# # Copyright:: Copyright 2016, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" require "chef/node/attribute_collections" describe Chef::Node::VividMash do let(:root) { instance_double(Chef::Node::Attribute) } let(:vivid) do Chef::Node::VividMash.new( { "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "four" } }, "array" => [ 0, 1, 2 ], "nil" => nil }, root ) end context "without a root node" do let(:vivid) do Chef::Node::VividMash.new( { "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "four" } }, "array" => [ 0, 1, 2 ], "nil" => nil } ) end it "sets the root to the root object" do expect(vivid["one"]["two"].__root__).to eql(vivid) end it "does not send reset cache" do # if we setup the expectation here then the object winds up responding to :reset_cache and then it fails... # expect(vivid).not_to receive(:reset_cache) # but even so we expect to blow up here with NoMethodError if we screw up and send :reset_cache to a root VividMash vivid["one"]["foo"] = "bar" end end context "#[]" do it "works with array slices" do expect(vivid["array"][1, 2]).to eql([1, 2]) end end context "#[]=" do it "works with array slices" do vivid["array"][3, 2] = [ 3, 4 ] expect(vivid["array"]).to eql([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) end it "deep converts values through arrays" do expect(root).to receive(:reset_cache).with("foo") vivid["foo"] = [ { :bar => true } ] expect(vivid["foo"].class).to eql(Chef::Node::AttrArray) expect(vivid["foo"][0].class).to eql(Chef::Node::VividMash) expect(vivid["foo"][0]["bar"]).to be true end it "deep converts values through nested arrays" do expect(root).to receive(:reset_cache).with("foo") vivid["foo"] = [ [ { :bar => true } ] ] expect(vivid["foo"].class).to eql(Chef::Node::AttrArray) expect(vivid["foo"][0].class).to eql(Chef::Node::AttrArray) expect(vivid["foo"][0][0].class).to eql(Chef::Node::VividMash) expect(vivid["foo"][0][0]["bar"]).to be true end it "deep converts values through hashes" do expect(root).to receive(:reset_cache).with("foo") vivid["foo"] = { baz: { :bar => true } } expect(vivid["foo"]).to be_an_instance_of(Chef::Node::VividMash) expect(vivid["foo"]["baz"]).to be_an_instance_of(Chef::Node::VividMash) expect(vivid["foo"]["baz"]["bar"]).to be true end end context "#read" do before do expect(root).not_to receive(:reset_cache) end it "reads hashes deeply" do expect(vivid.read("one", "two", "three")).to eql("four") end it "does not trainwreck when hitting hash keys that do not exist" do expect(vivid.read("one", "five", "six")).to eql(nil) end it "does not trainwreck when hitting an array with an out of bounds index" do expect(vivid.read("array", 5, "one")).to eql(nil) end it "does not trainwreck when hitting an array with a string key" do expect(vivid.read("array", "one", "two")).to eql(nil) end it "does not trainwreck when traversing a nil" do expect(vivid.read("nil", "one", "two")).to eql(nil) end end context "#exist?" do before do expect(root).not_to receive(:reset_cache) end it "true if there's a hash key there" do expect(vivid.exist?("one", "two", "three")).to be true end it "true for intermediate hashes" do expect(vivid.exist?("one")).to be true end it "true for arrays that exist" do expect(vivid.exist?("array", 1)).to be true end it "true when the value of the key is nil" do expect(vivid.exist?("nil")).to be true end it "false when attributes don't exist" do expect(vivid.exist?("one", "five", "six")).to be false end it "false when traversing a non-container" do expect(vivid.exist?("one", "two", "three", "four")).to be false end it "false when an array index does not exist" do expect(vivid.exist?("array", 3)).to be false end it "false when traversing a nil" do expect(vivid.exist?("nil", "foo", "bar")).to be false end end context "#read!" do before do expect(root).not_to receive(:reset_cache) end it "reads hashes deeply" do expect(vivid.read!("one", "two", "three")).to eql("four") end it "reads arrays deeply" do expect(vivid.read!("array", 1)).to eql(1) end it "throws an exception when attributes do not exist" do expect { vivid.read!("one", "five", "six") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::NoSuchAttribute) end it "throws an exception when traversing a non-container" do expect { vivid.read!