require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/integrity' require 'spec' module NotifierSpecHelper def self.included(mod) mod.before(:each) { Integrity.stub!(:config).and_return(:base_uri => "http://localhost:4567") } end class Integrity::Notifier::Stub < Integrity::Notifier::Base def self.to_haml "" end def deliver! nil end end def mock_build(messages={}) messages = { :project => stub("project", :name => "Integrity", :permalink => "integrity"), :commit_identifier => "e7e02bc669d07064cdbc7e7508a21a41e040e70d", :short_commit_identifier => "e7e02b", :status => :success, :successful? => true, :commit_message => "the commit message", :commit_author => stub("author", :name => "Nicolás Sanguinetti"), :commited_at => Time.mktime(2008, 07, 25, 18, 44), :output => "the output \e[31mwith color coding\e[0m" }.merge(messages) @build ||= stub("build", messages) end def notifier_config(overrides={}) @config ||= overrides end def notifier @notifier ||= stub("notifier", :method_missing => nil) end def the_form(locals = {}) locals = { :config => {} }.merge(locals) require 'haml' @form ||=, locals) end end describe "A notifier", :shared => true do it "should have a `notify_of_build' class method" do klass.should respond_to(:notify_of_build) end it "should have a `to_haml' class method" do klass.should respond_to(:to_haml) end end module DatabaseSpecHelper def self.included(mod) mod.before(:each) { setup_database! } end def setup_database! DataMapper.setup(:default, 'sqlite3::memory:') DataMapper.auto_migrate! end end module AppSpecHelper def self.included(mod) require 'rspec_hpricot_matchers' require Integrity.root / 'spec/form_field_matchers' mod.send(:include, DatabaseSpecHelper) mod.send(:include, RspecHpricotMatchers) mod.send(:include, FormFieldHpricotMatchers) end def mock_project(messages={}) messages = { :name => "Integrity", :permalink => "integrity", :new_record? => false, :uri => "git://", :branch => "master", :command => "rake", :public? => true, :builds => [], :config_for => {}, :build => nil, :update_attributes => true, :save => true, :destroy => nil, :errors => stub("errors", :on => nil), :notifies? => false, :enable_notifiers => nil, :building? => true }.merge(messages) @project ||= stub("project", messages) end def mock_build(messages={}) messages = { :status => :success, :successful? => true, :output => 'output', :project => @project, :commit_identifier => '9f6302002d2259c05a64767e0dedb15d280a4848', :commit_author => mock("author", :name => 'Nicolás Sanguinetti', :email => '', :full =>'Nicolás Sanguinetti ' ), :commited_at => Time.mktime(2008, 7, 24, 17, 15), :commit_message => "Add Object#tap for versions of ruby that don't have it" }.merge(messages) messages[:short_commit_identifier] = messages[:commit_identifier][0..5] mock('build', messages) end def disable_basic_auth! Integrity.stub!(:config).and_return(:use_basic_auth => false) end def enable_basic_auth! Integrity.stub!(:config).and_return(:use_basic_auth => true, :admin_username => 'user', :admin_password => 'pass') end end