# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'spec_helpers')) require 'fileutils' describe Artifact do before do @spec = { :group=>'com.example', :id=>'library', :type=>:jar, :version=>'2.0' } @artifact = artifact(@spec) @classified = artifact(@spec.merge(:classifier=>'all')) @snapshot = artifact(@spec.merge({ :version=>'2.1-SNAPSHOT' })) end it 'should act as one' do @artifact.should respond_to(:to_spec) end it 'should have an artifact identifier' do @artifact.id.should eql('library') end it 'should have a group identifier' do @artifact.group.should eql('com.example') end it 'should have a version number' do @artifact.version.should eql('2.0') end it 'should know if it is a snapshot' do @artifact.should_not be_snapshot @classified.should_not be_snapshot @snapshot.should be_snapshot end it 'should have a file type' do @artifact.type.should eql(:jar) end it 'should understand classifier' do @artifact.classifier.should be_nil @classified.classifier.should eql('all') end it 'should return hash specification' do @artifact.to_hash.should == @spec @artifact.to_spec_hash.should == @spec @classified.to_hash.should == @spec.merge(:classifier=>'all') end it 'should return string specification' do @artifact.to_spec.should eql('com.example:library:jar:2.0') @classified.to_spec.should eql('com.example:library:jar:all:2.0') end it 'should have associated POM artifact' do @artifact.pom.to_hash.should == @artifact.to_hash.merge(:type=>:pom) end it 'should have one POM artifact for all classifiers' do @classified.pom.to_hash.should == @classified.to_hash.merge(:type=>:pom).except(:classifier) end it 'should have associated sources artifact' do @artifact.sources_artifact.to_hash.should == @artifact.to_hash.merge(:classifier=>'sources') end it 'should have associated javadoc artifact' do @artifact.javadoc_artifact.to_hash.should == @artifact.to_hash.merge(:classifier=>'javadoc') end it 'should download file if file does not exist' do lambda { @artifact.invoke }.should raise_error(Exception, /No remote repositories/) lambda { @classified.invoke }.should raise_error(Exception, /No remote repositories/) end it 'should not download file if file exists' do write repositories.locate(@artifact) lambda { @artifact.invoke }.should_not raise_error write repositories.locate(@classified) lambda { @classified.invoke }.should_not raise_error end it 'should handle lack of POM gracefully' do repositories.remote = 'http://example.com' URI.should_receive(:download).twice { |uri, target, options| raise URI::NotFoundError if uri.to_s.ends_with('.pom') } lambda { @artifact.invoke }.should_not raise_error end it 'should pass if POM provided' do repositories.remote = 'http://example.com' @artifact.pom.enhance { |task| write task.name, @artifact.pom_xml } write repositories.locate(@artifact) lambda { @artifact.invoke }.should_not raise_error end it 'should pass if POM not required' do repositories.remote = 'http://example.com' class << @artifact ; def pom() ; end ; end write repositories.locate(@artifact) lambda { @artifact.invoke }.should_not raise_error end it 'should not download file if dry-run' do dryrun do lambda { @artifact.invoke }.should_not raise_error lambda { @classified.invoke }.should_not raise_error end end it 'should resolve to path in local repository' do @artifact.to_s.should == File.join(repositories.local, 'com/example/library/2.0/library-2.0.jar') @classified.to_s.should == File.join(repositories.local, 'com/example/library/2.0/library-2.0-all.jar') end it 'should return a list of all registered artifact specifications' do define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package :jar } Artifact.list.should include(@artifact.to_spec) Artifact.list.should include(@classified.to_spec) Artifact.list.should include('foo:foo:jar:1.0') end it 'should accept user-defined string content' do a = artifact(@spec) a.content 'foo' install a lambda { install.invoke }.should change { File.exist?(a.to_s) && File.exist?