# -*- ruby -*- # load all optional developer libraries begin require 'rubygems' require 'rake/gempackagetask' rescue LoadError end begin require 'webgen/webgentask' require 'webgen/page' require 'webgen/website' rescue LoadError end begin gem 'rdoc' if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' require 'rdoc/task' require 'rdoc/rdoc' class RDoc::RDoc alias :old_parse_files :parse_files def parse_files(options) file_info = old_parse_files(options) require 'kramdown/options' # Add options documentation to Kramdown::Options module opt_module = RDoc::TopLevel.all_classes_and_modules.find {|m| m.full_name == 'Kramdown::Options'} opt_defs = Kramdown::Options.definitions.sort.collect do |n, definition| desc = definition.desc.split(/\n/).map {|l| " #{l}"} desc[-2] = [] desc = desc.join("\n") "[#{n} (type: #{definition.type}, default: #{definition.default.inspect})]\n#{desc}\n\n" end opt_module.comment << "\n== Available Options\n\n" << opt_defs.join("\n\n") file_info end end rescue LoadError end begin require 'rubyforge' rescue LoadError end begin require 'rcov/rcovtask' rescue LoadError end require 'fileutils' require 'rake/clean' require 'rake/testtask' require 'rake/packagetask' require 'erb' $:.unshift('lib') require 'kramdown' # End user tasks ################################################################ task :default => :test desc "Install using setup.rb" task :install do ruby "setup.rb config" ruby "setup.rb setup" ruby "setup.rb install" end task :clobber do ruby "setup.rb clean" end if defined? Webgen desc "Generate the HTML documentation" Webgen::WebgenTask.new('htmldoc') do |site| site.clobber_outdir = true site.config_block = lambda do |config| config['sources'] = [['/', "Webgen::Source::FileSystem", 'doc']] config['output'] = ['Webgen::Output::FileSystem', 'htmldoc'] config.default_processing_pipeline('Page' => 'erb,tags,kramdown,blocks,fragments') config.optionsdisplay.items [], :mandatory => 'default' config.kdlink.oid nil, :mandatory => true config.kdlink.part nil, :mandatory => true config['contentprocessor.tags.map']['options'] = 'OptionsDisplay' config['contentprocessor.tags.map']['kdexample'] = 'KDExample' config['contentprocessor.tags.map']['kdlink'] = 'KDLink' end end end if defined? RDoc::Task rd = RDoc::Task.new do |rdoc| rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'htmldoc/rdoc' rdoc.title = 'kramdown' rdoc.main = 'README' rdoc.rdoc_files.include('lib', 'README') end end if defined?(Webgen) && defined?(RDoc::Task) desc "Build the whole user documentation" task :doc => [:rdoc, 'htmldoc'] end tt = Rake::TestTask.new do |test| test.warning = true test.libs << 'test' end # Release tasks and development tasks ############################################ namespace :dev do SUMMARY = 'kramdown is a fast, pure-Ruby Markdown-superset converter.' DESCRIPTION = < ChangeLog` end CLOBBER << 'CONTRIBUTERS' file 'CONTRIBUTERS' do puts "Generating CONTRIBUTERS file" `echo " Count Name" > CONTRIBUTERS` `echo "======= ====" >> CONTRIBUTERS` `git log | grep ^Author: | sed 's/^Author: //' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr >> CONTRIBUTERS` end CLOBBER << "man/man1/kramdown.1" file 'man/man1/kramdown.1' => ['man/man1/kramdown.1.erb'] do puts "Generating kramdown man page" File.open('man/man1/kramdown.1', 'w+') do |file| file.write(ERB.new(File.read('man/man1/kramdown.1.erb')).result(binding)) end end Rake::PackageTask.new('kramdown', Kramdown::VERSION) do |pkg| pkg.need_tar = true pkg.need_zip = true pkg.package_files = PKG_FILES end if defined? Gem spec = Gem::Specification.new do |s| #### Basic information s.name = 'kramdown' s.version = Kramdown::VERSION s.summary = SUMMARY s.description = DESCRIPTION #### Dependencies, requirements and files s.files = PKG_FILES.to_a s.require_path = 'lib' s.executables = ['kramdown'] s.default_executable = 'kramdown' #### Documentation s.has_rdoc = true s.rdoc_options = ['--main', 'README'] s.extra_rdoc_files = 'README' #### Author and project details s.author = 'Thomas Leitner' s.email = 't_leitner@gmx.at' s.homepage = "http://kramdown.rubyforge.org" s.rubyforge_project = 'kramdown' end Rake::GemPackageTask.new(spec) do |pkg| pkg.need_zip = true pkg.need_tar = true end end if defined?(RubyForge) && defined?(Webgen) && defined?(Gem) && defined?(Rake::RDocTask) desc 'Release Kramdown version ' + Kramdown::VERSION task :release => [:clobber, :package, :publish_files, :publish_website, :post_news] end if defined? RubyForge desc "Upload the release to Rubyforge" task :publish_files => [:package] do print 'Uploading files to Rubyforge...' $stdout.flush rf = RubyForge.new rf.configure rf.login rf.userconfig["release_notes"] = REL_PAGE.blocks['content'].content.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT') rf.userconfig["preformatted"] = false files = %w[.gem .tgz .zip].collect {|ext| "pkg/kramdown-#{Kramdown::VERSION}" + ext} rf.add_release('kramdown', 'kramdown', Kramdown::VERSION, *files) sh "gem push pkg/kramdown-#{Kramdown::VERSION}.gem" puts 'done' end desc 'Post announcement to rubyforge.' task :post_news do print 'Posting announcement to Rubyforge ...' $stdout.flush rf = RubyForge.new rf.configure rf.login content = REL_PAGE.blocks['content'].content content += "\n\n\nAbout kramdown\n\n#{SUMMARY}\n\n#{DESCRIPTION}" rf.post_news('kramdown', "kramdown #{Kramdown::VERSION} released", content) puts "done" end end desc "Upload the website to Rubyforge" task :publish_website => ['doc'] do sh "rsync -avc --delete --exclude 'MathJax' --exclude 'robots.txt' htmldoc/ gettalong@rubyforge.org:/var/www/gforge-projects/kramdown/" end if defined? Rcov Rcov::RcovTask.new do |rcov| rcov.libs << 'test' end end CODING_LINE = "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n" COPYRIGHT=< # # This file is part of kramdown. # # kramdown is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . #++ # EOF desc "Insert/Update copyright notice" task :update_copyright do inserted = false Dir["lib/**/*.rb"].each do |file| if !File.read(file).start_with?(CODING_LINE + COPYRIGHT) inserted = true puts "Updating file #{file}" old = File.read(file) if !(result = old.gsub!(/\A#{Regexp.escape(CODING_LINE)}#\n#--.*?\n#\+\+\n#\n/m, CODING_LINE + COPYRIGHT)) old.gsub!(/\A(#{Regexp.escape(CODING_LINE)})?/, CODING_LINE + COPYRIGHT + "\n") end File.open(file, 'w+') {|f| f.puts(old)} end end puts "Look through the above mentioned files and correct all problems" if inserted end end task :clobber => ['dev:clobber'] # Helper methods and misc ################################################################### if defined? Webgen class OptionsDisplay include Webgen::Tag::Base def call(tag, body, context) param('optionsdisplay.items').collect do |opt| Kramdown::Options.definitions[opt] end.collect do |term| lines = term.desc.split(/\n/) first = lines.shift rest = lines[0..-2].collect {|l| " " + l}.join("\n") "`#{term.name}`\n: #{first}\n#{rest}\n\n" end.join("\n") end end require 'cgi' class KDExample include Webgen::Tag::Base def call(tag, body, context) body.strip! result = ::Kramdown::Document.new(body, :auto_ids => false).to_html before = "
" after = "
" afterhtml = "
" "
" end end class KDLink include Webgen::Tag::Base def call(tag, body, context) link = "→ Syntax for #{param('kdlink.part')}" "" end end end