("one", "two", "three", "four") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::NoSuchAttribute) end it "throws an exception when an array element does not exist" do expect { vivid.read!("array", 3) }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::NoSuchAttribute) end end context "#write" do it "should write into hashes" do expect(root).to receive(:reset_cache).at_least(:once).with("one") vivid.write("one", "five", "six") expect(vivid["one"]["five"]).to eql("six") end it "should deeply autovivify" do expect(root).to receive(:reset_cache).at_least(:once).with("one") vivid.write("one", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten") expect(vivid["one"]["five"]["six"]["seven"]["eight"]["nine"]).to eql("ten") end it "should raise an exception if you overwrite an array with a hash" do expect(root).to receive(:reset_cache).at_least(:once).with("array") vivid.write("array", "five", "six") expect(vivid).to eql({ "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "four" } }, "array" => { "five" => "six" }, "nil" => nil }) end it "should raise an exception if you traverse through an array with a hash" do expect(root).to receive(:reset_cache).at_least(:once).with("array") vivid.write("array", "five", "six", "seven") expect(vivid).to eql({ "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "four" } }, "array" => { "five" => { "six" => "seven" } }, "nil" => nil }) end it "should raise an exception if you overwrite a string with a hash" do expect(root).to receive(:reset_cache).at_least(:once).with("one") vivid.write("one", "two", "three", "four", "five") expect(vivid).to eql({ "one" => { "two" => { "three" => { "four" => "five" } } }, "array" => [ 0, 1, 2 ], "nil" => nil }) end it "should raise an exception if you traverse through a string with a hash" do expect(root).to receive(:reset_cache).at_least(:once).with("one") vivid.write("one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six") expect(vivid).to eql({ "one" => { "two" => { "three" => { "four" => { "five" => "six" } } } }, "array" => [ 0, 1, 2 ], "nil" => nil }) end it "should raise an exception if you overwrite a nil with a hash" do expect(root).to receive(:reset_cache).at_least(:once).with("nil") vivid.write("nil", "one", "two") expect(vivid).to eql({ "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "four" } }, "array" => [ 0, 1, 2 ], "nil" => { "one" => "two" } }) end it "should raise an exception if you traverse through a nil with a hash" do expect(root).to receive(:reset_cache).at_least(:once).with("nil") vivid.write("nil", "one", "two", "three") expect(vivid).to eql({ "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "four" } }, "array" => [ 0, 1, 2 ], "nil" => { "one" => { "two" => "three" } } }) end it "writes with a block" do expect(root).to receive(:reset_cache).at_least(:once).with("one") vivid.write("one", "five") { "six" } expect(vivid["one"]["five"]).to eql("six") end end context "#write!" do it "should write into hashes" do expect(root).to receive(:reset_cache).at_least(:once).with("one") vivid.write!("one", "five", "six") expect(vivid["one"]["five"]).to eql("six") end it "should deeply autovivify" do expect(root).to receive(:reset_cache).at_least(:once).with("one") vivid.write!("one", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten") expect(vivid["one"]["five"]["six"]["seven"]["eight"]["nine"]).to eql("ten") end it "should raise an exception if you overwrite an array with a hash" do expect(root).not_to receive(:reset_cache) expect { vivid.write!("array", "five", "six") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::AttributeTypeMismatch) expect(vivid).to eql({ "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "four" } }, "array" => [ 0, 1, 2 ], "nil" => nil }) end it "should raise an exception if you traverse through an array with a hash" do expect(root).not_to receive(:reset_cache) expect { vivid.write!("array", "five", "six", "seven") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::AttributeTypeMismatch) expect(vivid).to eql({ "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "four" } }, "array" => [ 0, 1, 2 ], "nil" => nil }) end it "should raise an exception if you overwrite a string with a hash" do expect(root).not_to receive(:reset_cache) expect { vivid.write!