(repositories.locate(a)) }.to(true) read(repositories.locate(a)).should eql('foo') end end describe Repositories, 'local' do it 'should default to .m2 path' do # For convenience, sandbox actually sets the local repository to a temp directory repositories.local = nil repositories.local.should eql(File.expand_path('.m2/repository', ENV['HOME'])) end it 'should be settable' do repositories.local = '.m2/local' repositories.local.should eql(File.expand_path('.m2/local')) end it 'should reset to default' do repositories.local = '.m2/local' repositories.local = nil repositories.local.should eql(File.expand_path('~/.m2/repository')) end it 'should locate file from string specification' do repositories.local = nil repositories.locate('com.example:library:jar:2.0').should eql( File.expand_path('~/.m2/repository/com/example/library/2.0/library-2.0.jar')) end it 'should locate file from hash specification' do repositories.local = nil repositories.locate(:group=>'com.example', :id=>'library', :version=>'2.0').should eql( File.expand_path('~/.m2/repository/com/example/library/2.0/library-2.0.jar')) end it 'should load path from settings file' do write 'home/.buildr/settings.yaml', <<-YAML repositories: local: my_repo YAML repositories.local.should eql(File.expand_path('my_repo')) end it 'should not override custom install methods defined when extending an object' do class MyOwnInstallTask attr_accessor :result def install result = true end end task = MyOwnInstallTask.new task.result = "maybe" task.extend ActsAsArtifact task.install task.result.should be_true end end describe Repositories, 'remote' do before do @repos = [ 'http://www.ibiblio.org/maven2', 'http://repo1.maven.org/maven2' ] end it 'should be empty initially' do repositories.remote.should be_empty end it 'should be settable' do repositories.remote = @repos.first repositories.remote.should eql([@repos.first]) end it 'should be settable from array' do repositories.remote = @repos repositories.remote.should eql(@repos) end it 'should add and return repositories in order' do @repos.each { |url| repositories.remote << url } repositories.remote.should eql(@repos) end it 'should be used to download artifact' do repositories.remote = 'http://example.com' URI.should_receive(:download).twice.and_return { |uri, target, options| write target } lambda { artifact('com.example:library:jar:2.0').invoke }. should change { File.exist?(File.join(repositories.local, 'com/example/library/2.0/library-2.0.jar')) }.to(true) end it 'should lookup in array order' do repositories.remote = [ 'http://example.com', 'http://example.org' ] order = ['com', 'org'] URI.should_receive(:download).any_number_of_times do |uri, target, options| order.shift if order.first && uri.to_s[order.first] fail URI::NotFoundError unless order.empty? write target end lambda { artifact('com.example:library:jar:2.0').invoke }.should change { order.empty? } end it 'should fail if artifact not found' do repositories.remote = 'http://example.com' URI.should_receive(:download).once.ordered.and_return { fail URI::NotFoundError } lambda { artifact('com.example:library:jar:2.0').invoke }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /Failed to download/) File.exist?(File.join(repositories.local, 'com/example/library/2.0/library-2.0.jar')).should be_false end it 'should support artifact classifier' do repositories.remote = 'http://example.com' URI.should_receive(:download).twice.and_return { |uri, target, options| write target } lambda { artifact('com.example:library:jar:all:2.0').invoke }. should change { File.exist?(File.join(repositories.local, 'com/example/library/2.0/library-2.0-all.jar')) }.to(true) end it 'should deal well with repositories URL that lack the last slash' do repositories.remote = 'http://example.com/base' uri = nil URI.should_receive(:download).twice.and_return { |_uri, args| uri = _uri } artifact('group:id:jar:1.0').invoke uri.to_s.should eql('http://example.com/base/group/id/1.0/id-1.0.pom') end it 'should deal well with repositories URL that have the last slash' do repositories.remote = 'http://example.com/base/' uri = nil URI.should_receive(:download).twice.and_return { |_uri, args| uri = _uri } artifact('group:id:jar:1.0').invoke uri.to_s.should eql('http://example.com/base/group/id/1.0/id-1.0.pom') end it 'should resolve m2-style deployed snapshots' do metadata = <<-XML com.example library 2.1-SNAPSHOT 20071012.190008 8 20071012190008 XML repositories.remote = 'http://example.com' URI.should_receive(:download).twice.with(uri(/2.1-SNAPSHOT\/library-2.1-SNAPSHOT.