# frozen_string_literal: true module DocumentExporter class Base def self.pdf_key(type) type == 'full' ? 'pdf' : "pdf_#{type}" end def initialize(document, options = {}) @document = document @options = options end def export raise NotImplementedError end # # Take into consideration that in one component materilas are uniq. So # just the first occurence of exluded material is removed # def included_materials(context_type: :default) parts = context_type == :default ? @document.document_parts.default : @document.document_parts.gdoc @included_materials ||= [].tap do |result| # Take non optional materials ONLY result.concat parts.general.pluck(:materials).flatten.compact @options[:excludes]&.each do |x| next unless (part = parts.find_by anchor: x) # if it's optional activity - add it # otherwise - delete it from result part.materials.compact.each do |id| part.optional? ? result.push(id) : result.delete_at(result.index(id)) end end end.map(&:to_i) end def ordered_materials(material_ids) @document.ordered_material_ids & material_ids end private def base_path(name) File.join('documents', 'pdf', name) end def render_template(path, layout:) field = path.starts_with?('/') ? :file : :template # Using backport of Rails 5 Renderer here Lcms::Engine::ApplicationController.render( field => path, layout: layout, locals: { document: @document, options: @options } ) end def template_path(name) base_path(name) end end end