require 'spec_helper' describe "People" do before(:all) do cmd_str = 'rails g controller_scaffolding people index new create edit update destroy' cmd_str << ' --template-engine=haml --quiet --force --skip-assets --skip-test-framework --skip-helper' puts "\n#{cmd_str}" %x(#{cmd_str}) # puts "\n\nRELOADING ROUTES FILE:\n\n" # puts %x(cat config/routes.rb) #Reload changed resources Rails.application.reload_routes! end after(:all) do cmd_str = 'rails d controller_scaffolding people index new create edit update destroy' cmd_str << ' --template-engine=haml --quiet --force --skip-assets --skip-test-framework --skip-helper' puts "\n#{cmd_str}" %x(#{cmd_str}) end describe "Index" do it "displays the correct columns in the correct order" do visit people_path th_arr = first("table.outer-list").first("thead").all("th") { |th| th.text.strip }.reject(&:blank?).should eq ["First name", "Last name", "Email", "Title", "Dob", "Is manager"] end describe "Pagination" do describe "page info" do describe "multiple items" do before(:each) do (1..31).each do |i| FactoryGirl.create(:person) end end it "shows the correct page info message" do visit people_path page.should have_content("Displaying 1 - 15 of 31 People") visit people_path(page: "2", per_page: "15") page.should have_content("Displaying 16 - 30 of 31 People") visit people_path(per_page: "100") page.should have_content("Displaying all 31 People") end end describe "one item", :js => true do before { FactoryGirl.create(:person) } it "shows the correct page info message" do visit people_path page.should have_content("Displaying 1 Person") end end describe "zero items" do it "shows the correct page info message" do visit people_path page.should have_content("No entries found") end end end describe "page navigation" do before(:each) do (1..31).each do |i| FactoryGirl.create(:person) end end describe "items per page" do it "displays 15 per page by default" do visit people_path people_displayed(page).should == 15 end it "displays 20 items per page when selected by user", :js => true do visit people_path select("20", from: "People per page:") people_displayed(page).should == 20 expect(page).to have_select("per_page", selected: '20') #Assert js reselects proper val end it "displays 10 items per page when selected by user", :js => true do visit people_path select("10", from: "People per page:") people_displayed(page).should == 10 end it "displays all items per page when selected by user", :js => true do visit people_path select("All", from: "People per page:") people_displayed(page).should == 31 expect(page).to have_select("per_page", selected: 'All') end end describe "pagination links" do it "responds correctly to user", :js => true do visit people_path(page: "1", per_page: "10") page.should have_content("Displaying 1 - 10 of 31 People") click_link("2") page.should have_content("Displaying 11 - 20 of 31 People") first("a.previous_page").click #Previous link first("table.outer-list").first(:xpath, "tbody/tr/td").text.should eq Person.find(1).first_name first("a.next_page").click #Next link first("table.outer-list").first(:xpath, "tbody/tr/td").text.should eq Person.find(11).first_name end end end end describe "Links" do before { @person = FactoryGirl.create(:person) } it "allows user to edit" do visit people_path click_link("Edit") current_path.should eq edit_person_path(@person) end it "allows user to delete", :js => true do visit people_path expect { click_link("Del") page.driver.browser.switch_to.alert.accept sleep 1 }.to change(Person, :count).by(-1) end end describe "Search and Sort" do it "displays a search box and a find and clear button", :js => false do visit people_path page.should have_selector("input#search_for") page.should have_selector("button#submit-search") page.should have_selector("button#clear-search") end #This one fails intermittently when all specs run together as "rspec spec" it "displays a sort select list populated with all of the correct options", :js => false do pending "test fails intermittently depending on the context it is run in" visit people_path sel_opts = ["First name","First name [desc]","Last name","Last name [desc]","Email", "Email [desc]","Title", "Title [desc]","Dob","Dob [desc]","Is manager","Is manager [desc]"] sleep 1 page.should have_select('sort_by', :options => sel_opts) end it "clears the search", :js => true do visit people_path fill_in("search_for", :with => "Search Text") click_button("clear-search") first("input#search_for").value.should eq "" end describe "has functional sort capability" do before(:each) do (1..50).each do FactoryGirl.create(:person, first_name: "John_#{Random.rand(1..99)}", last_name: "Doe_#{Random.rand(1..99)}", email: "johndoesemail_#{Random.rand(1..99)}") end end #This one fails intermittently when all specs run together as "rspec spec" it "sorts by last name descending when selected", :js => true do pending "test fails intermittently depending on the context it is run in" visit people_path sleep 1 select("Last name [desc]", :from => "sort_by") sleep 0.5 last_names = all(:xpath, "//table/tbody/tr[@class='item']/td[2]") == end end describe "has functional search capability", :js => true do before(:each) do FactoryGirl.create(:person, first_name: "Fred", last_name: "Bradley") FactoryGirl.create(:person, first_name: "Brad", last_name: "Johnson") FactoryGirl.create(:person, first_name: "John", last_name: "Williams") FactoryGirl.create(:person, first_name: "Will", last_name: "Farley") FactoryGirl.create(:person, first_name: "Joseph", email: "") end it "returns only rows that have first or last name matching case-insensitive 'wIlL'", :js => false do visit people_path people_displayed(page).should eq 5 fill_in("search_for", :with => "wIlL") click_button("submit-search") people_displayed(page).should eq 2 end end end end describe "New/Edit Form" do describe "fields" do it "new form has the correct field labels in the correct order" do visit new_person_path field_labels = page.all(:xpath, "//form[@class='new_person']/table[@class='outer']/tr/td/label").map(&:text) field_labels.should eq ["First name", "Last name", "Email", "Title", "Dob", "Is manager"] end it "edit form has the correct field labels in the correct order" do person = FactoryGirl.create(:person) visit edit_person_path(person) field_labels = page.all(:xpath, "//form[@class='edit_person']/table[@class='outer']/tr/td/label").map(&:text) field_labels.should eq ["First name", "Last name", "Email", "Title", "Dob", "Is manager"] end describe "values" do it "adds the correct values to its fields", :js => true do visit new_person_path fill_in("First name", :with => "Johnathan") fill_in("Last name", :with => "Jones") fill_in("Email", :with => "") fill_in("Title", :with => "Sales Rep") dt = ( - 2.years) set_rails_datetime(dt, "person_dob") click_button("Save & Back to List") page.should have_content("Created Person successfully") page.should have_content("Johnathan") page.should have_content("Jones") page.should have_content("") page.should have_content("Sales Rep") #TODO: Pain to test datetime because of UTC...may just wait until datepicker functionality is added #page.should have_content(dt.utc) end it "updates its fields correctly", :js => false do person = FactoryGirl.create(:person, dob: ( - 2.years)) visit edit_person_path(person) fill_in("First name", :with => "Jerry") fill_in("Last name", :with => "James") fill_in("Email", :with => "") fill_in("Title", :with => "Manager") dt = ( - 1.year) set_rails_datetime(dt, "person_dob") click_button("Save & Back to List") page.should have_content("Updated Person successfully") page.should have_content("Jerry") page.should have_content("James") page.should have_content("") page.should have_content("Manager") #TODO: Pain to test datetime because of UTC...may just wait until datepicker functionality is added #page.should have_content(dt.utc) end end end #Note: if this fails make sure the person model has the "validates :first_name" call it "displays validation errors" do visit new_person_path click_button("Save & Back to List") page.should have_content("Unable to create Person for the following 1 reason:") page.should have_content("First name can't be blank") end describe "form submission landing page and flash messages" do it "redirects to the index page with success message" do visit new_person_path fill_in("First name", :with => "John") click_button("Save & Back to List") page.should have_content("Created Person successfully") current_path.should eq people_path end it "redirects to the new page with success message" do visit new_person_path fill_in("First name", :with => "John") click_button("Save & Reload") page.should have_content("Created Person successfully") current_path.should eq new_person_path end it "redirects to the edit page with success message" do person = FactoryGirl.create(:person) visit edit_person_path(person) fill_in("First name", :with => "John") click_button("Save & Reload") page.should have_content("Updated Person successfully") current_path.should eq edit_person_path(person) end end #TODO: it has the correct field types (may be tough to test) end end