(jar|pom)$/), anything()). and_return { fail URI::NotFoundError } URI.should_receive(:download).twice.with(uri(/2.1-SNAPSHOT\/maven-metadata.xml$/), duck_type(:write)). and_return { |uri, target, options| target.write(metadata) } URI.should_receive(:download).twice.with(uri(/2.1-SNAPSHOT\/library-2.1-20071012.190008-8.(jar|pom)$/), /2.1-SNAPSHOT\/library-2.1-SNAPSHOT.(jar|pom).(\d){1,}$/). and_return { |uri, target, options| write target } lambda { artifact('com.example:library:jar:2.1-SNAPSHOT').invoke }. should change { File.exist?(File.join(repositories.local, 'com/example/library/2.1-SNAPSHOT/library-2.1-SNAPSHOT.jar')) }.to(true) end it 'should fail resolving m2-style deployed snapshots if a timestamp is missing' do metadata = <<-XML com.example library 2.1-SNAPSHOT 8 20071012190008 XML repositories.remote = 'http://example.com' URI.should_receive(:download).once.with(uri(/2.1-SNAPSHOT\/library-2.1-SNAPSHOT.(jar|pom)$/), anything()). and_return { fail URI::NotFoundError } URI.should_receive(:download).once.with(uri(/2.1-SNAPSHOT\/maven-metadata.xml$/), duck_type(:write)). and_return { |uri, target, options| target.write(metadata) } lambda { lambda { artifact('com.example:library:jar:2.1-SNAPSHOT').invoke }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /Failed to download/) }.should show_error "No timestamp provided for the snapshot com.example:library:jar:2.1-SNAPSHOT" File.exist?(File.join(repositories.local, 'com/example/library/2.1-SNAPSHOT/library-2.1-SNAPSHOT.jar')).should be_false end it 'should fail resolving m2-style deployed snapshots if a build number is missing' do metadata = <<-XML com.example library 2.1-SNAPSHOT 20071012.190008 20071012190008 XML repositories.remote = 'http://example.com' URI.should_receive(:download).once.with(uri(/2.1-SNAPSHOT\/library-2.1-SNAPSHOT.(jar|pom)$/), anything()). and_return { fail URI::NotFoundError } URI.should_receive(:download).once.with(uri(/2.1-SNAPSHOT\/maven-metadata.xml$/), duck_type(:write)). and_return { |uri, target, options| target.write(metadata) } lambda { lambda { artifact('com.example:library:jar:2.1-SNAPSHOT').invoke }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /Failed to download/) }.should show_error "No build number provided for the snapshot com.example:library:jar:2.1-SNAPSHOT" File.exist?(File.join(repositories.local, 'com/example/library/2.1-SNAPSHOT/library-2.1-SNAPSHOT.jar')).should be_false end it 'should handle missing maven metadata by reporting the artifact unavailable' do repositories.remote = 'http://example.com' URI.should_receive(:download).with(uri(/2.1-SNAPSHOT\/library-2.1-SNAPSHOT.jar$/), anything()). and_return { fail URI::NotFoundError } URI.should_receive(:download).with(uri(/2.1-SNAPSHOT\/maven-metadata.xml$/), duck_type(:write)). and_return { fail URI::NotFoundError } lambda { artifact('com.example:library:jar:2.1-SNAPSHOT').invoke }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /Failed to download/) File.exist?(File.join(repositories.local, 'com/example/library/2.1-SNAPSHOT/library-2.1-SNAPSHOT.jar')).should be_false end it 'should handle missing m2 snapshots by reporting the artifact unavailable' do metadata = <<-XML com.example library 2.1-SNAPSHOT 20071012.190008 8 20071012190008 XML repositories.remote = 'http://example.com' URI.should_receive(:download).with(uri(/2.1-SNAPSHOT\/library-2.1-SNAPSHOT.jar$/), anything()). and_return { fail URI::NotFoundError } URI.should_receive(:download).with(uri(/2.1-SNAPSHOT\/maven-metadata.xml$/), duck_type(:write)). and_return { |uri, target, options| target.write(metadata) } URI.should_receive(:download).with(uri(/2.1-SNAPSHOT\/library-2.1-20071012.190008-8.jar$/), anything()). and_return { fail URI::NotFoundError } lambda { artifact('com.example:library:jar:2.1-SNAPSHOT').invoke }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /Failed to download/) File.exist?