## the index structure for redwood. interacts with ferret. require 'thread' require 'fileutils' require_gem 'ferret', ">= 0.10.13" module Redwood class IndexError < StandardError attr_reader :source def initialize source, s super s @source = source end end class Index include Singleton LOAD_THREAD_PETIT_DELAY = 0.1 LOAD_THREAD_GRAND_DELAY = 5 MESSAGES_AT_A_TIME = 10 attr_reader :index # debugging only def initialize dir=BASE_DIR @dir = dir @mutex = Mutex.new @load_thread = nil # loads new messages @sources = {} @sources_dirty = false self.class.i_am_the_instance self end def load load_sources load_index end def save FileUtils.mkdir_p @dir unless File.exists? @dir save_sources save_index end def add_source source raise "duplicate source!" if @sources.include? source @sources_dirty = true source.id ||= @sources.size source.id += 1 while @sources.member? source.id @sources[source.id] = source end def source_for name; @sources.values.find { |s| s.is_source_for? name }; end def usual_sources; @sources.values.find_all { |s| s.usual? }; end def load_index dir=File.join(@dir, "ferret") wsa = Ferret::Analysis::WhiteSpaceAnalyzer.new false sa = Ferret::Analysis::StandardAnalyzer.new analyzer = Ferret::Analysis::PerFieldAnalyzer.new wsa analyzer[:body] = sa if File.exists? dir Redwood::log "loading index" @index = Ferret::Index::Index.new(:path => dir, :analyzer => analyzer) else Redwood::log "creating index" field_infos = Ferret::Index::FieldInfos.new :store => :yes field_infos.add_field :message_id field_infos.add_field :source_id field_infos.add_field :source_info, :index => :no, :term_vector => :no field_infos.add_field :date, :index => :untokenized field_infos.add_field :body, :store => :no field_infos.add_field :label field_infos.add_field :subject field_infos.add_field :from field_infos.add_field :to field_infos.add_field :refs field_infos.add_field :snippet, :index => :no, :term_vector => :no field_infos.create_index dir @index = Ferret::Index::Index.new(:path => dir, :analyzer => analyzer) end end ## update the message by deleting and re-adding def update_message m, source=nil, source_info=nil docid, entry = load_entry_for_id m.id if entry source ||= entry[:source_id].to_i source_info ||= entry[:source_info].to_i end raise "no entry and no source info for message #{m.id}" unless source && source_info raise "deleting non-corresponding entry #{docid}" unless @index[docid][:message_id] == m.id @index.delete docid add_message m end def save_index fn=File.join(@dir, "ferret") # don't have to do anything apparently end def contains_id? id @index.search(Ferret::Search::TermQuery.new(:message_id, id)).total_hits > 0 end def contains? m; contains_id? m.id; end def size; @index.size; end ## you should probably not call this on a block that doesn't break ## rather quickly because the results will probably be, as we say ## in scotland, frikkin' huuuge. EACH_BY_DATE_NUM = 100 def each_id_by_date opts={} return if @index.size == 0 # otherwise ferret barfs query = build_query opts offset = 0 while true results = @index.search(query, :sort => "date DESC", :limit => EACH_BY_DATE_NUM, :offset => offset) Redwood::log "got #{results.total_hits} results for query (offset #{offset}) #{query.inspect}" results.hits.each { |hit| yield @index[hit.doc][:message_id], lambda { build_message hit.doc } } break if offset >= results.total_hits - EACH_BY_DATE_NUM offset += EACH_BY_DATE_NUM end end def num_results_for opts={} query = build_query opts x = @index.search(query).total_hits Redwood::log "num_results_for: have #{x} for query #{query}" x end SAME_SUBJECT_DATE_LIMIT = 7 def each_message_in_thread_for m, opts={} messages = {} searched = {} num_queries = 0 ## temporarily disabling subject searching because it's a ## significant slowdown. ## ## TODO: make this configurable, i guess if false date_min = m.date - (SAME_SUBJECT_DATE_LIMIT * 12 * 3600) date_max = m.date + (SAME_SUBJECT_DATE_LIMIT * 12 * 3600) q = Ferret::Search::BooleanQuery.new true sq = Ferret::Search::PhraseQuery.new(:subject) wrap_subj(Message.normalize_subj(m.subj)).split(/\s+/).each do |t| sq.add_term t end q.add_query sq, :must q.add_query Ferret::Search::RangeQuery.new(:date, :>= => date_min.to_indexable_s, :<= => date_max.to_indexable_s), :must pending = @index.search(q).hits.map { |hit| @index[hit.doc][:message_id] } Redwood::log "found #{pending.size} results for subject query #{q}" else pending = [m.id] end until pending.empty? || (opts[:limit] && messages.size >= opts[:limit]) id = pending.pop next if searched.member? id searched[id] = true q = Ferret::Search::BooleanQuery.new true q.add_query Ferret::Search::TermQuery.new(:message_id, id), :should q.add_query Ferret::Search::TermQuery.new(:refs, id), :should num_queries += 1 @index.search_each(q, :limit => :all) do |docid, score| break if opts[:limit] && messages.size >= opts[:limit] mid = @index[docid][:message_id] unless messages.member? mid