namespace :iro do ## 2023-03-31 _vp_ Continue. # if > + 8.5.hours && # < + 15.hours # end # desc 'alert on stock price action' task alert_stocks: :environment do while true ::Iro::Iro.alert_stocks print '.' sleep 45 # seconds end end ## 2023-03-31 _vp_ Done, unused. desc 'alert stocks test' task alert_stocks_test: :environment do tickers_str = kind: ::Iro::OptionWatch::KIND_STOCK ).map(&:ticker).join(',') if tickers_str.present? out = Tda::Stock.get_quotes( tickers_str ) kind: ::Iro::OptionWatch::KIND_STOCK ).each do |watch| if watch.direction == Iro::OptionWatch::DIRECTION_ABOVE && out[watch.ticker][:mark] >= watch.mark || watch.direction == Iro::OptionWatch::DIRECTION_BELOW && out[watch.ticker][:mark] <= watch.mark IshManager::ApplicationMailer.stock_alert( ).deliver_later watch.update_attributes({ state: Iro::OptionWatch::STATE_INACTIVE }) end end end end ## 2023-02-04 _vp_ :: Continue ## 2023-02-06 _vp_ :: LFG desc 'The runner that populates the db for graphing' task :get_chains => :environment do while true ::Iro::Iro.get_chains print '.' # sleep 5 * 60 # 5 minutes sleep 55 * 60 # 1 hr end end desc 'Get BTC, ETH price from coinmarketcap' task :get_coins => :environment do while true ::Iro::Iro.get_coins print '.' # sleep 5 * 60 # 5 minutes sleep 55 * 60 # 1 hr end end desc 'Get COP from currencyfreaks, cron' task :get_currencies => :environment do ::Iro::Iro.get_currencies puts 'ok' end desc 'get gme short %' task :get_gme_short_availability_and_fee => :environment do errors = ::Iro::Iro.get_gme_short_availability_and_fee puts errors.presence || '.' end ## 2023-03-10 _vp_ Continue. desc 'get stocks' task get_stocks: :environment do while true ::Iro::Iro.get_stocks print '.' # sleep 45 # seconds sleep 55 * 60 # 1 hr end end ## 2023-02-06 _vp_ :: Continue ## 2023-02-08 _vp_ :: Continue ## 2023-03-18 _vp_ :: Continue ## 2023-03-19 _vp_ :: Continue, it's intense desc 'watch positions' task watch_positions: :environment do while true do |position| position.refresh if position.should_roll? position.update({ next_delta: position.next_position[:delta], next_outcome: position.next_outcome, next_symbol: position.next_symbol, status: Iro::Position::STATE_PROPOSED, }) out = IroMailer.should_roll({ next_symbol: position.next_symbol, prev_symbol: position.prev_symbol, }) Rails.env.production? ? out.deliver_later : out.deliver_now print '+' end end print '.' sleep 15 * 60 # 15 min # sleep 60 * 60 # 1 hr end end end