(File.join(repositories.local, 'com/example/library/2.1-SNAPSHOT/library-2.1-SNAPSHOT.jar')).should be_false end it 'should load with all repositories specified in settings file' do write 'home/.buildr/settings.yaml', <<-YAML repositories: remote: - http://example.com - http://example.org YAML repositories.remote.should include('http://example.com', 'http://example.org') end it 'should load with all repositories specified in build.yaml file' do write 'build.yaml', <<-YAML repositories: remote: - http://example.com - http://example.org YAML repositories.remote.should include('http://example.com', 'http://example.org') end it 'should load with all repositories specified in settings and build.yaml files' do write 'home/.buildr/settings.yaml', <<-YAML repositories: remote: - http://example.com YAML write 'build.yaml', <<-YAML repositories: remote: - http://example.org YAML repositories.remote.should include('http://example.com', 'http://example.org') end end describe Repositories, 'release_to' do it 'should accept URL as first argument' do repositories.release_to = 'http://example.com' repositories.release_to.should == { :url=>'http://example.com' } end it 'should accept hash with options' do repositories.release_to = { :url=>'http://example.com', :username=>'john' } repositories.release_to.should == { :url=>'http://example.com', :username=>'john' } end it 'should allow the hash to be manipulated' do repositories.release_to = 'http://example.com' repositories.release_to.should == { :url=>'http://example.com' } repositories.release_to[:username] = 'john' repositories.release_to.should == { :url=>'http://example.com', :username=>'john' } end it 'should load URL from settings file' do write 'home/.buildr/settings.yaml', <<-YAML repositories: release_to: http://john:secret@example.com YAML repositories.release_to.should == { :url=>'http://john:secret@example.com' } end it 'should load URL from build settings file' do write 'build.yaml', <<-YAML repositories: release_to: http://john:secret@example.com YAML repositories.release_to.should == { :url=>'http://john:secret@example.com' } end it 'should load URL, username and password from settings file' do write 'home/.buildr/settings.yaml', <<-YAML repositories: release_to: url: http://example.com username: john password: secret YAML repositories.release_to.should == { :url=>'http://example.com', :username=>'john', :password=>'secret' } end end describe Buildr, '#artifact' do before do @spec = { :group=>'com.example', :id=>'library', :type=>'jar', :version=>'2.0' } @snapshot_spec = 'group:id:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT' write @file = 'testartifact.jar' end it 'should accept hash specification' do artifact(:group=>'com.example', :id=>'library', :type=>'jar', :version=>'2.0').should respond_to(:invoke) end it 'should reject partial hash specifier' do lambda { artifact(@spec.merge(:group=>nil)) }.should raise_error lambda { artifact(@spec.merge(:id=>nil)) }.should raise_error lambda { artifact(@spec.merge(:version=>nil)) }.should raise_error end it 'should complain about invalid key' do lambda { artifact(@spec.merge(:error=>true)) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /no such option/i) end it 'should use JAR type by default' do artifact(@spec.merge(:type=>nil)).should respond_to(:invoke) end it 'should accept string specification' do artifact('com.example:library:jar:2.0').should respond_to(:invoke) end it 'should reject partial string specifier' do artifact('com.example:library::2.0') lambda { artifact('com.example:library:jar') }.should raise_error lambda { artifact('com.example:library:jar:') }.should raise_error lambda { artifact('com.example:library::2.0') }.should_not raise_error lambda { artifact('com.example::jar:2.0') }.should raise_error lambda { artifact(':library:jar:2.0') }.should raise_error end it 'should create a task naming the artifact in the local repository' do file = File.join(repositories.local, 'com', 'example', 'library', '2.0', 'library-2.0.jar') Rake::Task.task_defined?