module Spree class AdvancedReport include Ruport attr_accessor :orders, :product_text, :date_text, :taxon_text, :ruportdata, :search, :data, :params, :taxon, :product, :product_in_taxon, :unfiltered_params def name I18n.t("") end def description I18n.t("adv_report.base.description") end def initialize(params) # this enables subclasses to provide different defaults to the search # by setting the defaults before calling super self.params ||= params = {} self.ruportdata = {} self.unfiltered_params = params[:search].blank? ? {} : params[:search].clone params[:search] ||= {} params[:advanced_reporting] ||= {} if Order.count > 0 begin params[:search][:created_at_gt] =[:search][:created_at_gt]).beginning_of_day rescue params[:search][:created_at_gt] = end # TODO if lt is defined, and gt is not, gt then should use better default than end of today # maybe 24 hours before the defined lt end of day begin params[:search][:created_at_lt] =[:search][:created_at_lt]).end_of_day rescue params[:search][:created_at_lt] = end end # offer shipped vs completed order filtering # in some cases, revenue reports should be based on the time when the revenue # is earned (i.e. shipped) not when the order was made or the credit card was processed # it is also important to exclude canceled orders and orders that were not completed # before spree 1.1.3 there was a bug that caused Spree::Shipment.shipped_at not be filled # easy fix is to copy the completed_at from the order associated with the shipment # filter_address = 'billing' if params[:advanced_reporting][:state_based_on_taxable_address] == '1' filter_address = Spree::Config[:tax_using_ship_address] ? 'shipping' : 'billing' end if params[:advanced_reporting][:order_type] == 'shipped' shipped_search_params = { :shipped_at_gt => params[:search][:created_at_gt], :shipped_at_lt => params[:search][:created_at_lt], :order_state_not_eq => 'canceled', :order_completed_at_not_null => true } if params[:advanced_reporting][:state_id].present? shipped_search_params[ filter_address == 'shipping' ? :order_ship_address_state_id_eq : :order_bill_address_state_id_eq ] = params[:advanced_reporting][:state_id] end # including the ransack predicate will not speed up the SQL query but will not include only fully shipped orders only_fully_shipped = params[:advanced_reporting][:shipment] == 'fully_shipped' shipped_search_params[:order_inventory_units_shipment_id_not_null] = true if only_fully_shipped # the tricky part here is that orders can have multiple shipments # we need to prevent orders from being included twice in the report # by choosing to include the order in the earliest report possible # (i.e. the first order that shipped) and exclude it from any reports after that @search = Shipment.includes(:order).search shipped_search_params self.orders = @search.result(:distinct => true).select do |shipment| # these manual exclusions could not be done via SQL queries as far as I could tell # they are ordered by least to greatest SQL complexity next true if shipment.order.shipments.size == 1 # if the shipment retrieved is the last shipment shipped for the order, then include the order next false if shipment.order.shipments.sort { |a, b| b.shipped_at <=> a.shipped_at }.first == shipment # conditionally exclude orders which are not fully shipped next false if only_fully_shipped && shipment.order.inventory_units.detect { |i| i.shipment.blank? }.blank? true else params[:search][:completed_at_not_null] = true params[:search][:state_not_eq] = 'canceled' if params[:advanced_reporting][:state_id].present? params[:search][ filter_address == 'shipping' ? :ship_address_state_id_eq : :bill_address_state_id_eq ] = params[:advanced_reporting][:state_id] end only_fully_shipped = params[:advanced_reporting][:shipment] == 'fully_shipped' params[:inventory_units_shipment_id_not_null] = true if only_fully_shipped @search =[:search]) self.orders = @search.result(:distinct => true).select do |order| next false if only_fully_shipped && order.inventory_units.detect { |i| i.shipment.blank? }.blank? true end end self.product_in_taxon = true if params[:advanced_reporting] if params[:advanced_reporting][:taxon_id] && params[:advanced_reporting][:taxon_id] != '' self.taxon = Taxon.find(params[:advanced_reporting][:taxon_id]) end if params[:advanced_reporting][:product_id] && params[:advanced_reporting][:product_id] != '' self.product = Product.find(params[:advanced_reporting][:product_id]) end end if self.taxon && self.product && !self.product.taxons.include?(self.taxon) self.product_in_taxon = false end if self.product self.product_text = "Product: #{}
