# encoding: UTF-8 module Wice module WgHash #:nodoc: class << self #:nodoc: # if there's a hash of hashes, the original structure and the # returned structure should not contain any shared deep hashes def deep_clone(hash) #:nodoc: cloned = hash.clone cloned.keys.each do |k| if cloned[k].kind_of?(Hash) cloned[k] = Wice::WgHash.deep_clone cloned[k] end end cloned end # Used to modify options submitted to view helpers. If there is no :klass option, # it will be added, if there is, the css class name will be appended to the existing # class name(s) def add_or_append_class_value!(hash, klass_value, prepend = false) #:nodoc: if hash.has_key?('class') hash[:class] = hash['class'] hash.delete('class') end hash[:class] = if hash.has_key?(:class) if prepend "#{klass_value} #{hash[:class]}" else "#{hash[:class]} #{klass_value}" end else klass_value end hash end # Used mostly for submitting options to view helpers, that is, like this: # content_tag(:th, col_link, Wice::WgHash.make_hash(:class, css_class)) # In some it is important that if the value is empty, no option # is submitted at all. Thus, there's a check for an empty value def make_hash(key, value) #:nodoc: value.blank? ? {} : {key => value} end # A deep merge of two hashes. # That is, if both hashes have the same key and the values are hashes, these two hashes should also be merged. # Used for merging two sets of params. def rec_merge(hash, other) #:nodoc: res = hash.clone other.each do |key, other_value| value = res[key] if value.is_a?(Hash) && other_value.is_a?(Hash) res[key] = rec_merge value, other_value else res[key] = other_value end end res end # Used to transform a traditional params hash # into an array of two element arrays where element zero is a parameter name as it appears in HTTP requests, # and the first element is the value: # { a: { b: 3, c: 4, d: { e: 5 }} }.parameter_names_and_values #=> [["a[d][e]", 5], ["a[b]", 3], ["a[c]", 4]] # The parameter is an optional array of parameter names to prepend: # { a: { b: 3, c: 4, d: { e: 5 }} }.parameter_names_and_values(['foo', 'baz']) #=> # [["foo[baz][a][d][e]", 5], ["foo[baz][a][b]", 3], ["foo[baz][a][c]", 4]] def parameter_names_and_values(hash, initial = []) #:nodoc: res = [] recursively_gather_finite_non_hash_values_with_key_path(hash, res, []) res.collect do |parameter_struct| parameter_struct[0] = initial + parameter_struct[0] [Wice::WgArray.to_parameter_name(parameter_struct[0]), parameter_struct[1]] end end protected def recursively_gather_finite_non_hash_values_with_key_path(hash, res, stack = []) #:nodoc: hash.each do |key, value| if value.kind_of?(Hash) recursively_gather_finite_non_hash_values_with_key_path(value, res, stack + [key]) else res << [stack + [key], value] end end end end end module WgEnumerable #:nodoc: # Used to check the validity of :custom_filter parameter of column def self.all_items_are_of_class(enumerable, klass) #:nodoc: return false if enumerable.empty? enumerable.inject(true){|memo, o| (o.is_a? klass) && memo} end end module WgArray #:nodoc: # Only used by Hash#parameter_names_and_values # Transforms ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] to 'foo[bar][baz]' def self.to_parameter_name(array) #:nodoc: array[0].to_s + (array[1..-1] || []).collect{|k| '[' + k.to_s + ']'}.join('') end end end # tag_options is a Rails views private method that takes a hash op options for # an HTM hash and produces a string ready to be added to the tag. # Here we are changing its visibility in order to be able to use it. module ActionView #:nodoc: module Helpers #:nodoc: module TagHelper #:nodoc: public :tag_options end end end module WGObjectExtensions #:nodoc: # takes a list of messages, sends message 1 to self, then message 2 is sent to the result of the first message, ans so on # returns nil as soon as the current receiver does not respond to such a message def deep_send(*messages) #:nodoc: obj = self messages.each do |message| if obj.respond_to? message obj = obj.send(message) else return nil end # return obj if obj.nil? end return obj end end class Object #:nodoc: include WGObjectExtensions end