# Thermite [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/malept/thermite.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/malept/thermite) [![Inline docs](http://inch-ci.org/github/malept/thermite.svg?branch=master)](http://inch-ci.org/github/malept/thermite) [![Gem](https://img.shields.io/gem/v/thermite.svg?maxAge=300000)](https://rubygems.org/gems/thermite) Thermite is a Rake-based helper for building and distributing Rust-based Ruby extensions. ## Features * Provides wrappers for `cargo` commands. * Handles non-standard `cargo` installations via the `CARGO` environment variable. * Opt-in to allow users to install pre-compiled Rust extensions hosted on GitHub releases. ## Usage 1. Add `thermite` as a runtime dependency in your gem. 2. In your gemspec, add `Rakefile` to the specification's `extensions` list. 3. In `Rakefile`, add `require 'thermite/tasks'` and then add the tasks to the file by running: ```ruby Thermite::Tasks.new ``` Run `rake -T` to view all of the available tasks in the `thermite` namespace. ### Configuration Task configuration for your project can be set in two ways: * passing arguments to `Thermite::Tasks.new` * adding a `package.metadata.thermite` section to `Cargo.toml`. These settings override the arguments passed to the `Tasks` class. Due to the conflict, it is infeasible for `cargo_project_path` to be set in this way. Example section: ```toml [package.metadata.thermite] github_releases = true ``` Possible options: * `cargo_project_path` - the path to the Cargo project. Defaults to the current working directory. * `github_releases` - whether to look for Rust binaries via GitHub releases when installing the gem, and `cargo` is not found. Defaults to `false`. * `git_tag_format` - when `github_releases` is enabled, a regular expression (expressed as a `String`) that determines which tagged releases to look for precompiled Rust tarballs. One group must be specified that indicates the version number to be used in the tarball filename. Defaults to `vN.N.N`, where `N` is any n-digit number. In this case, the group is around the entire expression. * `ruby_project_path` - the top-level directory of the Ruby gem's project. Defaults to the current working directory. ### Example Using the cliché Rust+Ruby example, the [`rusty_blank`](https://github.com/malept/rusty_blank) repository contains an example of using Thermite with [ruru](https://github.com/d-unseductable/ruru) to provide a `String.blank?` speedup extension. While the example uses ruru, this gem should be usable with any method of integrating Rust and Ruby that you choose. ## FAQ ### Why is it named Thermite? According to Wikipedia: * The chemical formula for ruby includes Al2O3, or aluminum oxide. * Rust is iron oxide, or Fe2O3. * A common thermite reaction uses iron oxide and aluminum to produce iron and aluminum oxide: Fe2O3 + 2Al → 2Fe + Al2O3 ## [Release Notes](https://github.com/malept/thermite/blob/master/NEWS.md) ## [Contributing](https://github.com/malept/thermite/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) ## Legal This gem is licensed under the MIT license.