" end if self.taxon self.taxon_text = "Taxon: #{}
" end # Above searchlogic date settings self.date_text = "#{I18n.t("adv_report.base.range")}:" if self.unfiltered_params if self.unfiltered_params[:created_at_gt] != '' && self.unfiltered_params[:created_at_lt] != '' self.date_text += " From #{self.unfiltered_params[:created_at_gt]} to #{self.unfiltered_params[:created_at_lt]}" elsif self.unfiltered_params[:created_at_gt] != '' self.date_text += " After #{self.unfiltered_params[:created_at_gt]}" elsif self.unfiltered_params[:created_at_lt] != '' self.date_text += " Before #{self.unfiltered_params[:created_at_lt]}" # TODO this was pulled in from another branch and has some nice internationalization improvements # if self.unfiltered_params[:created_at_greater_than] != '' && self.unfiltered_params[:created_at_less_than] != '' # self.date_text += " #{I18n.t("adv_report.base.from")} #{self.unfiltered_params[:created_at_greater_than]} to #{self.unfiltered_params[:created_at_less_than]}" # elsif self.unfiltered_params[:created_at_greater_than] != '' # self.date_text += " #{I18n.t("adv_report.base.after")} #{self.unfiltered_params[:created_at_greater_than]}" # elsif self.unfiltered_params[:created_at_less_than] != '' # self.date_text += " #{I18n.t("adv_report.base.before")} #{self.unfiltered_params[:created_at_less_than]}" else self.date_text += " #{I18n.t("adv_report.base.all")}" end else self.date_text += " #{I18n.t("adv_report.base.all")}" end end def download_url(base, format, report_type = nil) elements = [] params[:advanced_reporting] ||= {} params[:advanced_reporting]["report_type"] = report_type if report_type if params [:search, :advanced_reporting].each do |type| if params[type] params[type].each { |k, v| elements << "#{type}[#{k}]=#{v}" } end end end base.gsub!(/^\/\//,'/') base + '.' + format + '?' + elements.join('&') end def revenue(order) rev = order.item_total if !self.product.nil? && product_in_taxon rev = { |li| li.product == self.product }.inject(0) { |a, b| a += b.quantity * b.price } elsif !self.taxon.nil? rev = { |li| li.product && li.product.taxons.include?(self.taxon) }.inject(0) { |a, b| a += b.quantity * b.price } end adjustment_revenue = order.adjustments.sum(:amount) rev += adjustment_revenue if rev > 0 self.product_in_taxon ? rev : 0 end def profit(order) profit = order.line_items.inject(0) { |profit, li| profit + (li.variant.price - li.variant.cost_price.to_f)*li.quantity } if !self.product.nil? && product_in_taxon profit = { |li| li.product == self.product }.inject(0) { |profit, li| profit + (li.variant.price - li.variant.cost_price.to_f)*li.quantity } elsif !self.taxon.nil? profit = { |li| li.product && li.product.taxons.include?(self.taxon) }.inject(0) { |profit, li| profit + (li.variant.price - li.variant.cost_price.to_f)*li.quantity } end profit += order.adjustments.sum(:amount) self.product_in_taxon ? profit : 0 end def units(order) units = order.line_items.sum(:quantity) if !self.product.nil? && product_in_taxon units = { |li| li.product == self.product }.inject(0) { |a, b| a += b.quantity } elsif !self.taxon.nil? units = { |li| li.product && li.product.taxons.include?(self.taxon) }.inject(0) { |a, b| a += b.quantity } end self.product_in_taxon ? units : 0 end def order_count(order) self.product_in_taxon ? 1 : 0 end def date_range if self.params[:search][:created_at_gt].to_date == self.params[:search][:created_at_lt].to_date self.params[:search][:created_at_gt].to_date.to_s else "#{self.params[:search][:created_at_gt].to_date} – #{self.params[:search][:created_at_lt].to_date}" end end end end