require 'hiccup/enumerable/schedule_enumerator' module Hiccup module Enumerable class MonthlyEnumerator < ScheduleEnumerator def self.for(schedule) if schedule.monthly_pattern.empty? NeverEnumerator elsif schedule.monthly_pattern.all? { |occurrence| Integer === occurrence } MonthlyDateEnumerator else self end end def started? !@position.nil? end protected attr_reader :year, :month, :cycle, :last_day_of_month def advance! @position += 1 next_month if @position >= cycle.length day = cycle[@position] return if day > last_day_of_month, month, day) rescue advance! end def rewind! @position -= 1 prev_month if @position < 0 day = cycle[@position] return self.prev if day > last_day_of_month, month, day) rescue rewind! end def first_occurrence_on_or_after(date) @year, @month, seed_day = date.year, date.month, if skip > 1 offset = months_since_schedule_start(@year, @month) remainder = offset % skip if remainder > 0 add_to_months remainder seed_day = first_day_of_month end end get_context @position = cycle.index { |day| day >= seed_day } next_month unless @position day = cycle[@position] return if day > last_day_of_month, month, day) rescue advance! end def first_occurrence_on_or_before(date) @year, @month, seed_day = date.year, date.month, if skip > 1 offset = months_since_schedule_start(@year, @month) remainder = offset % skip if remainder > 0 subtract_from_months remainder get_context # figure out last_day_of_month seed_day = last_day_of_month end end get_context @position = cycle.rindex { |day| day <= seed_day } prev_month unless @position day = cycle[@position] return self.prev if day > last_day_of_month, month, day) rescue rewind! end def occurrences_in_month(year, month) do |occurrence| if occurrence.is_a?(Array) ordinal, weekday = occurrence wday = Date::DAYNAMES.index(weekday) day = wday if ordinal < 0 wday_of_last_of_month =, month, -1).wday day = day + 7 if wday <= wday_of_last_of_month day = day - wday_of_last_of_month + (ordinal * 7) day = last_day_of_month + day else wday_of_first_of_month =, month, 1).wday day = day + 7 if (wday < wday_of_first_of_month) day = day - wday_of_first_of_month day = day + (ordinal * 7) - 6 end day else coerce_day_to_positive(occurrence) end end.uniq end def next_month @position = 0 add_to_months skip get_context end def add_to_months(offset) @month += offset @year, @month = @year + 1, @month - 12 while @month > 12 end def prev_month @position = @cycle.length - 1 subtract_from_months skip get_context end def subtract_from_months(offset) @month -= offset @year, @month = @year - 1, @month + 12 while @month < 1 end def get_context @last_day_of_month = [4, 6, 9, 11].member?(month) ? 30 : 31 @last_day_of_month = leap_year?(year) ? 29 : 28 if month == 2 @cycle = occurrences_in_month(year, month).sort end def months_since_schedule_start(year, month) (year - start_date.year) * 12 + (month - start_date.month) end def first_day_of_month 1 end def coerce_day_to_positive(index) # Converts e.g. -1 (last day of the month) to 31 return index if index > 0 last_day_of_month + index + 1 end end end end require "hiccup/enumerable/monthly_date_enumerator"