# This file is part of PacketGen # See https://github.com/sdaubert/packetgen for more informations # Copyright (C) 2016 Sylvain Daubert # This program is published under MIT license. # frozen_string_literal: true module PacketGen module PcapNG # PcapNG::File is a complete Pcap-NG file handler. # @author Sylvain Daubert class File # Known link types KNOWN_LINK_TYPES = { LINKTYPE_ETHERNET => 'Eth', LINKTYPE_IEEE802_11 => 'Dot11', LINKTYPE_IEEE802_11_RADIOTAP => 'RadioTap', LINKTYPE_PPI => 'PPI', LINKTYPE_IPV4 => 'IP', LINKTYPE_IPV6 => 'IPv6' }.freeze # Get file sections # @return [Array] attr_accessor :sections def initialize @sections = [] end # Read a string to populate the object. Note that this appends new blocks to # the Pcapng::File object. # @param [String] str # @return [self] def read(str) PacketGen.force_binary(str) io = StringIO.new(str) parse_section(io) self end # Clear the contents of the Pcapng::File prior to reading in a new string. # This string should contain a Section Header Block and an Interface Description # Block to create a conform pcapng file. # @param [String] str # @return [self] def read!(str) clear read(str) end # Read a given file and analyze it. # If given a block, it will yield PcapNG::EPB or PcapNG::SPB objects. # This is the only way to get packet timestamps. # @param [String] fname pcapng file name # @yieldparam [EPB,SPB] block # @return [Integer] return number of yielded blocks (only if a block is given) # @raise [ArgumentError] cannot read +fname+ def readfile(fname, &blk) unless ::File.readable?(fname) raise ArgumentError, "cannot read file #{fname}" end ::File.open(fname, 'rb') do |f| parse_section(f) until f.eof? end return unless blk count = 0 @sections.each do |section| section.interfaces.each do |intf| intf.packets.each do |pkt| count += 1 yield pkt end end end count end # Give an array of raw packets (raw data from packets). # If a block is given, yield raw packet data from the given file. # @overload read_packet_bytes(fname) # @param [String] fname pcapng file name # @return [Array] array of packet raw data # @overload read_packet_bytes(fname) # @param [String] fname pcapng file name # @yieldparam [String] raw packet raw data # @yieldparam [Integer] interface's link_type from which packet was captured # @return [Integer] number of packets # @raise [ArgumentError] cannot read +fname+ def read_packet_bytes(fname, &blk) count = 0 packets = [] unless blk readfile(fname) do |packet| if blk count += 1 yield packet.data.to_s, packet.interface.link_type else packets << packet.data.to_s end end blk ? count : packets end # Return an array of parsed packets. # If a block is given, yield parsed packets from the given file. # @overload read_packets(fname) # @param [String] fname pcapng file name # @return [Array] # @overload read_packets(fname) # @param [String] fname pcapng file name # @yieldparam [Packet] packet # @return [Integer] number of packets # @raise [ArgumentError] cannot read +fname+ def read_packets(fname, &blk) count = 0 packets = [] unless blk read_packet_bytes(fname) do |packet, link_type| first_header = KNOWN_LINK_TYPES[link_type] parsed_pkt = if first_header.nil? # unknown link type, try to guess Packet.parse(packet) else Packet.parse(packet, first_header: first_header) end if blk count += 1 yield parsed_pkt else packets << parsed_pkt end end blk ? count : packets end # Return the object as a String # @return [String] def to_s @sections.map(&:to_s).join end # Clear the contents of the Pcapng::File. # @return [void] def clear @sections.clear end # Translates a {File} into an array of packets. # @param [Hash] options # @option options [String] :filename if given, object is cleared and filename # is analyzed before generating array. Else, array is generated from +self+ # @option options [String] :file same as +:filename+ # @option options [Boolean] :keep_timestamps if +true+ (default value: +false+), # generates an array of hashes, each one with timestamp as key and packet # as value. There is one hash per packet. # @option options [Boolean] :keep_ts same as +:keep_timestamp+ # @return [Array,Array] def file_to_array(options={}) filename = options[:filename] || options[:file] if filename clear readfile filename end ary = [] @sections.each do |section| section.interfaces.each do |itf| if options[:keep_timestamps] || options[:keep_ts] ary.concat(itf.packets.map { |pkt| { pkt.timestamp => pkt.data.to_s } }) else ary.concat(itf.packets.map { |pkt| pkt.data.to_s }) end end end ary end # Writes the {File} to a file. # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Boolean] :append (default: +false+) if set to +true+, # the packets are appended to the file, rather than overwriting it # @return [Array] array of 2 elements: filename and size written def to_file(filename, options={}) mode = if options[:append] && ::File.exist?