module Auth::Concerns::DeviseConcern extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do protect_from_forgery with: :null_session, if: { |c| c.request.format == 'application/json' } attr_accessor :m_client end ## so how to implement this ? ## just include the devise concern. ## and let it all through. ##returns true if the recaptcha is not specified in the configuration ##returns true if the recaptcha is valid. ##expects the parameter 'g-recaptcha-response' in the params hash ##if the request is json, and has the header os-android, then it will use the android_recaptcha_api_key as the secret key, otherwise will use the default recaptch_secret key that should have been configured in the pre-initializer. ##it is currently being called in the registrations_controller on create and update, and in the otp action send_sms_otp,verify_sms_otp. ##so all these are protected by recaptcha, but not on iphone. def check_recaptcha return true unless Auth.configuration.recaptcha recaptcha_options = {} if is_json_request? #puts "is json request." return true unless request.headers["OS-ANDROID"] #puts "android is there in headers." not_found("recaptcha validation error") unless Auth.configuration.third_party_api_keys[:android_recaptcha_secret_key] #puts "android key is there in config." recaptcha_options[:secret_key] = Auth.configuration.third_party_api_keys[:android_recaptcha_secret_key] end #puts "recaptcha_options are : #{recaptcha_options}" not_found("recaptcha validation error") unless verify_recaptcha(recaptcha_options) end def is_omniauth_callback? controller_name == "omniauth_callbacks" end def ignore_json_request if is_json_request? render :nothing => true, :status => 406 and return end end ##SHOULD WE OR NOT DELETE THE CLIENT AND REDIRECT URL? ##this was relevant only in the case of oauth visits ##suppose someone comes from remote with redir + client. ##these get set and stored in the session ##then he goes to oauth and comes back. ##by this time the instance variables are no more ##so we fall back on the session variables and redirect him ##the only worry was , that what if someone prompts the user to go to wordjelly with a redirect url of their choice. ##so what i do here right now is clear the instance redirect and client vars. ##then i set the client, if necessary from the session ##but while doing set_redirect_url i give first pref to the redir from the params, and then CHECK whether that is valid against the client already from the sessin. ##so basically they cannot be redirected to any url that is not stored against the client. ##so they can at the worst be redirected only to a url which was provided during client creation. ##so there is no need to delete the client from the session at every request, except if it is a json request. def clear_client_and_redirect_url session.delete('omniauth.state') if is_json_request? session.delete("client") session.delete("redirect_url") end end def set_client if session[:client] return true else #puts "params are: #{params.to_s}" #puts params[:state] #puts JSON.is_json?(params[:state]) #puts "---- end --- " state = nil api_key = nil current_app_id = nil path = nil if params[:state] && JSON.is_json?(params[:state]) state = JSON.parse(params[:state]) end if state api_key = state["api_key"] current_app_id = state["current_app_id"] path = state["path"] elsif params[:api_key] && params[:current_app_id] #puts "the params api key and current app id are there." api_key = params[:api_key] current_app_id = params[:current_app_id] else end if api_key.nil? || current_app_id.nil? else if session[:client] = Auth::Client.find_valid_api_key_and_app_id(api_key, current_app_id) #puts "found valid clinet." request.env["omniauth.model"] = path self.m_client = Auth::Client.find_valid_api_key_and_app_id(api_key, current_app_id) return true end end return false end end def is_json_request? return (request.format.symbol == :json) ? true : false end def protect_json_request ##should block any put action on the user ##and should render an error saying please do this on the server. ## if its an html or js request, then authentication token verification should be checked. ## if its a json request, then that doesnt need to be done if is_json_request? if action_name == "otp_verification_result" ##we let this action pass because, we make json ajax requests ##from the web ui to this endpoint, and anyway it does ##not return anything sensitive. #puts "action name is otp verification result." else #puts "action name is something else." if session[:client].nil? puts "cient is nil so rendering nothing." render :nothing => true , :status => :unauthorized else end end else if verify_authenticity_token == false render :nothing => true, :status => :unauthorized end end end def set_redirect_url # puts "the params redirect url is: #{params[:redirect_url]}" # puts "the session redirect url is: #{session[:redirect_url]}" redir_url = params[:redirect_url].nil? ? session[:redirect_url] : params[:redirect_url] #puts "redir url was: #{redir_url}" #puts "session[:client] is: #{session[:client]}" #puts "session[:client].redirect urls" #puts session[:client].redirect_urls #puts "does it contain the redirect url." #puts session[:client].contains_redirect_url?(redir_url) cli = session[:client] cli =[:client]) if session[:client].is_a? Hash if redir_url && session[:client] && cli.contains_redirect_url?(redir_url) && !(is_json_request?) session[:redirect_url] = redir_url end end def do_before_request clear_client_and_redirect_url set_client set_redirect_url protect_json_request end ##used only in render, redirect in DeviseController.class_eval def current_resource(resource) send("current_#{}") end end