en: lita: handlers: jira: error: already_identified: "You are already identified as %{email}" not_identified: You do not have an email address on record request: Error fetching JIRA issue help: identify: syntax: jira identify desc: Associate your chat user with your email address forget: syntax: jira forget desc: Remove your chat user / email association whoami: syntax: jira whoami desc: Show your chat user / email association comment: syntax: jira comment on desc: Adds to details: syntax: jira details desc: Shows detailed information for summary: syntax: jira desc: Shows summary for todo: syntax: todo "" [""] desc: Creates an issue in with and optionally myissues: syntax: jira myissues desc: If identified, will display a list of issues currently assigned to you identify: stored: "You have been identified as %{email} to JIRA" deleted: You have been de-identified from JIRA email: "You are identified with JIRA as %{email}" issue: created: "Issue %{key} created" details: "[%{key}] %{summary}\nStatus: %{status}, assigned to: %{assigned}, fixVersion: %{fixVersion}, priority: %{priority}\n%{url}" oneline: "%{url} - %{status}, %{assigned} - %{summary}" summary: "%{key}: %{summary}" comment: added: "Comment added to %{issue}" myissues: empty: "You do not have any assigned issues. Great job!" info: "Here are issues currently assigned to you:"