# Copyright 2011-2012 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --- :api_version: '2010-12-01' :operations: - :name: DeleteIdentity :method: :delete_identity :inputs: Identity: - :string - :required :outputs: :children: DeleteIdentityResult: :ignore: true - :name: DeleteVerifiedEmailAddress :method: :delete_verified_email_address :inputs: EmailAddress: - :string - :required :outputs: :children: DeleteVerifiedEmailAddressResult: :ignore: true - :name: GetIdentityDkimAttributes :method: :get_identity_dkim_attributes :inputs: Identities: - :membered_list: - :string - :required :outputs: :children: GetIdentityDkimAttributesResult: :ignore: true :children: DkimAttributes: :ignore: true :children: entry: :rename: :dkim_attributes :map: - key - value :children: value: :children: DkimEnabled: :type: :boolean DkimTokens: :ignore: true :children: member: :rename: :dkim_tokens :list: true - :name: GetIdentityNotificationAttributes :method: :get_identity_notification_attributes :inputs: Identities: - :membered_list: - :string - :required :outputs: :children: GetIdentityNotificationAttributesResult: :ignore: true :children: NotificationAttributes: :ignore: true :children: entry: :rename: :notification_attributes :map: - key - value :children: value: :children: ForwardingEnabled: :type: :boolean - :name: GetIdentityVerificationAttributes :method: :get_identity_verification_attributes :inputs: Identities: - :membered_list: - :string - :required :outputs: :children: GetIdentityVerificationAttributesResult: :ignore: true :children: VerificationAttributes: :ignore: true :children: entry: :rename: :verification_attributes :map: - key - value - :name: GetSendQuota :method: :get_send_quota :inputs: {} :outputs: :children: GetSendQuotaResult: :ignore: true :children: Max24HourSend: :type: :float MaxSendRate: :type: :float SentLast24Hours: :type: :float - :name: GetSendStatistics :method: :get_send_statistics :inputs: {} :outputs: :children: GetSendStatisticsResult: :ignore: true :children: SendDataPoints: :ignore: true :children: member: :rename: :send_data_points :list: true :children: Timestamp: :type: :time DeliveryAttempts: :type: :integer Bounces: :type: :integer Complaints: :type: :integer Rejects: :type: :integer - :name: ListIdentities :method: :list_identities :inputs: IdentityType: - :string NextToken: - :string MaxItems: - :integer :outputs: :children: ListIdentitiesResult: :ignore: true :children: Identities: :ignore: true :children: member: :rename: :identities :list: true - :name: ListVerifiedEmailAddresses :method: :list_verified_email_addresses :inputs: {} :outputs: :children: ListVerifiedEmailAddressesResult: :ignore: true :children: VerifiedEmailAddresses: :ignore: true :children: member: :rename: :verified_email_addresses :list: true - :name: SendEmail :method: :send_email :inputs: Source: - :string - :required Destination: - :structure: ToAddresses: - :membered_list: - :string CcAddresses: - :membered_list: - :string BccAddresses: - :membered_list: - :string - :required Message: - :structure: Subject: - :structure: Data: - :string - :required Charset: - :string - :required Body: - :structure: Text: - :structure: Data: - :string - :required Charset: - :string Html: - :structure: Data: - :string - :required Charset: - :string - :required - :required ReplyToAddresses: - :membered_list: - :string ReturnPath: - :string :outputs: :children: SendEmailResult: :ignore: true - :name: SendRawEmail :method: :send_raw_email :inputs: Source: - :string Destinations: - :membered_list: - :string RawMessage: - :structure: Data: - :blob - :required - :required :outputs: :children: SendRawEmailResult: :ignore: true - :name: SetIdentityDkimEnabled :method: :set_identity_dkim_enabled :inputs: Identity: - :string - :required DkimEnabled: - :boolean - :required :outputs: :children: SetIdentityDkimEnabledResult: :ignore: true - :name: SetIdentityFeedbackForwardingEnabled :method: :set_identity_feedback_forwarding_enabled :inputs: Identity: - :string - :required ForwardingEnabled: - :boolean - :required :outputs: :children: SetIdentityFeedbackForwardingEnabledResult: :ignore: true - :name: SetIdentityNotificationTopic :method: :set_identity_notification_topic :inputs: Identity: - :string - :required NotificationType: - :string - :required SnsTopic: - :string :outputs: :children: SetIdentityNotificationTopicResult: :ignore: true - :name: VerifyDomainDkim :method: :verify_domain_dkim :inputs: Domain: - :string - :required :outputs: :children: VerifyDomainDkimResult: :ignore: true :children: DkimTokens: :ignore: true :children: member: :rename: :dkim_tokens :list: true - :name: VerifyDomainIdentity :method: :verify_domain_identity :inputs: Domain: - :string - :required :outputs: :children: VerifyDomainIdentityResult: :ignore: true - :name: VerifyEmailAddress :method: :verify_email_address :inputs: EmailAddress: - :string - :required :outputs: :children: VerifyEmailAddressResult: :ignore: true - :name: VerifyEmailIdentity :method: :verify_email_identity :inputs: EmailAddress: - :string - :required :outputs: :children: VerifyEmailIdentityResult: :ignore: true