# RBPDF Template Plugin A template plugin allowing the inclusion of ERB-enabled RBPDF template files. ## ## ## RBPDF Version (The New or UTF8 Version) ## ## * Use UTF-8 encoding. * RTL (Right-To-Left) languages support. * HTML tag support. * CSS minimum support. * Image - 8bit PNG image support without RMagick library. - PNG(with alpha channel)/JPEG/GIF image support. (use RMagick library) ## ## Installing RBPDF ## RBPDF is distributed via RubyGems, and can be installed the usual way that you install gems: by simply typing `gem install rbpdf` on the command line. == If you are using HTML, it is recommended you install: ``` gem install htmlentities ``` If you are using image file, it is recommended you install: ``` gem install rmagick ``` RBPDF Example of simple use in .html.erb: ``` <% @pdf = RBPDF.new() @pdf.set_margins(15, 27, 15) @pdf.set_font('FreeSans','', 8) @pdf.add_page() @pdf.write(5, "text\n", '') %><%==@pdf.output()%> ``` RBPDF Japanese Example of simple use in .html.erb: ``` <% @pdf = RBPDF.new() @pdf.set_margins(15, 27, 15) @pdf.set_font('kozminproregular','', 8) @pdf.add_page() @pdf.write(5, "UTF-8 Japanese text.\n", '') %><%==@pdf.output()%> ``` See the following files for sample of useage: test_unicode.rbpdf utf8test.txt logo_example.png ENJOY!