require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper') require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/markup_app/app') describe "FormatHelpers" do include Padrino::Helpers::FormatHelpers def app MarkupDemo end def setup Time.stubs(:now).returns(Time.utc(1983, 11, 9, 5)) end context 'for #simple_format method' do should "format simple text into html format" do actual_text = simple_format("Here is some basic text...\n...with a line break.") assert_equal true, actual_text.html_safe? assert_equal "<p>Here is some basic text...\n<br />...with a line break.</p>", actual_text end should "format more text into html format" do actual_text = simple_format("We want to put a paragraph...\n\n...right there.") assert_equal "<p>We want to put a paragraph...</p>\n\n<p>...right there.</p>", actual_text end should "support defining a class for the paragraphs" do actual_text = simple_format("Look me! A class!", :class => 'description') assert_equal "<p class=\"description\">Look me! A class!</p>", actual_text end context 'wrapped in a custom tag' do should "format simple text into html format" do actual_text = simple_format("Here is some basic text...\n...with a line break.", :tag => :div) assert_equal "<div>Here is some basic text...\n<br />...with a line break.</div>", actual_text end should "format more text into html format" do actual_text = simple_format("We want to put a paragraph...\n\n...right there.", :tag => :div) assert_equal "<div>We want to put a paragraph...</div>\n\n<div>...right there.</div>", actual_text end should "support defining a class for the paragraphs" do actual_text = simple_format("Look me! A class!", :class => 'description', :tag => :div) assert_equal "<div class=\"description\">Look me! A class!</div>", actual_text end end end context 'for #pluralize method' do should "return singular count for 1 item collections" do actual_text = pluralize(1, 'person') assert_equal '1 person', actual_text end should "return plural count for empty collections" do actual_text = pluralize(0, 'person') assert_equal '0 people', actual_text end should "return plural count for many collections" do actual_text = pluralize(2, 'person') assert_equal '2 people', actual_text end should "return pluralized word specified as argument" do actual_text = pluralize(3, 'person', 'users') assert_equal '3 users', actual_text end end context 'for #word_wrap method' do should "return proper formatting for 8 max width" do actual_text = word_wrap('Once upon a time', :line_width => 8) assert_equal "Once\nupon a\ntime", actual_text end should "return proper formatting for 1 max width" do actual_text = word_wrap('Once upon a time', :line_width => 1) assert_equal "Once\nupon\na\ntime", actual_text end should "return proper formatting for default width" do actual_text = word_wrap((1..50).to_a.join(" ")) assert_equal (1..30).to_a.join(" ") + "\n" + (31..50).to_a.join(" "), actual_text actual_text = word_wrap((1..50).to_a.join(" "), 80) assert_equal (1..30).to_a.join(" ") + "\n" + (31..50).to_a.join(" "), actual_text end end context 'for #highlight method' do should 'highligth with defaults' do actual_text = highlight('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 'dolor') assert_equal 'Lorem ipsum <strong class="highlight">dolor</strong> sit amet', actual_text end should 'highlight with highlighter' do actual_text = highlight('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 'dolor', :highlighter => '<span class="custom">\1</span>') assert_equal 'Lorem ipsum <span class="custom">dolor</span> sit amet', actual_text end end context 'for #truncate method' do should "support default truncation" do actual_text = truncate("Once upon a time in a world far far away") assert_equal "Once upon a time in a world...", actual_text end should "support specifying length" do actual_text = truncate("Once upon a time in a world far far away", :length => 14) assert_equal "Once upon a...", actual_text end should "support specifying omission text" do actual_text = truncate("And they found that many people were sleeping better.", :length => 25, :omission => "(clipped)") assert_equal "And they found t(clipped)", actual_text end end context 'for #truncate_words method' do should "support default truncation" do actual_text = truncate_words("Long before books were made, people told stories. They told them to one another and to the children as they sat before the fire. Many of these stories were about interesting people, but most of them were about the ways of fairies and giants.") assert_equal "Long before books were made, people told stories. They told them to one another and to the children as they sat before the fire. Many of these stories were about...", actual_text end should "support specifying length" do actual_text = truncate_words("Once upon a time in a world far far away", :length => 8) assert_equal "Once upon a time in a world far...", actual_text end should "support specifying omission text" do actual_text = truncate_words("And they found that many people were sleeping better.", :length => 4, :omission => "(clipped)") assert_equal "And they found that(clipped)", actual_text end end context 'for #h and #h! method' do should "escape the simple html" do assert_equal '<h1>hello</h1>', h('<h1>hello</h1>') assert_equal '<h1>hello</h1>', escape_html('<h1>hello</h1>') end should "escape all brackets, quotes and ampersands" do assert_equal '<h1><>"&demo&"<></h1>', h('<h1><>"&demo&"<></h1>') end should "return default text if text is empty" do assert_equal 'default', h!("", "default") assert_equal ' ', h!("") end should "return text escaped if not empty" do assert_equal '<h1>hello</h1>', h!('<h1>hello</h1>') end should "mark escaped text as safe" do assert_equal false, '<h1>hello</h1>'.html_safe? assert_equal true, h('<h1>hello</h1>').html_safe? assert_equal true, h!("", "default").html_safe? end end context 'for #time_ago_in_words method' do should "less than 5 seconds" do assert_equal 'less than 5 seconds', time_ago_in_words(, true) end should "less than 10 seconds" do assert_equal 'less than 10 seconds', time_ago_in_words(, true) end should "less than 20 seconds" do assert_equal 'less than 20 seconds', time_ago_in_words(, true) end should "less than a minute" do assert_equal 'less than a minute', time_ago_in_words(, true) end should "2 minutes" do assert_equal '2 minutes', time_ago_in_words(, true) end should "display today" do assert_equal 'less than a minute', time_ago_in_words( end should "display yesterday" do assert_equal '1 day', time_ago_in_words( end should "display tomorrow" do assert_equal '1 day', time_ago_in_words( end should "return future number of days" do assert_equal '4 days', time_ago_in_words(4.days.from_now) end should "return past days ago" do assert_equal '4 days', time_ago_in_words(4.days.ago) end should "return formatted archived date" do assert_equal '3 months', time_ago_in_words(100.days.ago) end should "return formatted archived year date" do assert_equal 'over 1 year', time_ago_in_words(500.days.ago) end should 'display now as a minute ago' do assert_equal '1 minute', time_ago_in_words(1.minute.ago) end should "display a few minutes ago" do assert_equal '4 minutes', time_ago_in_words(4.minute.ago) end should "display an hour ago" do assert_equal 'about 1 hour', time_ago_in_words(1.hour.ago + 5.minutes.ago.sec) end should "display a few hours ago" do assert_equal 'about 3 hours', time_ago_in_words(3.hour.ago + 5.minutes.ago.sec) end should "display a day ago" do assert_equal '1 day', time_ago_in_words( end should "display a few days ago" do assert_equal '5 days', time_ago_in_words(5.days.ago - 5.minutes.ago.sec) end should "display a month ago" do assert_equal 'about 1 month', time_ago_in_words(32.days.ago + 5.minutes.ago.sec) end should "display a few months ago" do assert_equal '6 months', time_ago_in_words(180.days.ago - 5.minutes.ago.sec) end should "display a year ago" do assert_equal 'about 1 year', time_ago_in_words(365.days.ago - 5.minutes.ago.sec) end should "display a few years ago" do assert_equal 'over 7 years', time_ago_in_words(2800.days.ago - 5.minutes.ago.sec) end end context 'for #js_escape_html method' do should "escape double quotes" do assert_equal "\\\"hello\\\"", js_escape_html('"hello"') assert_equal "\\\"hello\\\"", js_escape_html('"hello"')) end should "escape single quotes" do assert_equal "\\'hello\\'", js_escape_html("'hello'") assert_equal "\\'hello\\'", js_escape_html("'hello'")) end should "escape html tags and breaks" do assert_equal "\\n\\n<p>hello<\\/p>\\n", js_escape_html("\n\r<p>hello</p>\r\n") assert_equal "\\n\\n<p>hello<\\/p>\\n", js_escape_html("\n\r<p>hello</p>\r\n")) end should "escape data-confirm attribute" do assert_equal "<data-confirm=\\\"are you sure\\\">", js_escape_html("<data-confirm=\"are you sure\">") assert_equal "<data-confirm=\\\"are you sure\\\">", js_escape_html("<data-confirm=\"are you sure\">")) end should "keep html_safe content html_safe" do assert_equal false, js_escape_html('"hello"').html_safe? assert_equal true, js_escape_html('"hello"')).html_safe? end end end