(file).should be_false artifact('com.example:library:jar:2.0').name.should eql(file) end it 'should use from method to install artifact from existing file' do write 'test.jar' artifact = artifact('group:id:jar:1.0').from('test.jar') lambda { artifact.invoke }.should change { File.exist?(artifact.to_s) }.to(true) end it 'should use from method to install artifact from a file task' do test_jar = file('test.jar') test_jar.enhance do #nothing... end write 'test.jar' artifact = artifact('group:id:jar:1.0').from(test_jar) lambda { artifact.invoke }.should change { File.exist?(artifact.to_s) }.to(true) end it 'should invoke the artifact associated file task if the file doesnt exist' do test_jar = file('test.jar') called = false test_jar.enhance do write 'test.jar' called = true end artifact = artifact('group:id:jar:1.0').from(test_jar) artifact.invoke unless called raise "The file task was not called." end end it 'should not invoke the artifact associated file task if the file already exists' do test_jar = file('test.jar') test_jar.enhance do raise 'the test.jar file is created again!' end write 'test.jar' artifact = artifact('group:id:jar:1.0').from(test_jar) artifact.invoke end it 'should reference artifacts defined on build.yaml by using ruby symbols' do write 'build.yaml', <<-YAML artifacts: j2ee: geronimo-spec:geronimo-spec-j2ee:jar:1.4-rc4 YAML Buildr.application.send(:load_artifact_ns) artifact(:j2ee).to_s.pathmap('%f').should == 'geronimo-spec-j2ee-1.4-rc4.jar' end it 'should try to download snapshot artifact' do run_with_repo snapshot = artifact(@snapshot_spec) URI.should_receive(:download).at_least(:twice).and_return { |uri, target, options| write target } FileUtils.should_receive(:mv).at_least(:twice) snapshot.invoke end it 'should not try to update snapshot in offline mode if it exists' do run_with_repo snapshot = artifact(@snapshot_spec) write snapshot.to_s Buildr.application.options.work_offline = true URI.should_receive(:download).exactly(0).times snapshot.invoke end it 'should download snapshot even in offline mode if it doesn''t exist' do run_with_repo snapshot = artifact(@snapshot_spec) Buildr.application.options.work_offline = true URI.should_receive(:download).exactly(2).times snapshot.invoke end it 'should update snapshots if --update-snapshots' do run_with_repo snapshot = artifact(@snapshot_spec) write snapshot.to_s Buildr.application.options.update_snapshots = true URI.should_receive(:download).at_least(:twice).and_return { |uri, target, options| write target } FileUtils.should_receive(:mv).at_least(:twice) snapshot.invoke end it 'should update snapshot if it''s older than 24 hours' do run_with_repo snapshot = artifact(@snapshot_spec) write snapshot.to_s time = Time.at((Time.now - (60 * 60 * 24) - 10 ).to_i) File.utime(time, time, snapshot.to_s) URI.should_receive(:download).at_least(:once).and_return { |uri, target, options| write target } snapshot.invoke end def run_with_repo repositories.remote = 'http://example.com' end end describe Buildr, '#artifacts' do it 'should return a list of artifacts from all its arguments' do specs = [ 'saxon:saxon:jar:8.4', 'saxon:saxon-dom:jar:8.4', 'saxon:saxon-xpath:jar:8.4' ] artifacts(*specs).should eql(specs.map { |spec| artifact(spec) }) end it 'should accept nested arrays' do specs = [ 'saxon:saxon:jar:8.4', 'saxon:saxon-dom:jar:8.4', 'saxon:saxon-xpath:jar:8.4' ] artifacts([[specs[0]]], [[specs[1]], specs[2]]).should eql(specs.map { |spec| artifact(spec) }) end it 'should accept struct' do specs = struct(:main=>'saxon:saxon:jar:8.4', :dom=>'saxon:saxon-dom:jar:8.4', :xpath=>'saxon:saxon-xpath:jar:8.4') artifacts(specs).should eql(specs.values.map { |spec| artifact(spec) }) end it 'should ignore duplicates' do artifacts('saxon:saxon:jar:8.4', 'saxon:saxon:jar:8.4').size.should be(1) end it 'should accept and return existing tasks' do artifacts(task('foo'), task('bar')).should eql([task('foo'), task('bar')]) end it 'should accept filenames and expand them' do artifacts('test').map(&:to_s).should eql([File.expand_path('test')]) end it 'should accept filenames and return filenames' do artifacts('c:test').first.should