require 'configurator' describe Configurator do it "extends objects without exploding" do lambda { class FooBar extend Configurator end }.should_not raise_error end describe "mixed into a class" do before do class TestClass extend Configurator end end it "defines a `config` method" do TestClass.should respond_to(:config) end describe "adds a `config` method that" do it "accepts a block" do lambda { TestClass.config { inspect } }.should_not raise_error end it "executes the block in the context of the configured class' new configuration instance" do TestClass.config.should_receive(:puts).and_return(nil) TestClass.config { puts "ohai" } end end describe "adds an `option` method that" do it "allows developers to declare class-level options" do TestClass.send(:option, :do_something) TestClass.config.defaults.key?(:do_something).should be_true end it "allows developers to declare defaults on options" do TestClass.send(:option, :do_something, true) TestClass.config.defaults[:do_something].should be_true end it "defines getter methods on the config class method" do TestClass.send(:option, :do_something) TestClass.config.do_something.should be_nil end it "defines setter methods on the class" do TestClass.send(:option, :do_something) lambda { TestClass.config.do_something = "ohai" }.should_not raise_error end describe "that adds a class-level accessor that" do it "returns default values when a developer has not overriden it" do TestClass.send(:option, :do_something, "now!") TestClass.config.do_something.should == "now!" end it "returns overriden values when a developer has overriden them" do TestClass.send(:option, :do_something, "now!") TestClass.config do do_something "later..." end TestClass.config.do_something.should == "later..." end it "uses a lambda to defer processing until it's called" do TestClass.send(:option, :payment_method, lambda { defined?(Paypal) ? :paypal : :plinq }) TestClass.config.payment_method.should == :plinq end it "returns nil when a value is explicitly nil" do TestClass.send(:option, :current_user_method, :current_user) TestClass.config.current_user_method.should == :current_user TestClass.config do current_user_method nil end TestClass.config.current_user_method.should be_nil end it "accepts a setter format" do TestClass.send(:option, :do_something, "now!") TestClass.config.do_something = "later..." TestClass.config.do_something.should == "later..." end end end describe '#option with sub-options' do before :each do TestClass.send(:option, :advanced_options) do option :bitrate, 1024 option :fps, 30 end end it "accepts a block that creates a sub-configuration" do TestClass.config.advanced_options.bitrate.should == 1024 TestClass.config.advanced_options.fps.should == 30 end it "accepts a hash that for a sub-configuration" do TestClass.config.advanced_options = { bitrate: 2000, fps: 60 } TestClass.config.advanced_options.bitrate.should == 2000 TestClass.config.advanced_options.fps.should == 60 end it "doesn't overwrite a defaults hash if you set one value but not the other" do TestClass.config.advanced_options = {bitrate: 2000} TestClass.config.advanced_options.bitrate.should == 2000 TestClass.config.advanced_options.fps.should == 30 end it "accepts even MORE options below the other ones, yo" do TestClass.send(:option, :sub) do option(:name, :face) option(:sub) do option(:name, :fiz) end end == :face == :fiz end it "allows block format for writing options" do TestClass.config do advanced_options do bitrate 2048 fps 60 end end TestClass.config.advanced_options.bitrate.should == 2048 TestClass.config.advanced_options.fps.should == 60 end end it "adds an `options` method that defines many options with default nil values" do TestClass.should_receive(:option).once.with(:host) TestClass.should_receive(:option).once.with(:api_key) TestClass.send :options, :host, :api_key end end end