<%=image_tag("platform/platform5.png", :style => "height:100px;")%>

<%=tr('Welcome to the Rails Platform Engine') %>

<%=tr("Rails Platform Engine is a collection of tools, scripts and configurations that make any Rails application into an international development platform.")%> <%=tr("It comes with Application Directory, Developer Tools, Administration tools, Test tools and Help files that make the process of creating API and OAuth 2.0 authentication a piece of cake.")%>

<%=tr("If you are trying out Platform functionality, here are some helpful links to get started:")%>

<%=tr("URL Bookmarklet")%>

<%=tr("This sample application uses Bookmark object for API examples.")%> <%=tr("It uses a simple bookmarklet script to allow you to create a bookmark from any url you are looking at.")%> <%=tr("Drag the link below to your browser's toolbar or add it to your bookmark list:") %>

Post to Sample Application

<%=tr("When you're surfing the web and find a page that you want to bookmark, just click the \"Post to Sample Application\" button on your toolbar or choose it in your bookmark list.") %>