hash) super end # Find active machines that haven't matched, but should have, # make sure all bogus machines have a computer to attach to # for display purposes def self.validate_resources!(computers) recall.each_value do |machine| next unless machine.users.empty? and if"^#{}-") machine.bogus << :unexpected_machine end next unless machine.bogus? fake = fake[:machine] = machine = machine.users << fake computers << fake end end # # Manipulation # def self.create!(computer) Ironfan.todo("CODE SMELL: overly large method: #{caller}") return if computer.machine? and computer.machine.created? Ironfan.step(,"creating cloud machine", :green) # errors = lint(computer) if errors.present? then raise ArgumentError, "Failed validation: #{errors.inspect}" ; end # launch_desc = launch_description(computer) Chef::Log.debug(JSON.pretty_generate(launch_desc)) Ironfan.safely do fog_server = Ec2.connection.servers.create(launch_desc) machine = => fog_server) computer.machine = machine remember machine, :id => # Trying a more brute force "I tell you 3 times", to get around # Ironfan.step(,"waiting for machine to be ready", :gray) begin fog_server.wait_for { ready? } rescue Fog::Errors::Error => e try ||= 0 raise if try > 3 try += 1 pause_for = 3 * try Ironfan.step(,"rescue ##{try}, sleeping #{pause_for} seconds") Chef::Log.debug "Error was #{e.inspect}" sleep pause_for retry end end # tag the computer correctly tags = { 'cluster' => computer.server.cluster_name, 'facet' => computer.server.facet_name, 'index' => computer.server.index, 'name' =>, 'Name' =>, } Ec2.ensure_tags(tags, computer.machine) # register the new volumes for later save!, and tag appropriately computer.machine.volumes.each do |v| Ironfan.todo "CODE SMELL: Machine is too familiar with EbsVolume problems" ebs_vol = Ec2::EbsVolume.register v drive = do |drive| drive.volume.device == ebs_vol.device end.first drive.disk = ebs_vol vol_name = "#{}-#{}" tags['server'] = tags['name'] = vol_name tags['Name'] = vol_name tags['mount_point'] = drive.volume.mount_point tags['device'] = drive.volume.device Ec2.ensure_tags(tags,ebs_vol) end end # @returns [Hash{String, Array}] of 'what you did wrong' => [relevant, info] def self.lint(computer) cloud = info = [, cloud.inspect] errors = {} server_errors = computer.server.lint errors["Unhappy Server"] = server_errors if server_errors.present? errors["No AMI found"] = info if cloud.image_id.blank? errors['Missing client'] = info unless computer.client? errors['Missing private_key'] = computer.client unless computer.private_key # all_asserted_regions = [Ec2.connection.region, cloud.region, Chef::Config[:knife][:region], Ironfan.chef_config[:region]].compact.uniq errors["mismatched region"] = all_asserted_regions unless all_asserted_regions.count == 1 # errors end def self.launch_description(computer) cloud = user_data_hsh = { :chef_server => Chef::Config[:chef_server_url], :node_name =>, :organization => Chef::Config[:organization], :cluster_name => computer.server.cluster_name, :facet_name => computer.server.facet_name, :facet_index => computer.server.index, :client_key => computer.private_key } # main machine info # note that Fog does not actually create tags when it creates a # server; they and permanence are applied during sync description = { :image_id => cloud.image_id, :flavor_id => cloud.flavor, :vpc_id => cloud.vpc, :subnet_id => cloud.subnet, :key_name => cloud.ssh_key_name(computer), :user_data => JSON.pretty_generate(user_data_hsh), :block_device_mapping => block_device_mapping(computer), :availability_zone => cloud.default_availability_zone, :monitoring => cloud.monitoring, } # VPC security_groups can only be addressed by id (not name) description[:security_group_ids] = do |g| SecurityGroup.recall( SecurityGroup.group_name_with_vpc(g,cloud.vpc) ).group_id end description[:iam_server_certificates] = do |cert| IamServerCertificate.recall(IamServerCertificate.full_name(computer, cert)) description[:elastic_load_balancers] = do |elb| ElasticLoadBalancer.recall(ElasticLoadBalancer.full_name(computer, elb)) if cloud.flavor_info[:placement_groupable] ui.warn "1.3.1 and earlier versions of Fog don't correctly support placement groups, so your nodes will land willy-nilly. We're working on a fix" description[:placement] = { 'groupName' => cloud.placement_group.to_s } end if cloud.flavor_info[:ebs_optimizable] description[:ebs_optimized] = cloud.ebs_optimized end description end # An array of hashes with dorky-looking keys, just like Fog wants it. def self.block_device_mapping(computer) Ironfan.todo "CODE SMELL: Machine is too familiar with EbsVolume problems" do |drive| next if drive.disk # Don't create any disc already satisfied volume = drive.volume or next hsh = { 'DeviceName' => volume.device } if volume.attachable == 'ephemeral' hsh['VirtualName'] = # if set for creation at launch (and not already created) elsif drive.node[:volume_id].blank? && volume.create_at_launch if volume.snapshot_id.blank? && volume.size.blank? raise "Must specify a size or a snapshot ID for #{volume}" end hsh['Ebs.SnapshotId'] = volume.snapshot_id if volume.snapshot_id.present? hsh['Ebs.VolumeSize'] = volume.size.to_s if volume.size.present? hsh['Ebs.DeleteOnTermination'] = (not volume.keep).to_s else next end hsh end.compact end def self.destroy!(computer) return unless computer.machine? forget computer.machine.destroy computer.machine.reload # show the node as shutting down end def!(computer) return unless computer.machine? # the EC2 API does not surface disable_api_termination as a value, so we # have to set it every time. permanent = return unless computer.created? Ironfan.step(, "setting termination flag #{permanent}", :blue) Ironfan.unless_dry_run do Ironfan.safely do Ec2.connection.modify_instance_attribute(, {'DisableApiTermination.Value' => computer.permanent?, }) end end end end end end end