if PadrinoTasks.load?(:activerecord, defined?(ActiveRecord)) # Fixes for Yardoc YRI Building begin require 'active_record' require 'active_record/schema' rescue LoadError module ActiveRecord; end unless defined?(ActiveRecord) class ActiveRecord::Schema; end unless defined?(ActiveRecord::Schema) end namespace :ar do namespace :create do desc 'Create all the local databases defined in config/database.yml' task :all => :skeleton do ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.each_value do |config| # Skip entries that don't have a database key, such as the first entry here: # # defaults: &defaults # adapter: mysql # username: root # password: # host: localhost # # development: # database: blog_development # <<: *defaults next unless config[:database] # Only connect to local databases local_database?(config) { create_database(config) } end end end desc 'Create the database defined in config/database.yml for the current Padrino.env' task :create => :skeleton do create_database(ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.with_indifferent_access[Padrino.env]) end def create_database(config) begin if config[:adapter] =~ /sqlite/ if File.exist?(config[:database]) $stderr.puts "#{config[:database]} already exists" else begin # Create the SQLite database FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(config[:database]) unless File.exist?(File.dirname(config[:database])) ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(config) ActiveRecord::Base.connection rescue StandardError => e catch_error(:create, e, config) end end return # Skip the else clause of begin/rescue else ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(config) ActiveRecord::Base.connection end rescue case config[:adapter] when 'mysql', 'mysql2', 'em_mysql2', 'jdbcmysql' @charset = ENV['CHARSET'] || 'utf8' @collation = ENV['COLLATION'] || 'utf8_unicode_ci' creation_options = {:charset => (config[:charset] || @charset), :collation => (config[:collation] || @collation)} begin ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(config.merge(:database => nil)) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.create_database(config[:database], creation_options) ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(config) rescue StandardError => e $stderr.puts *(e.backtrace) $stderr.puts e.inspect $stderr.puts "Couldn't create database for #{config.inspect}, charset: #{config[:charset] || @charset}, collation: #{config[:collation] || @collation}" $stderr.puts "(if you set the charset manually, make sure you have a matching collation)" if config[:charset] end when 'postgresql' @encoding = config[:encoding] || ENV['CHARSET'] || 'utf8' begin ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(config.merge(:database => 'postgres', :schema_search_path => 'public')) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.create_database(config[:database], config.merge(:encoding => @encoding)) ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(config) rescue StandardError => e catch_error(:create, e, config) end end else $stderr.puts "#{config[:database]} already exists" end end namespace :drop do desc 'Drops all the local databases defined in config/database.yml' task :all => :skeleton do ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.each_value do |config| # Skip entries that don't have a database key next unless config[:database] begin # Only connect to local databases local_database?(config) { drop_database(config) } rescue StandardError => e catch_error(:drop, e, config) end end end end desc 'Drops the database for the current Padrino.env' task :drop => :skeleton do config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.with_indifferent_access[Padrino.env || :development] begin drop_database(config) rescue StandardError => e catch_error(:drop, e, config) end end def local_database?(config, &block) if %w( localhost ).include?