module RailsAdmin module Config module Actions class Comments < Base RailsAdmin::Config::Actions.register(self) # Is the action acting on the root level (Example: /admin/contact) register_instance_option :root? do false end register_instance_option :collection? do false end # Is the action on an object scope (Example: /admin/team/1/edit) register_instance_option :member? do true end register_instance_option :route_fragment do 'comments' end register_instance_option :controller do do |klass| @config = @abstract_model if params['id'].present? @comments = @object.rails_admin_comments.by_date.enabled if request.get? render action: @action.template_name elsif begin if params['rails_admin_comments_comment'].present? if params['rails_admin_comments_comment']['id'].present? @comment = @object.rails_admin_comments.find(params['rails_admin_comments_comment']['id']) end @comment = if @comment.nil? @comment.content = params['rails_admin_comments_comment']['content'] if @comment = nil @message = "#{I18n.t('admin.actions.comments.success')}!" else @message = [] @message << "#{I18n.t('admin.actions.comments.error')}!" @comment.errors.each do |e| @message << "


" end @message = @message.join end else @message = "#{I18n.t('admin.actions.comments.error')}:


" end rescue Exception => e @message = "#{I18n.t('admin.actions.comments.error')}: #{e}" end render action: @action.template_name end end end end register_instance_option :link_icon do 'icon-comment' end register_instance_option :http_methods do [:get, :post] end end end end end