require "galileo/version" require "octokit" require "terminal-table/lib/terminal-table.rb" require "time/time-ago-in-words" require "colorize" require "netrc" require "api_cache" require "moneta" require "tmpdir" class Galileo def initialize(query) repos = [] config = unless config[""] puts "" # \n login = [(print 'GitHub Username: '), $stdin.gets.rstrip][1] password = [(print 'GitHub Password: '), $stdin.gets.rstrip][1] config[""] = login, password end Octokit.configure do |client| client.netrc = true client.auto_paginate = true end =, dir: Dir.tmpdir) repos = APICache.get("starred", fail: [], timeout: 20, cache: 3600) do repos = [] puts "" # \n puts "Searching the stars..." # GET Octokit.starred(Octokit.user.login).each do |repo| repos << [ || '', repo.description || '', repo.language || '', repo.owner.login || '', repo.stargazers_count || '', repo.updated_at || '' ] end repos end if repos.any? if query.any? languages = [] # If the language parameter if present if query.index('-l') languages = query.delete(query[query.index('-l') + 1]).split(',') query.delete('-l') end # Filter by the query! do |repo| # Join the arguments into a query q = query.join(' ').downcase repo[0].downcase.include?(q) or repo[1].downcase.include?(q) end # Sort by stars repos.sort_by! { |repo| -repo[4] } if query and repos.any? # If languages if languages.any?!(&:downcase)! do |repo| languages.include? repo[2].downcase end end end if repos.any? # Formatting! do |repo| repo[0] = repo[0].yellow # Language color-coating case repo[2] when 'Clojur' then repo[2] = repo[2].colorize(:light_red) when 'Ruby' then repo[2] = repo[2].red when 'CSS', 'CoffeeScript', 'Python' then repo[2] = repo[2].blue when 'Perl', 'Shell', 'Objective-C' then repo[2] = repo[2].colorize(:light_blue) when 'PHP', 'C#' then repo[2] = repo[2].magenta when 'Emacs Lisp', 'C++' then repo[2] = repo[2].colorize(:light_magenta) when 'Smalltalk' then repo[2] = repo[2].green when 'VimL', 'Scala' then repo[2] = repo[2].colorize(:light_green) when 'C' then repo[2] = repo[2].black when 'Go' then repo[2] = repo[2].yellow when 'Assembly', 'Java', 'JavaScript' then repo[2] = repo[2].colorize(:light_yellow) when 'Common Lisp' then repo[2] = repo[2].cyan end repo[4] = repo[4] repo[3] = repo[3].red repo[5] = repo[5].time_ago_in_words repo[6] = "{repo[3].uncolorize}/#{repo[0].uncolorize}".magenta repo end # Add separators repos = repos.product([:separator]).flatten(1)[0...-1] # Construct the table table = table.headings = ['Name', 'Description', 'Language', 'Author', 'Stars', 'Last Updated', 'Link (⌘ + Click)'] table.rows = repos[0..20] = { width: `/usr/bin/env tput cols`.to_i } # Print the table puts "\n#{table}\n\n" else puts "\nNo results for that query.\n\n" end else puts "\nNo results found. Have you starred any repos? Have you exceeded your rate limit?\n\n" end end def self.refresh FileUtils.rm_rf(Dir.tmpdir)[]) end end