("one", "two", "three", "four", "five") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::AttributeTypeMismatch) expect(vivid).to eql({ "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "four" } }, "array" => [ 0, 1, 2 ], "nil" => nil }) end it "should raise an exception if you traverse through a string with a hash" do expect(root).not_to receive(:reset_cache) expect { vivid.write!("one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::AttributeTypeMismatch) expect(vivid).to eql({ "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "four" } }, "array" => [ 0, 1, 2 ], "nil" => nil }) end it "should raise an exception if you overwrite a nil with a hash" do expect(root).not_to receive(:reset_cache) expect { vivid.write!("nil", "one", "two") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::AttributeTypeMismatch) expect(vivid).to eql({ "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "four" } }, "array" => [ 0, 1, 2 ], "nil" => nil }) end it "should raise an exception if you traverse through a nil with a hash" do expect(root).not_to receive(:reset_cache) expect { vivid.write!("nil", "one", "two", "three") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::AttributeTypeMismatch) expect(vivid).to eql({ "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "four" } }, "array" => [ 0, 1, 2 ], "nil" => nil }) end it "writes with a block" do expect(root).to receive(:reset_cache).at_least(:once).with("one") vivid.write!("one", "five") { "six" } expect(vivid["one"]["five"]).to eql("six") end end context "#unlink" do it "should return nil if the keys don't already exist" do expect(root).not_to receive(:reset_cache) expect(vivid.unlink("five", "six", "seven", "eight")).to eql(nil) expect(vivid).to eql({ "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "four" } }, "array" => [ 0, 1, 2 ], "nil" => nil }) end it "should unlink hashes" do expect(root).to receive(:reset_cache).at_least(:once).with("one") expect( vivid.unlink("one") ).to eql({ "two" => { "three" => "four" } }) expect(vivid).to eql({ "array" => [ 0, 1, 2 ], "nil" => nil }) end it "should unlink array elements" do expect(root).to receive(:reset_cache).at_least(:once).with("array") expect(vivid.unlink("array", 2)).to eql(2) expect(vivid).to eql({ "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "four" } }, "array" => [ 0, 1 ], "nil" => nil }) end it "should unlink nil" do expect(root).to receive(:reset_cache).at_least(:once).with("nil") expect(vivid.unlink("nil")).to eql(nil) expect(vivid).to eql({ "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "four" } }, "array" => [ 0, 1, 2 ] }) end it "should traverse a nil and safely do nothing" do expect(root).not_to receive(:reset_cache) expect(vivid.unlink("nil", "foo")).to eql(nil) expect(vivid).to eql({ "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "four" } }, "array" => [ 0, 1, 2 ], "nil" => nil }) end end context "#unlink!" do it "should raise an exception if the keys don't already exist" do expect(root).not_to receive(:reset_cache) expect { vivid.unlink!("five", "six", "seven", "eight") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::NoSuchAttribute) expect(vivid).to eql({ "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "four" } }, "array" => [ 0, 1, 2 ], "nil" => nil }) end it "should unlink! hashes" do expect(root).to receive(:reset_cache).at_least(:once).with("one") expect( vivid.unlink!("one") ).to eql({ "two" => { "three" => "four" } }) expect(vivid).to eql({ "array" => [ 0, 1, 2 ], "nil" => nil }) end it "should unlink! array elements" do expect(root).to receive(:reset_cache).at_least(:once).with("array") expect(vivid.unlink!("array", 2)).to eql(2) expect(vivid).to eql({ "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "four" } }, "array" => [ 0, 1 ], "nil" => nil }) end it "should unlink! nil" do expect(root).to receive(:reset_cache).at_least(:once).with("nil") expect(vivid.unlink!("nil")).to eql(nil) expect(vivid).to eql({ "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "four" } }, "array" => [ 0, 1, 2 ] }) end it "should raise an exception if it traverses a nil" do expect(root).not_to receive(:reset_cache) expect { vivid.unlink!("nil", "foo") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::NoSuchAttribute) expect(vivid).to eql({ "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "four" } }, "array" => [ 0, 1, 2 ], "nil" => nil }) end end end