be_kind_of(String) end it 'should accept project and return all its packaging tasks' do define 'foobar', :group=>'group', :version=>'1.0' do package :jar, :id=>'code' package :war, :id=>'webapp' end foobar = project('foobar') artifacts(foobar).should eql([ task(foobar.path_to('target/code-1.0.jar')), task(foobar.path_to('target/webapp-1.0.war')) ]) end it 'should complain about an invalid specification' do lambda { artifacts(5) }.should raise_error lambda { artifacts('group:no:version:') }.should raise_error end end describe Buildr, '#group' do it 'should accept list of artifact identifiers' do list = group('saxon', 'saxon-dom', 'saxon-xpath', :under=>'saxon', :version=>'8.4') list.should include(artifact('saxon:saxon:jar:8.4')) list.should include(artifact('saxon:saxon-dom:jar:8.4')) list.should include(artifact('saxon:saxon-xpath:jar:8.4')) list.size.should be(3) end it 'should accept array with artifact identifiers' do list = group(%w{saxon saxon-dom saxon-xpath}, :under=>'saxon', :version=>'8.4') list.should include(artifact('saxon:saxon:jar:8.4')) list.should include(artifact('saxon:saxon-dom:jar:8.4')) list.should include(artifact('saxon:saxon-xpath:jar:8.4')) list.size.should be(3) end it 'should accept a type' do list = group('struts-bean', 'struts-html', :under=>'struts', :type=>'tld', :version=>'1.1') list.should include(artifact('struts:struts-bean:tld:1.1')) list.should include(artifact('struts:struts-html:tld:1.1')) list.size.should be(2) end it 'should accept a classifier' do list = group('camel-core', :under=>'org.apache.camel', :version=>'2.2.0', :classifier=>'spring3') list.should include(artifact('org.apache.camel:camel-core:jar:spring3:2.2.0')) list.size.should be(1) end end describe Buildr, '#install' do before do @spec = 'group:id:jar:1.0' write @file = 'test.jar' @snapshot_spec = 'group:id:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT' end it 'should return the install task' do install.should be(task('install')) end it 'should accept artifacts to install' do install artifact(@spec) lambda { install @file }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'should install artifact when install task is run' do write @file install artifact(@spec).from(@file) lambda { install.invoke }.should change { File.exist?(artifact(@spec).to_s) }.to(true) end it 'should re-install artifact when "from" is newer' do install artifact(@spec).from(@file) write artifact(@spec).to_s # install a version of the artifact old_mtime = File.mtime(artifact(@spec).to_s) sleep 1; write @file # make sure the "from" file has newer modification time lambda { install.invoke }.should change { modified?(old_mtime, @spec) }.to(true) end it 'should re-install snapshot artifact when "from" is newer' do install artifact(@snapshot_spec).from(@file) write artifact(@snapshot_spec).to_s # install a version of the artifact old_mtime = File.mtime(artifact(@snapshot_spec).to_s) sleep 1; write @file # make sure the "from" file has newer modification time lambda { install.invoke }.should change { modified?(old_mtime, @snapshot_spec) }.to(true) end it 'should download snapshot to temporary location' do repositories.remote = 'http://example.com' snapshot = artifact(@snapshot_spec) same_time = Time.new download_file = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/#{File.basename(snapshot.name)}#{same_time.to_i}" Time.should_receive(:new).twice.and_return(same_time) URI.should_receive(:download).at_least(:twice).and_return { |uri, target, options| write target } FileUtils.should_receive(:mv).at_least(:twice) snapshot.invoke end it 'should install POM alongside artifact' do pom = artifact(@spec).pom write @file install artifact(@spec).from(@file) lambda { install.invoke }.should change { File.exist?