(filename) 'ab' else 'wb' end ::File.open(filename, mode) { |f| f.write(self.to_s) } [filename, self.to_s.size] end alias to_f to_file # Shorthand method for writing to a file. # @param [#to_s] filename # @return [Array] see return value from {#to_file} def write(filename='out.pcapng') self.to_file(filename.to_s, append: false) end # Shorthand method for appending to a file. # @param [#to_s] filename # @return [Array] see return value from {#to_file} def append(filename='out.pcapng') self.to_file(filename.to_s, append: true) end # @overload array_to_file(ary) # Update {File} object with packets. # @param [Array] ary as generated by {#file_to_array} or Array of Packet objects. # Update {File} object without writing file on disk # @return [self] # @overload array_to_file(options={}) # Update {File} and/or write it to a file # @param [Hash] options # @option options [String] :filename file written on disk only if given # @option options [Array] :array can either be an array of packet data, # or a hash-value pair of timestamp => data. # @option options [Time] :timestamp set an initial timestamp # @option options [Integer] :ts_inc set the increment between timestamps. # Defaults to 1 # @option options [Boolean] :append if +true+, append packets to the end of # the file # @return [Array] see return value from {#to_file} def array_to_file(options={}) case options when Hash filename = options[:filename] || options[:file] ary = options[:array] || options[:arr] unless ary.is_a? Array raise ArgumentError, ':array parameter needs to be an array' end ts = options[:timestamp] || options[:ts] || Time.now ts_inc = options[:ts_inc] || 1 append = !options[:append].nil? when Array ary = options ts = Time.now ts_inc = 1 filename = nil append = false else raise ArgumentError, 'unknown argument. Need either a Hash or Array' end section = SHB.new @sections << section itf = IDB.new(endian: section.endian) classify_block section, itf ary.each_with_index do |pkt, i| case pkt when Hash this_ts = pkt.keys.first.to_i this_cap_len = pkt.values.first.to_s.size this_data = pkt.values.first.to_s else this_ts = (ts + ts_inc * i).to_i this_cap_len = pkt.to_s.size this_data = pkt.to_s end this_ts = (this_ts / itf.ts_resol).to_i this_tsh = this_ts >> 32 this_tsl = this_ts & 0xffffffff this_pkt = EPB.new(endian: section.endian, interface_id: 0, tsh: this_tsh, tsl: this_tsl, cap_len: this_cap_len, orig_len: this_cap_len, data: this_data) classify_block section, this_pkt end if filename self.to_f(filename, append: append) else self end end private # Parse a section. A section is made of at least a SHB. It than may contain # others blocks, such as IDB, SPB or EPB. # @param [IO] io # @return [void] def parse_section(io) shb = SHB.new type = Types::Int32.new(0, shb.endian).read(io.read(4)) io.seek(-4, IO::SEEK_CUR) shb = parse(type, io, shb) raise InvalidFileError, 'no Section header found' unless shb.is_a?(SHB) if shb.section_len.to_i != 0xffffffffffffffff # Section length is defined section = StringIO.new(io.read(shb.section_len.to_i)) until section.eof? shb = @sections.last type = Types::Int32.new(0, shb.endian).read(section.read(4)) section.seek(-4, IO::SEEK_CUR) parse(type, section, shb) end else # section length is undefined until io.eof? shb = @sections.last type = Types::Int32.new(0, shb.endian).read(io.read(4)) io.seek(-4, IO::SEEK_CUR) parse(type, io, shb) end end end # Parse a block from its type # @param [Types::Int32] type # @param [IO] io stream from which parse block # @param [SHB] shb header of current section # @return [void] def parse(type, io, shb) types = PcapNG.constants(false).select { |c| c.to_s =~ /_TYPE/ } .map { |c| [PcapNG.const_get(c).to_i, c] } types = Hash[types] if types.key?(type.to_i) klass = PcapNG.const_get(types[type.to_i].to_s.gsub(/_TYPE/, '').to_sym) block = klass.new(endian: shb.endian) else block = UnknownBlock.new(endian: shb.endian) end classify_block shb, block block.read(io) end # Classify block from its type # @param [SHB] shb header of current section # @param [Block] block block to classify # @return [void] def classify_block(shb, block) case block when SHB @sections << block when IDB shb << block block.section = shb when EPB shb.interfaces[block.interface_id] << block block.interface = shb.interfaces[block.interface_id] when SPB shb.interfaces[0] << block block.interface = shb.interfaces[0] else shb.unknown_blocks << block block.section = shb end end end end end