module Alchemy class Picture < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :essence_pictures, :class_name => 'Alchemy::EssencePicture', :foreign_key => 'picture_id' has_many :contents, :through => :essence_pictures has_many :elements, :through => :contents has_many :pages, :through => :elements acts_as_fleximage do image_directory 'uploads/pictures' image_storage_format Config.get(:image_store_format).to_sym require_image true missing_image_message I18n.t("missing_image") invalid_image_message I18n.t("not a valid image") output_image_jpg_quality Config.get(:output_image_jpg_quality) if Config.get(:image_output_format) == "jpg" unless Config.get(:preprocess_image_resize).blank? preprocess_image do |image| image.resize Config.get(:preprocess_image_resize) end end end acts_as_taggable attr_accessible( :image_file, :image_filename, :image_height, :image_width, :name, :tag_list, :upload_hash ) stampable(:stamper_class_name => 'Alchemy::User') scope :recent, where("#{self.table_name}.created_at > ?", def self.find_paginated(params, per_page) Picture.where("name LIKE ?", "%#{params[:query]}%").page(params[:page] || 1).per(per_page).order(:name) end def self.last_upload last_picture = Picture.last return Picture.scoped unless last_picture Picture.where(:upload_hash => last_picture.upload_hash) end # Returning the filepath relative to Rails.root public folder. def public_file_path self.file_path.gsub("#{::Rails.root}/public", '') end def urlname if "image_#{}" else ::CGI.escape(\.(gif|png|jpe?g|tiff?)/i, '').gsub(/\./, ' ')) end end def suffix if image_filename =~ /\./ image_filename.split('.').last.downcase else "" end end def humanized_name return "" if image_filename.blank? (image_filename.downcase.gsub(/\.#{::Regexp.quote(suffix)}$/, '')).humanize end # Returning true if picture's width is greater than it's height def landscape_format? return (self.image_width > self.image_height) ? true : false end # Returning true if picture's width is smaller than it's height def portrait_format? return (self.image_width < self.image_height) ? true : false end # Returning true if picture's width and height is equal def square_format? return (self.image_width == self.image_height) ? true : false end # Returns the default centered image mask for a given size def default_mask(size) raise "No size given" if size.blank? width = size.split('x')[0].to_i height = size.split('x')[1].to_i if (width > height) zoom_factor = image_width.to_f / width mask_height = (height * zoom_factor).round x1 = 0 x2 = image_width y1 = (image_height - mask_height) / 2 y2 = y1 + mask_height elsif (width == 0 && height == 0) x1 = 0 x2 = image_width y1 = 0 y2 = image_height else zoom_factor = image_height.to_f / height mask_width = (width * zoom_factor).round x1 = (image_width - mask_width) / 2 x2 = x1 + mask_width y1 = 0 y2 = image_height end { :x1 => x1, :y1 => y1, :x2 => x2, :y2 => y2 } end def cropped_thumbnail_size(size) return "111x93" if size == "111x93" || size.blank? x = size.split('x')[0].to_i y = size.split('x')[1].to_i if (x > y) zoom_factor = 111.0 / x new_x = 111 new_y = y * zoom_factor else zoom_factor = 93.0 / y new_x = x * zoom_factor new_y = 93 end "#{new_x.round}x#{new_y.round}" end # Checks if the picture is restricted, because it is attached on restricted pages only def restricted? pages.any? && pages.not_restricted.blank? end # Returns a security token for signed picture rendering requests. # # Pass a params hash containing: # # size [String] (Optional) # crop [Boolean] (Optional) # crop_from [String] (Optional) # crop_size [String] (Optional) # # to sign them. # def security_token(params = {}) @params = params.stringify_keys @params.update({'crop' => @params['crop'] ? 'crop' : nil}) Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(secured_params)[0..15] end private def secured_params secret = Rails.configuration.secret_token [id, @params['size'], @params['crop'], @params['crop_from'], @params['crop_size'], secret].join('-') end end end