(repositories.locate(pom)) }.to(true) end it 'should reinstall POM alongside artifact' do pom = artifact(@spec).pom write @file write repositories.locate(pom) sleep 1 install artifact(@spec).from(@file) lambda { install.invoke }.should change { File.mtime(repositories.locate(pom)) } end end describe Buildr, '#upload' do before do @spec = 'group:id:jar:1.0' write @file = 'test.jar' repositories.release_to = 'sftp://example.com/base' end it 'should return the upload task' do upload.should be(task('upload')) end it 'should accept artifacts to upload' do upload artifact(@spec) lambda { upload @file }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'should upload artifact when upload task is run' do write @file upload artifact(@spec).from(@file) URI.should_receive(:upload).once. with(URI.parse('sftp://example.com/base/group/id/1.0/id-1.0.jar'), artifact(@spec).to_s, anything) URI.should_receive(:upload).once. with(URI.parse('sftp://example.com/base/group/id/1.0/id-1.0.pom'), artifact(@spec).pom.to_s, anything) upload.invoke end end describe ActsAsArtifact, '#upload' do it 'should be used to upload artifact' do artifact = artifact('com.example:library:jar:2.0') # Prevent artifact from downloading anything. write repositories.locate(artifact) write repositories.locate(artifact.pom) URI.should_receive(:upload).once. with(URI.parse('sftp://example.com/base/com/example/library/2.0/library-2.0.pom'), artifact.pom.to_s, anything) URI.should_receive(:upload).once. with(URI.parse('sftp://example.com/base/com/example/library/2.0/library-2.0.jar'), artifact.to_s, anything) verbose(false) { artifact.upload(:url=>'sftp://example.com/base') } end it 'should support artifact classifier' do artifact = artifact('com.example:library:jar:all:2.0') # Prevent artifact from downloading anything. write repositories.locate(artifact) write repositories.locate(artifact.pom) URI.should_receive(:upload).at_least(:once). with(URI.parse('sftp://example.com/base/com/example/library/2.0/library-2.0.pom'), artifact.pom.to_s, anything) URI.should_receive(:upload).at_least(:once). with(URI.parse('sftp://example.com/base/com/example/library/2.0/library-2.0-all.jar'), artifact.to_s, anything) verbose(false) { artifact.upload(:url=>'sftp://example.com/base') } end it 'should complain without any repository configuration' do artifact = artifact('com.example:library:jar:2.0') # Prevent artifact from downloading anything. write repositories.locate(artifact) write repositories.locate(artifact.pom) lambda { artifact.upload }.should raise_error(Exception, /where to upload/) end it 'should accept repositories.upload setting' do artifact = artifact('com.example:library:jar:2.0') # Prevent artifact from downloading anything. write repositories.locate(artifact) write repositories.locate(artifact.pom) URI.should_receive(:upload).at_least(:once) repositories.release_to = 'sftp://example.com/base' artifact.upload lambda { artifact.upload }.should_not raise_error end end describe Rake::Task, ' artifacts' do it 'should download all specified artifacts' do artifact 'group:id:jar:1.0' repositories.remote = 'http://example.com' URI.should_receive(:download).twice.and_return { |uri, target, options| write target } task('artifacts').invoke end it 'should fail if failed to download an artifact' do artifact 'group:id:jar:1.0' lambda { task('artifacts').invoke }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /No remote repositories/) end it 'should succeed if artifact already exists' do write repositories.locate(artifact('group:id:jar:1.0')) suppress_stdout do lambda { task('artifacts').invoke }.should_not raise_error end end end describe Rake::Task, ' artifacts:sources' do before do task('artifacts:sources').clear repositories.remote = 'http://example.com' end it 'should download sources for all specified artifacts' do artifact 'group:id:jar:1.0' URI.should_receive(:download).any_number_of_times.and_return { |uri, target| write target } lambda { task('artifacts:sources').invoke }.should change { File.exist?