messages[mid] ||= lambda { build_message docid } refs = @index[docid][:refs].split(" ") pending += refs end end end Redwood::log "ran #{num_queries} queries to build thread of #{messages.size} messages for #{m.id}" messages.each { |mid, builder| yield mid, builder } end ## builds a message object from a ferret result def build_message docid doc = @index[docid] source = @sources[doc[:source_id].to_i] #puts "building message #{doc[:message_id]} (#{source}##{doc[:source_info]})" raise "invalid source #{doc[:source_id]}" unless source begin raise "no snippet" unless doc[:snippet] Message.new source, doc[:source_info].to_i, doc[:label].split(" ").map { |s| s.intern }, doc[:snippet] rescue MessageFormatError => e raise IndexError.new(source, "error building message #{doc[:message_id]} at #{source}/#{doc[:source_info]}: #{e.message}") nil end end def start_load_thread return if @load_thread @load_thread = true @load_thread = ::Thread.new do while @load_thread load_some_entries ENTRIES_AT_A_TIME, LOAD_THREAD_PETIT_DELAY, LOAD_THREAD_GRAND_DELAY end end end def end_load_thread; @load_thread = nil; end def fresh_thread_id; @next_thread_id += 1; end def wrap_subj subj; "__START_SUBJECT__ #{subj} __END_SUBJECT__"; end def add_message m return false if contains? m source_id = if m.source.is_a? Integer m.source else m.source.id or raise "unregistered source #{m.source}" end to = (m.to + m.cc + m.bcc).map { |x| x.email }.join(" ") d = { :message_id => m.id, :source_id => source_id, :source_info => m.source_info, :date => m.date.to_indexable_s, :body => m.content, :snippet => m.snippet, :label => m.labels.join(" "), :from => m.from ? m.from.email : "", :to => (m.to + m.cc + m.bcc).map { |x| x.email }.join(" "), :subject => wrap_subj(Message.normalize_subj(m.subj)), :refs => (m.refs + m.replytos).join(" "), } @index.add_document d ## TODO: figure out why this is sometimes triggered #docid, entry = load_entry_for_id m.id #raise "just added message #{m.id} but couldn't find it in a search" unless docid true end def drop_entry docno; @index.delete docno; end def load_entry_for_id mid results = @index.search(Ferret::Search::TermQuery.new(:message_id, mid)) return if results.total_hits == 0 docid = results.hits[0].doc [docid, @index[docid]] end def load_contacts emails, h={} q = Ferret::Search::BooleanQuery.new true emails.each do |e| qq = Ferret::Search::BooleanQuery.new true qq.add_query Ferret::Search::TermQuery.new(:from, e), :should qq.add_query Ferret::Search::TermQuery.new(:to, e), :should q.add_query qq end q.add_query Ferret::Search::TermQuery.new(:label, "spam"), :must_not Redwood::log "contact search: #{q}" contacts = {} num = h[:num] || 20 @index.search_each(q, :sort => "date DESC", :limit => :all) do |docid, score| break if contacts.size >= num #Redwood::log "got message with to: #{@index[docid][:to].inspect} and from: #{@index[docid][:from].inspect}" f = @index[docid][:from] t = @index[docid][:to] if AccountManager.is_account_email? f t.split(" ").each { |e| #Redwood::log "adding #{e} because there's a message to him from account email #{f}"; contacts[Person.for(e)] = true } else #Redwood::log "adding from #{f} because there's a message from him to #{t}" contacts[Person.for(f)] = true end end contacts.keys.compact end protected ## TODO: convert this to query objects rather than strings def build_query opts query = "" query += opts[:labels].map { |t| "+label:#{t}" }.join(" ") if opts[:labels] query += " +label:#{opts[:label]}" if opts[:label] query += " #{opts[:content]}" if opts[:content] if opts[:participants] query += "+(" + opts[:participants].map { |p| "from:#{p.email} OR to:#{p.email}" }.join(" OR ") + ")" end query += " -label:spam" unless opts[:load_spam] || opts[:labels] == :spam || (opts[:labels] && opts[:labels].include?(:spam)) query += " -label:killed" unless opts[:load_killed] || opts[:labels] == :killed || (opts[:labels] && opts[:labels].include?(:killed)) query end def load_sources fn=Redwood::SOURCE_FN @sources = Hash[*(Redwood::load_yaml_obj(fn) || []).map { |s| [s.id, s] }.flatten] @sources_dirty = false end def save_sources fn=Redwood::SOURCE_FN if @sources_dirty || @sources.any? { |id, s| s.dirty? } FileUtils.mv fn, fn + ".bak", :force => true if File.exists? fn Redwood::save_yaml_obj @sources.values, fn end @sources_dirty = false end def load_some_entries max=ENTRIES_AT_A_TIME, delay1=nil, delay2=nil num = 0 begin @sources.each_with_index do |source, source_id| next if source.done? || num >= max source.each do |source_info, label| begin m = Message.new(source, source_info, label + [:inbox]) add_message m unless contains_id? m.id puts m.content.inspect num += 1 rescue MessageFormatError => e $stderr.puts "ignoring erroneous message at #{source}##{source_info}: #{e.message}" end break if num >= max sleep delay1 if delay1 end Redwood::log "loaded #{num} entries from #{source}" sleep delay2 if delay2 end ensure save_sources save_index end num end end end