begin; require 'simple_uuid'; rescue LoadError; end module HasTokenOn class LibraryNotPresent < StandardError #:nodoc: end module Base extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do after_initialize { |record| create_tokens(record, :initialize) if record.new_record? } before_create { |record| create_tokens(record, :create) } before_update { |record| create_tokens(record, :update) } end module ClassMethods # = has_token_on # # Simple yet customizable token generator # # == Declaration # # Declare this in your model to generate token on specified attributes. Declaration can either be: # # For single token with configuration: # # has_token_on :slug, :length => 3 # # For multiple tokens with same configuration: # # has_token_on [:slug, :permalink], :length => 3 # # For multiple tokens with individual configurations: # # has_token_on :slug, :length => 3 # has_token_on :permalink, :length => 5 # # Or using single hash: # # has_token_on :slug => { :length => 3 }, :permalink => { :length => 5 } # # == Options # # * :length - length of the token to generate # * :prepend - prepend something to the token string # * :append - append something to the token string # * :unique - should the token be unique among other record's tokens # * :if - sets the token only if Proc passed to this option returns true # * :on - specify when to set the token, possible options are: :initialize, :create, :update # * :seed - elements or functions used to generate hash. Possible options: # * :securerandom (default) uses ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.hex # * :guid uses simple_uuid gem (add it to your Gemfile!). # Length is ignored in this case. GUIDs are 36 characters long. # * ('a'..'z') a Range. Mixes the range elements up to specified length. # * lambda { 2 * 2 } a Proc. Executes proc, length param is ignored in this case. # def has_token_on(*args) @tokens ||= {} case args.first when String, Symbol @tokens[args.first] = args.last.kind_of?(Symbol) ? {} : args.last when Hash args.first.each { |token, config| @tokens[token] = config } when Array args.first.each { |token| @tokens[token] = args.last } end end # Returns Hash of tokens that are configured for specific class def tokens @tokens end end private def create_tokens(record, callback) return unless any_tokens? tokens_to_build_on(callback).each do |token, config| if !config.has_key?(:if) or (config.has_key?(:if) and config[:if].call(record)) begin self[token] = build_token(config) end while (config.has_key?(:unique) and config[:unique]) and token_is_nonunique?(token) end end end def build_token(config) defaults = { :length => 16, :prepend => "", :append => "", :seed => :securerandom } config = defaults.merge(config) return [config[:prepend], build_from_seed(config), config[:append] ].join end def build_from_seed(config) case config[:seed] when Symbol if config[:seed] == :securerandom SecureRandom.hex(config[:length]).first(config[:length]) elsif config[:seed] == :guid if simple_uuid_present? else raise LibraryNotPresent, "Supporting library SimpleUUID is not present. Add it to your Gemfile?" end end when Range, Array chars = config[:seed].to_a (0...config[:length]).collect { chars[Kernel.rand(chars.length)] }.join when Proc config[:seed].call.to_s end end def any_tokens? self.class.tokens && self.class.tokens.any? end def tokens_to_build_on(callback){ |token, config| if config.has_key?(:on) [config[:on]].flatten.include?(callback) else # if user didn't specify :on we set token before record create callback == :create end } end def simple_uuid_present? defined? ::SimpleUUID end end end