(config[:host]) || !config[:host] yield else puts "This task only modifies local databases. #{config[:database]} is on a remote host." end end desc "Migrate the database through scripts in db/migrate and update db/schema.rb by invoking ar:schema:dump. Target specific version with MIGRATION_VERSION=x. Turn off output with VERBOSE=false." task :migrate => :skeleton do ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = ENV["VERBOSE"] ? ENV["VERBOSE"] == "true" : true ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrate("db/migrate/", env_migration_version) Rake::Task["ar:schema:dump"].invoke if ActiveRecord::Base.schema_format == :ruby end namespace :migrate do desc 'Rollbacks the database one migration and re migrate up. If you want to rollback more than one step, define STEP=x. Target specific version with MIGRATION_VERSION=x.' task :redo => :skeleton do if env_migration_version Rake::Task["ar:migrate:down"].invoke Rake::Task["ar:migrate:up"].invoke else Rake::Task["ar:rollback"].invoke Rake::Task["ar:migrate"].invoke end end desc 'Resets your database using your migrations for the current environment' task :reset => ["ar:drop", "ar:create", "ar:migrate"] desc 'Runs the "up" for a given MIGRATION_VERSION.' task(:up => :skeleton){ migrate_as(:up) } desc 'Runs the "down" for a given MIGRATION_VERSION.' task(:down => :skeleton){ migrate_as(:down) } end desc 'Rolls the schema back to the previous version. Specify the number of steps with STEP=n' task(:rollback => :skeleton){ move_as(:rollback) } desc 'Pushes the schema to the next version. Specify the number of steps with STEP=n' task(:forward => :skeleton){ move_as(:forward) } desc 'Drops and recreates the database from db/schema.rb for the current environment and loads the seeds.' task :reset => [ 'ar:drop', 'ar:setup' ] desc "Retrieves the charset for the current environment's database" task :charset => :skeleton do config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.with_indifferent_access[Padrino.env || :development] case config[:adapter] when 'mysql', 'mysql2', 'em_mysql2', 'jdbcmysql' ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(config) puts ActiveRecord::Base.connection.charset when 'postgresql' ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(config) puts ActiveRecord::Base.connection.encoding else puts 'sorry, your database adapter is not supported yet, feel free to submit a patch' end end desc "Retrieves the collation for the current environment's database" task :collation => :skeleton do config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.with_indifferent_access[Padrino.env || :development] case config[:adapter] when 'mysql', 'mysql2', 'em_mysql2', 'jdbcmysql' ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(config) puts ActiveRecord::Base.connection.collation else puts 'sorry, your database adapter is not supported yet, feel free to submit a patch' end end desc "Retrieves the current schema version number" task :version => :skeleton do puts "Current version: #{ActiveRecord::Migrator.current_version}" end desc "Raises an error if there are pending migrations" task :abort_if_pending_migrations => :skeleton do if defined? ActiveRecord pending_migrations = ActiveRecord::Migrator.open(ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths).pending_migrations if pending_migrations.any? puts "You have #{pending_migrations.size} pending migrations:" pending_migrations.each do |pending_migration| puts ' %4d %s' % [pending_migration.version, pending_migration.name] end abort %{Run "rake ar:migrate" to update your database then try again.} end end end desc 'Create the database, load the schema, and initialize with the seed data' task :setup => [ 'ar:create', 'ar:schema:load', 'seed' ] namespace :schema do desc "Create a db/schema.rb file that can be portably used against any DB supported by AR" task :dump => :skeleton do require 'active_record/schema_dumper' File.open(ENV['SCHEMA'] || Padrino.root("db", "schema.rb"), "w") do |file| ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.dump(ActiveRecord::Base.connection, file) end Rake::Task["ar:schema:dump"].reenable end desc "Load a schema.rb file into the database" task :load => :skeleton do file = ENV['SCHEMA'] || Padrino.root("db", "schema.rb") if File.exist?(file) load(file) else raise %{#{file} doesn't exist yet. Run "rake ar:migrate" to create it then try again. If you do not intend to use a database, you should instead alter #{Padrino.root}/config/boot.rb to limit the frameworks that will be loaded} end end end namespace :structure do desc "Dump the database structure to a SQL file" task :dump => :skeleton do config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.with_indifferent_access[Padrino.env] case config[:adapter] when "mysql", "mysql2", 'em_mysql2', "oci", "oracle", 'jdbcmysql' config = config.inject({}){|result, (key, value)| result[key.to_s] = value; result } ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.structure_dump(config, resolve_structure_sql) when "postgresql" ENV['PGHOST'] = config[:host] if config[:host] ENV['PGPORT'] = config[:port].to_s