module Trinidad class << self attr_accessor :configuration end # Creates a new global configuration (unless already exists) and # (deep) merges the current values using the provided options. def self.configure(*args) config = ( self.configuration ||= ) args.compact! if options = args.shift options = Configuration.symbolize_options(options) args.each do |opts| opts = Configuration.symbolize_options(opts) options = Configuration.merge_options(options, opts) end config.update!(options) end yield config if block_given? config end # Forces a new global configuration using default and the provided options. def self.configure!(*args, &block) self.configuration = configure(*args, &block) end # Trinidad's (global) configuration instance. # Use Trinidad#configure to update and obtain the global instance or access # the instance using Trinidad#configuration class Configuration DEFAULTS = { :port => 3000, :address => 'localhost', :environment => 'development', :context_path => '/', :public => 'public', :java_lib => 'lib/java', :default_web_xml => 'config/web.xml', :jruby_min_runtimes => java.lang.System.getProperty('jruby.min.runtimes') || 1, :jruby_max_runtimes => java.lang.System.getProperty('jruby.max.runtimes') || 5, :log => 'INFO', :trap => true } def initialize(options = {}) @config = DEFAULTS.clone update!(options) end def [](name) @config[name.to_sym] end def []=(name, value) @config[name.to_sym] = value end def has_key?(name) @config.has_key?(name.to_sym) end alias_method :key?, :has_key? def keys @config.keys end def each(&block) @config.each(&block) end def update!(options) options.each do |key, value| self[key] = value.respond_to?(:strip) ? value.strip : value end end %w{ port address environment context_path java_lib libs_dir java_classes classes_dir default_web_xml jruby_min_runtimes jruby_max_runtimes jruby_compat_version rackup servlet rack_servlet default_servlet public hosts http ajp ssl extensions apps_base web_apps web_app_dir monitor reload_strategy log trap }.each do |method| class_eval "def #{method}; self[:'#{method}']; end" class_eval "def #{method}=(value); self[:'#{method}'] = value; end" end # TODO #deprecate libs_dir classes_dir servlet # a Hash like #symbolize helper def self.symbolize_options(options, deep = true) new_options = options.each do |key, value| if deep && value.is_a?(Array) # YAML::Omap is an Array array = new_options[key.to_sym] = value.each do |v| array << ( options_like?(v) ? symbolize_options(v, deep) : v ) end elsif deep && options_like?(value) new_options[key.to_sym] = symbolize_options(value, deep) else new_options[key.to_sym] = value end end new_options end # a Hash like deep_merge helper def self.merge_options(target, current, deep = true) return target unless current target_dup = target.dup current.keys.each do |key| target_dup[key] = if deep && options_like?(target[key]) && options_like?(current[key]) merge_options(target[key], current[key], deep) else current[key] end end target_dup end private def self.options_like?(object) object.is_a?(Hash) || ( object.respond_to?(:keys) && object.respond_to?(:'[]') ) end end end