module DeviseOtp module Devise class TokensController < DeviseController include ::Devise::Controllers::Helpers prepend_before_action :ensure_credentials_refresh prepend_before_action :authenticate_scope! protect_from_forgery :except => [:clear_persistence, :delete_persistence] # # Displays the status of OTP authentication # def show if resource.nil? redirect_to stored_location_for(scope) || :root else render :show end end # # Updates the status of OTP authentication # def update enabled = params[resource_name][:otp_enabled] == '1' if (enabled ? resource.enable_otp! : resource.disable_otp!) otp_set_flash_message :success, :successfully_updated end render :show end # # Resets OTP authentication, generates new credentials, sets it to off # def destroy if resource.reset_otp_credentials! otp_set_flash_message :success, :successfully_reset_creds end redirect_to :action => :show end # # makes the current browser persistent # def get_persistence if otp_set_trusted_device_for(resource) otp_set_flash_message :success, :successfully_set_persistence end redirect_to :action => :show end # # clears persistence for the current browser # def clear_persistence if otp_clear_trusted_device_for(resource) otp_set_flash_message :success, :successfully_cleared_persistence end redirect_to :action => :show end # # rehash the persistence secret, thus, making all the persistence cookies invalid # def delete_persistence if otp_reset_persistence_for(resource) otp_set_flash_message :notice, :successfully_reset_persistence end redirect_to :action => :show end # # # def recovery respond_to do |format| format.html format.js format.text do send_data render_to_string(template: "#{controller_path}/recovery_codes"), filename: "otp-recovery-codes.txt", format: "text" end end end private def ensure_credentials_refresh ensure_resource! if needs_credentials_refresh?(resource) otp_set_flash_message :notice, :need_to_refresh_credentials redirect_to refresh_otp_credential_path_for(resource) end end def scope resource_name.to_sym end def self.controller_path "#{::Devise.otp_controller_path}/tokens" end end end end