@pull Feature: Pull code from salesforce As a developer I want to be able to retrieve code from a sandbox Scenario: Retrieve code from the default sandbox When I run `sf pull` Then the exit status should be 0 And the file "/tmp/sfdt-test/build.xml" should match /sf:retrieve/ And the file "/tmp/sfdt-test/build.xml" should match /retrieveTarget/ And the file "/tmp/sfdt-test/build.xml" should match /unpackaged/ And the output should match: """ ^INFO: Pulling changes from testEnv using url https://test.salesforce.com.*OK """ Scenario: Retrieve code from a specific sandbox When I run `sf pull -s testEnvAlt` Then the exit status should be 0 And the file "/tmp/sfdt-test/build.xml" should match /sf:retrieve/ And the output should match: """ ^INFO: Pulling changes from testEnvAlt using url https://test.salesforce.com.*OK """ Scenario: Retrieve code from a sandbox using a specific URL Given I set the environment variables to: | variable | value | | SFDT_SALESFORCE_URL | https://invalid_url.salesforce.com | When I run `sf pull` Then the exit status should be 1 And the file "/tmp/sfdt-test/build.xml" should match /sf:retrieve/ And the output should match: """ ^INFO: Pulling changes from testEnv using url https://invalid_url.* """ Scenario: Retrieve code from a production When I run `sf pull -s prod` Then the exit status should be 0 And the file "/tmp/sfdt-test/build.xml" should match /sf:retrieve/ And the output should match: """ ^INFO: Pulling changes from prod using url https://login.salesforce.com.*OK$ """ Scenario: Retrieve code from the default sandbox with debug output When I run `sf pull -d` Then the exit status should be 0 And the file "/tmp/sfdt-test/build.xml" should match /sf:retrieve/ And the output should contain "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" And the output should match: """ ^INFO: Pulling changes from testEnv using url https://test.salesforce.com.* """ Scenario: Retrieve code from a specific sandbox with debug output When I run `sf pull -s testEnv -d` Then the exit status should be 0 And the file "/tmp/sfdt-test/build.xml" should match /sf:retrieve/ And the output should contain "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" And the output should match: """ ^INFO: Pulling changes from testEnv using url https://test.salesforce.com.*$ """ @ant Scenario: Retrieve code from the default sandbox with debug output and specifying ant library path When I run `sf pull -d -l lib/ant34.jar` Then the exit status should be 0 And the file "/tmp/sfdt-test/build.xml" should match /sf:retrieve/ And the output should match: """ ^INFO: Pulling changes from testEnv using url https://test.salesforce.com $ ^$ ^AntLibraryFile: .*lib/ant34.jar$ ^Buildfile: .*$ ^$ ^retrieveCode:$ """ @ant Scenario: Retrieve code from the default sandbox with debug output and specifying ant library path Given I set the environment variables to: | variable | value | | SFDT_ANT_LIB | lib/ant34.jar | When I run `sf pull -d` Then the exit status should be 0 And the file "/tmp/sfdt-test/build.xml" should match /sf:retrieve/ And the output should match: """ ^INFO: Pulling changes from testEnv using url https://test.salesforce.com $ ^$ ^AntLibraryFile: .*lib/ant34.jar$ ^Buildfile: .*$ ^$ ^retrieveCode:$ """ @ant Scenario: Retrieve code from the default sandbox with debug output and specifying a wrong ant library path When I run `sf pull -d -l lib/invalid_ant34.jar` Then the exit status should be 1 And the output should match: """ ^error: ant library file .* not found$ """