require 'thor' require 'tumblr' module Tumblr class CommandLineInterface < Thor include Thor::Actions default_task :pipe class_option :credentials, :type => :string, :desc => "The file path where your Tumblr OAuth keys are stored. Defaults to ~/.tumblr." class_option :host, :type => :string, :desc => 'The hostname of the blog you want to post to i.e. ""' check_unknown_options!(:except => []) desc "pipe", "Pipe post content in from STDIN" method_option :publish, :type => :boolean, :aliases => "-p", :desc => "Publish this post" method_option :queue, :type => :boolean, :aliases => "-q", :desc => "Add this post to the queue" method_option :draft, :type => :boolean, :aliases => "-d", :desc => "Save this post as a draft" long_desc <<-LONGDESC Publish a post to tumblr from STDIN for HOST. It is assumed that STDIN contains a document formatted according to `tumblr(5)`. If STDIN contains a URL, it will create a post using the same rules as `tumblr post`. Writes the serialized post to STDOUT. LONGDESC def pipe(*args) if !$stdin.tty? puts post($stdin).serialize else invoke :help end end desc "post | | ", "Posts to tumblr" method_option :publish, :type => :boolean, :aliases => "-p", :desc => "Publish this post" method_option :queue, :type => :boolean, :aliases => "-q", :desc => "Add this post to the queue" method_option :draft, :type => :boolean, :aliases => "-d", :desc => "Save this post as a draft" long_desc <<-LONGDESC Post a POST to Tumblr for HOST. If a FILE path is given, the file will be read and posted to Tumblr. It is assumed the post follows the `tumblr(5)` format. If the FILE is an audio, image, or video file, it will create the respective post type on tumblr. If a URL is given, a link post will be created. If URL is a YouTube or Vimeo link, it will create a video post. If URL is a SoundCloud or Spotify link, an audio post will be published. LONGDESC def post(arg) client = get_client post = if arg.respond_to? :read Tumblr::Post.load elsif File.file?(file_path = File.expand_path(arg)) Tumblr::Post.load_from_path file_path else Tumblr::Post.load arg.to_s end post.publish! if options[:publish] post.queue! if options[:queue] post.draft! if options[:draft] response = tumblr_error(response) unless response.success? ui_success %Q(Post was successfully created! Post ID: #{response.parse["response"]["id"]}) if $stdin.tty? post end desc "edit POST_ID", "Edit a post" long_desc "Open up your $EDITOR to edit a published post." long_desc <<-LONGDESC Get a post from Tumblr and edit it. Behaves similar to `git commit`, in that it will open up your editor in the foreground. Look for a $TUMBLREDITOR environment variable, and if that's not found, will use $EDITOR. LONGDESC def edit(id) client = get_client response = client.posts(:id => id, :filter => :raw).perform tumblr_error(response) unless response.success? post = Tumblr::Post.create(response.parse["response"]["posts"].first) require 'tempfile' tmp_file ="post_#{id}") tmp_file.write(post.serialize) tmp_file.rewind ui_abort "Something went wrong editing the post." unless system "#{editor} #{tmp_file.path}" edited_post = Tumblr::Post.load_from_path tmp_file.path edited_response = edited_post.edit(client).perform tumblr_error(edited_response) unless edited_response.success? ui_success "Post #{id} successfully edited." ensure if tmp_file tmp_file.close tmp_file.unlink end end desc "fetch POST_ID", "Fetch a post and write out its serialized form" def fetch(id) client = get_client response = client.posts(:id => id, :filter => :raw).perform tumblr_error(response) unless response.success? post = Tumblr::Post.create(response.parse["response"]["posts"].first) puts post.serialize post end desc "delete POST_ID", "Delete a post" def delete(id) client = get_client response = client.delete(:id => id).perform tumblr_error(response) unless response.success? ui_success "Post #{id} successfully deleted." end desc "list", "List Tumblr post_ids and URLs for posts" method_option :tag, :type => :string, :desc => "Post tag" method_option :type, :type => :string, :desc => "Post type: text, quote, link, answer, video, audio, photo, chat" def list() client = get_client posts = Tumblr::Post.perform client.posts(:tag => options[:tag], :type => options[:type], :filter => :text) ui_puts Hash[ {|post| [, post.post_url]} ].to_yaml end desc "backup ", "Download, serialize, and save all the public posts for HOST into DIR" long_desc <<-LONGDESC Download all of the public posts for the host tumblr, and save them into DIR. DIR, if absent, is the current working directory. The posts are written to .txt files with the filename {POST-ID}_{POST-SLUG}, or just the POST-ID if there is no slug. LONGDESC def backup(dir = Dir.getwd, offset = 0) backup_dir = File.expand_path(dir) unless && File.writable?(backup_dir) ui_abort "Can't write to directory: #{backup_dir}" end client = get_client response = client.posts(:filter => :raw, :offset => offset).perform tumblr_error(response) unless response.success? json = response.parse["response"] total_post_count = json["blog"]["posts"] ui_puts "Downloading #{total_post_count} posts to #{backup_dir}." if posts = json["posts"].map{|post| Tumblr::Post.create(post) } posts.each do |post| file_name = + (post.slug.empty? ? "" : "_#{post.slug}") + ".txt", file_name), "w") do |f| ui_puts "Writing file: #{f.path} for #{post.type} post #{}." f.write(post.serialize) end end new_offset = offset + posts.size if total_post_count > new_offset backup(dir, new_offset) else ui_success "Downloaded #{new_offset}/#{total_post_count} posts to #{backup_dir}" end end desc "authorize", "Authenticate and authorize the cli to post on your behalf" option :port, :type => :string, :default => "4567", :desc => "Use PORT" option :bind, :type => :string, :default => "", :desc => "listen on BIND" long_desc <<-LONGDESC `tumblr authorize` will start up a server (listening on BIND and PORT) running a small app to do the OAuth handshake with tumblr. The app will open in the default browser, allowing you to authenticate to Tumblr and authorize `tumblr` to do actions on your behalf. You will need to register an application and enter the consumer key and consumer secret. The application will write the OAuth keys to your CREDENTIALS file. After authorization, you will be prompted to return to your terminal and shut down the server (using CTRL-C). LONGDESC def authorize(*soak) require 'tumblr/authentication' require 'launchy' sinatra_options = { :port => options[:port], :bind => options[:bind], :credential_path => options[:credentials] }!(sinatra_options) do |server|"http://#{options[:bind]}:#{options[:port]}/") end if has_credentials? ui_success "Success! Your Tumblr OAuth credentials were written to #{credentials.path}" else ui_abort "Something went wrong in authorization, and credentials were not correctly written to #{credentials.path}" end end desc "version", "Print Tumblr version information" def version puts Tumblr::VERSION end private def credentials require 'tumblr/credentials'[:credentials] || ENV["TUMBLRCRED"]) end def editor ENV["TUMBLREDITOR"] || ENV["EDITOR"] end def has_credentials? ! end def check_credentials ui_abort "Unable to find your OAuth keys. Run `tumblr authorize` to authenticate with Tumblr." unless has_credentials? end def get_host return ENV["TUMBLRHOST"] if ENV["TUMBLRHOST"] host = ask("What is your Tumblr hostname?") if options[:host].nil? and $stdin.tty? host ||= options[:host] ui_abort "You need to provide a hostname i.e." if host.nil? or host.empty? host end def get_client check_credentials host = get_host Tumblr::Client.load host, options[:credentials] end def tumblr_error(response) parsed_response = response.parse msg = parsed_response["response"].empty? ? response.parse["meta"]["msg"] : parsed_response["response"]["errors"] ui_abort %Q(Tumblr returned a #{response.status} Error: #{msg}) end def ui_abort(msg, exit_status = 1) ui_puts msg, :red exit exit_status end def ui_success(msg) ui_puts msg, :green end def ui_puts(msg, color = nil) say msg, $stdout.tty? ? color : nil end end end