('home/.m2/repository/group/id/1.0/id-1.0-sources.jar') }.to(true) end it "should not try to download sources for the project's artifacts" do define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:jar) } URI.should_not_receive(:download) task('artifacts:sources').invoke end describe 'when the source artifact does not exist' do before do artifact 'group:id:jar:1.0' URI.should_receive(:download).any_number_of_times.and_raise(URI::NotFoundError) end it 'should not fail' do lambda { task('artifacts:sources').invoke }.should_not raise_error end it 'should inform the user' do lambda { task('artifacts:sources').invoke }.should show_info('Failed to download group:id:jar:sources:1.0. Skipping it.') end end end describe Rake::Task, ' artifacts:javadoc' do before do task('artifacts:javadoc').clear repositories.remote = 'http://example.com' end it 'should download javadoc for all specified artifacts' do artifact 'group:id:jar:1.0' URI.should_receive(:download).any_number_of_times.and_return { |uri, target| write target } lambda { task('artifacts:javadoc').invoke }.should change { File.exist?('home/.m2/repository/group/id/1.0/id-1.0-javadoc.jar') }.to(true) end it "should not try to download javadoc for the project's artifacts" do define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:jar) } URI.should_not_receive(:download) task('artifacts:javadoc').invoke end describe 'when the javadoc artifact does not exist' do before do artifact 'group:id:jar:1.0' URI.should_receive(:download).any_number_of_times.and_raise(URI::NotFoundError) end it 'should not fail' do lambda { task('artifacts:javadoc').invoke }.should_not raise_error end it 'should inform the user' do lambda { task('artifacts:javadoc').invoke }.should show_info('Failed to download group:id:jar:javadoc:1.0. Skipping it.') end end end describe Buildr, '#transitive' do before do repositories.remote = 'http://example.com' @simple = [ 'saxon:saxon:jar:8.4', 'saxon:saxon-dom:jar:8.4', 'saxon:saxon-xpath:jar:8.4' ] @simple.map { |spec| artifact(spec).pom }.each { |task| write task.name, task.pom_xml } @provided = @simple.first @complex = 'group:app:jar:1.0' write artifact(@complex).pom.to_s, <<-XML app group saxon saxon 8.4 provided saxon-dom saxon 8.4 runtime saxon-xpath saxon 8.4 saxon-nosuch saxon 8.4 test XML @transitive = 'master:app:war:1.0' write artifact(@transitive).pom.to_s, <<-XML app group app group 1.0 XML end it 'should return a list of artifacts from all its arguments' do specs = [ 'saxon:saxon:jar:8.4', 'saxon:saxon-dom:jar:8.4', 'saxon:saxon-xpath:jar:8.4' ] transitive(*specs).should eql(specs.map { |spec| artifact(spec) }) end it 'should accept nested arrays' do specs = [ 'saxon:saxon:jar:8.4', 'saxon:saxon-dom:jar:8.4', 'saxon:saxon-xpath:jar:8.4' ] transitive([[specs[0]]], [[specs[1]], specs[2]]).should eql(specs.map { |spec| artifact(spec) }) end it 'should accept struct' do specs = struct(:main=>'saxon:saxon:jar:8.4', :dom=>'saxon:saxon-dom:jar:8.4', :xpath=>'saxon:saxon-xpath:jar:8.4') transitive(specs).should eql(specs.values.map { |spec| artifact(spec) }) end it 'should ignore duplicates' do transitive('saxon:saxon:jar:8.4', 'saxon:saxon:jar:8.4').size.should be(1) end it 'should accept and return existing tasks' do transitive(task('foo'), task('bar')).should eql([task('foo'), task('bar')]) end it 'should accept filenames and expand them' do transitive('test').map(&:to_s).should eql([File.expand_path('test')]) end it 'should accept filenames and return file task' do transitive('c:test').first.should be_kind_of(Rake::FileTask) end it 'should accept project and return all its packaging tasks' do define 'foobar', :group=>'group', :version=>'1.0' do package :jar, :id=>'code' package :war, :id=>'webapp' end foobar = project('foobar') transitive(foobar).should eql([ task(foobar.path_to('target/code-1.0.jar')), task(foobar.path_to('target/webapp-1.0.war')) ]) end it 'should complain about an invalid specification' do lambda { transitive(5) }.should raise_error lambda { transitive('group:no:version:') }.should raise_error end it 'should bring artifact and its dependencies' do transitive(@complex).should eql(artifacts(@complex, @simple)) end it 'should bring dependencies of POM without artifact itself' do transitive(@complex.sub(/jar/, 'pom')).should eql(artifacts(@simple)) end it 'should bring artifact and transitive depenencies' do transitive(@transitive).should eql(artifacts(@transitive, @complex, @simple - [@provided])) end end def modified?(old_mtime, spec) File.exist?(artifact(spec).to_s) && old_mtime < File.mtime(artifact(spec).to_s) end