if config[:port] ENV['PGPASSWORD'] = config[:password].to_s if config[:password] search_path = config[:schema_search_path] if search_path search_path = search_path.split(",").map{|search_path| "--schema=#{search_path.strip}" }.join(" ") end `pg_dump -U "#{config[:username]}" -s -x -O -f db/#{Padrino.env}_structure.sql #{search_path} #{config[:database]}` raise "Error dumping database" if $?.exitstatus == 1 when "sqlite", "sqlite3" dbfile = config[:database] || config[:dbfile] `#{config[:adapter]} #{dbfile} .schema > db/#{Padrino.env}_structure.sql` when "sqlserver" `scptxfr /s #{config[:host]} /d #{config[:database]} /I /f db\\#{Padrino.env}_structure.sql /q /A /r` `scptxfr /s #{config[:host]} /d #{config[:database]} /I /F db\ /q /A /r` when "firebird" set_firebird_env(config) db_string = firebird_db_string(config) sh "isql -a #{db_string} > #{Padrino.root}/db/#{Padrino.env}_structure.sql" else raise "Task not supported by '#{config[:adapter]}'" end if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.supports_migrations? File.open(resolve_structure_sql, "a"){|f| f << ActiveRecord::Base.connection.dump_schema_information } end end end desc "Generates .yml files for I18n translations" task :translate => :environment do models = Dir["#{Padrino.root}/{app,}/models/**/*.rb"].map { |m| File.basename(m, ".rb") } models.each do |m| # Get the model class. klass = m.camelize.constantize # Avoid non ActiveRecord models. next unless klass.ancestors.include?(ActiveRecord::Base) # Init the processing. print "Processing #{m.humanize}: " FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{Padrino.root}/app/locale/models/#{m}") langs = Array(I18n.locale) # Create models for it and en locales. langs.each do |lang| filename = "#{Padrino.root}/app/locale/models/#{m}/#{lang}.yml" columns = klass.columns.map(&:name) # If the lang file already exist we need to check it. if File.exist?(filename) locale = File.open(filename).read columns.each do |c| locale += "\n #{c}: #{klass.human_attribute_name(c)}" unless locale.include?("#{c}:") end print "Lang #{lang.to_s.upcase} already exist ... "; $stdout.flush else locale = "#{lang}:" + "\n" + " models:" + "\n" + " #{m}:" + "\n" + " name: #{klass.model_name.human}" + "\n" + " attributes:" + "\n" + columns.map { |c| " #{c}: #{klass.human_attribute_name(c)}" }.join("\n") print "created a new for #{lang.to_s.upcase} Lang ... "; $stdout.flush end File.open(filename, "w") { |f| f.puts locale } end puts end end task :seed => :environment do missing_model_features = Padrino.send(:default_dependency_paths) - Padrino.send(:dependency_paths) Padrino.require_dependencies(missing_model_features) Rake::Task['db:seed'].invoke end end def drop_database(config) case config[:adapter] when 'mysql', 'mysql2', 'em_mysql2', 'jdbcmysql' ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(config) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.drop_database config[:database] when /^sqlite/ require 'pathname' path = Pathname.new(config[:database]) file = path.absolute? ? path.to_s : Padrino.root(path) FileUtils.rm(file) when 'postgresql' ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(config.merge(:database => 'postgres', :schema_search_path => 'public')) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.drop_database config[:database] end end def set_firebird_env(config) ENV["ISC_USER"] = config[:username].to_s if config[:username] ENV["ISC_PASSWORD"] = config[:password].to_s if config[:password] end def firebird_db_string(config) FireRuby::Database.db_string_for(config.symbolize_keys) end def catch_error(type, error, config) $stderr.puts *(error.backtrace) $stderr.puts error.inspect case type when :create $stderr.puts "Couldn't create database for #{config.inspect}" when :drop $stderr.puts "Couldn't drop #{config[:database]}" end end def migrate_as(type) version = env_migration_version fail "MIGRATION_VERSION is required" unless version ActiveRecord::Migrator.run(type, "db/migrate/", version) dump_schema end def move_as(type) step = ENV['STEP'] ? ENV['STEP'].to_i : 1 ActiveRecord::Migrator.send(type, 'db/migrate/', step) dump_schema end def dump_schema Rake::Task["ar:schema:dump"].invoke if ActiveRecord::Base.schema_format == :ruby end def resolve_structure_sql "#{Padrino.root}/db/#{Padrino.env}_structure.sql" end task 'db:migrate' => 'ar:migrate' task 'db:create' => 'ar:create' task 'db:drop' => 'ar:drop' task 'db:reset' => 'ar:reset' task 'db:setup' => 'ar:setup' end