require 'svgcode' require 'thor' require 'net/http' module Svgcode class CLI < Thor DEFAULT_POST_URL = 'http://linux-cnc.bmo:8080' DEFAULT_POST_NAME = 'file' desc 'parse SVG_PATH [--out OUT_PATH] [--comments]', 'parses an SVG file to a G-code file' option :out_path option :comments, type: :boolean long_desc <<-LONGDESC `svgcode parse ~/Desktop/img.svg` will save the G-code file as '~/Desktop/img.ngc'. Optionally set the --out-path flag to save the G-code file elsewhere \x5 e.g. `svgcode parse ~/Documents/img.svg --out-path ~/Desktop/` Optionally pass the --comments flag to print SVG IDs as comments \x5 e.g. `svgcode parse --comments ~/Desktop/img.svg` LONGDESC def parse(in_path) in_path = File.expand_path(in_path) raise "#{in_path} is not readable" unless File.readable?(in_path) svg_str = out_path = if options[:out_path].nil? in_path.gsub(/\.svg\Z/i, '.ngc') else File.expand_path(options[:out_path]) end opts = { comments: options[:comments] }, 'w') { |f| f << Svgcode.parse(svg_str, opts) } puts "G-code written to #{out_path}" end desc 'post NGC_PATH [--url URL] [--post-name POST_NAME]', 'posts an GCode file to a server' option :url, default: DEFAULT_POST_URL option :post_name, default: DEFAULT_POST_NAME long_desc <<-LONGDESC `svgcode post ~/Desktop/img.ngc` will post the GCode file to #{DEFAULT_POST_URL}. Optionally set the --url flag to post the GCode file elsewhere \x5 e.g. `svgcode post ~/Documents/img.ngc --url` Optionally pass the --post-name flag to name the file field something other than the default '#{DEFAULT_POST_NAME}' \x5 e.g. `svgcode post --post-name svgfile` LONGDESC def post(ngc_path) ngc_path = File.expand_path(ngc_path) raise "#{ngc_path} is not readable" unless File.readable?(ngc_path) uri = URI(options[:url]) request = form_data = [[options[:post_name],]] message = nil request.set_form form_data, 'multipart/form-data' response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) do |http| http.request(request) end puts response puts "G-code posted to #{options[:url]}" end end end