// Text Shadow @import "compass/support"; // These defaults make the arguments optional for this mixin // If you like, set different defaults in your project $default-text-shadow-color : #aaa !default; $default-text-shadow-h-offset : 0px !default; $default-text-shadow-v-offset : 0px !default; $default-text-shadow-blur : 1px !default; $default-text-shadow-spread : false !default; // Provides cross-browser text shadows when one or more shadows are needed. // Each shadow argument should adhere to the standard css3 syntax for the // text-shadow property. // // Note: if any shadow has a spread parameter, this will cause the mixin // to emit the shadow declaration twice, first without the spread, // then with the spread included. This allows you to progressively // enhance the browsers that do support the spread parameter. @mixin text-shadow( $shadow... ) { $shadow: if(length($shadow) > 0, $shadow, default); $default: -compass-space-list(compact($default-text-shadow-h-offset $default-text-shadow-v-offset $default-text-shadow-blur $default-text-shadow-spread $default-text-shadow-color)); $shadows-without-spread: join((),(),comma); $shadows: join((),(),comma); $has-spread: false; @each $layer in $shadow { $layer: if($layer == 'default', $default, $layer); @if length($layer) > 4 { $has-spread: true; $shadows-without-spread: append($shadows-without-spread, nth($layer,1) nth($layer,2) nth($layer,3) nth($layer,5)); $shadows: append($shadows, $layer); } @else { $shadows-without-spread: append($shadows-without-spread, $layer); $shadows: append($shadows, $layer); } } @if $has-spread { text-shadow: $shadows-without-spread; } text-shadow: $shadows; } // Provides a single cross-browser CSS text shadow. // // Provides sensible defaults for the color, horizontal offset, vertical offset, blur, and spread // according to the configuration defaults above. @mixin single-text-shadow( $hoff: false, $voff: false, $blur: false, $spread: false, $color: false ) { // A lot of people think the color comes first. It doesn't. @if type-of($hoff) == color { $temp-color: $hoff; $hoff: $voff; $voff: $blur; $blur: $spread; $spread: $color; $color: $temp-color; } // Can't rely on default assignment with multiple supported argument orders. $hoff: if($hoff, $hoff, $default-text-shadow-h-offset); $voff: if($voff, $voff, $default-text-shadow-v-offset); $blur: if($blur, $blur, $default-text-shadow-blur ); $spread: if($spread, $spread, $default-text-shadow-spread ); $color: if($color, $color, $default-text-shadow-color ); // We don't need experimental support for this property. @if $color == none or $hoff == none { @include text-shadow(none); } @else { @include text-shadow(compact($hoff $voff $blur $spread $color)); } }