<%% title h(@<%=parent_singular_name%>.title) %> <%%= stylesheet( 'dust_<%=parent_singular_name%>','<%=parent_singular_name%>_uploadify') %> <%% content_for :head do %> <%%= javascript_include_tag 'dragsort', 'dust_<%=parent_singular_name%>' %> <%% end -%> <%%= render :partial => "upload_script" %>
<%%= link_to "", edit_<%=parent_singular_name%>_path(@<%=parent_singular_name%>), :class => 'edit' %> <%%= link_to "", @<%=parent_singular_name%>, :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete, :class => 'destroy' %>

<%%= link_to @<%=parent_singular_name%>.title, view_<%=parent_singular_name%>_path(@<%=parent_singular_name%>.filename) %>

<%%= simple_format(h(@<%=parent_singular_name%>.desc)) %>

<%%= link_to image_tag('save_position.png'), <%=child_plural_name%>_path, :id => 'order_<%=child_plural_name%>' %>

<%%= pluralize(@<%=parent_singular_name%>.<%=child_plural_name%>.size, "<%=child_class_name%>")%> <%% unless @<%=parent_singular_name%>.<%=child_plural_name%>.empty? %> | <%%= link_to "Select <%=child_plural_class_name%> For Deletion", manage_<%=child_plural_name%>_path(@<%=parent_singular_name%>, :format => 'html'), :class => 'settings' %> <%% end %>

Drag <%=child_plural_name%> to reorder them. Don't forget to hit the save order button when your done.

<%% content_for :left do -%>

Add <%=child_plural_class_name%> to <%%= @<%=parent_singular_name%>.title.titleize %>

<%% form_for @new_<%=child_singular_name%>, :html => {:multipart => true} do |f| %> <%%= f.hidden_field :<%=parent_singular_name%>_id, "value" => @<%=parent_singular_name%>.id %>
<%%= image_submit_tag "upload.png", :id => "<%=child_singular_name%>_submit", :name => 'commit' %> <%%= f.file_field :file %>
<%% end %>
<%% end -%>