Names: ------ Nitro Cell Plasma Root Surrender Services -------- + api / rpc + feeds Pickaxe ------- #-- : stops RDoc comment. :include: file gem install -r rake General ------- + use hashes/yaml for configuration (so they can be editable from a web interface). Or even marshal dump them to the db. + use P prefix for part classes. (infamous File problem). + enable cache should be default. + dependencies in parts. + env.rb -> .irbrc + add a check for nested db invocations. + geoloc part. + xpath->sql translator. + keep old values in form when updating (transaction checks). + use xsltproc x:include + use ruby/extensions. + MEGA: use ostruct for db non serialized access. + auto-box .ss/.si files. + something like phpinfo. + have banned user names. + somehow use templates for .ss stuff to avoid the .sx + convert to greeklish when searching has an interesting side effect. + remove non-hash/utility methods from request (to simplify the code and make more compatible with irb). + use closures to implement filters. + mute. + irb.login returns request (and session). + request[:USER] + change log format. + run the app from a special user inherit the root directory. + like ruby require !!! + use Ruby/DL for libxml/libxslt and if it is as efficient for psql. + dont use $vars due to nasty ruby handling! + use one cookie for nsid/nauth + _ prefix for sql tables to be more safe. + __ -> _ + Trash with marshaled objects. + use those cool tooltips from the js library. + __pre_render ? or rename __init? + expires needed as well as lm ? + try to NOT create sessions when calculating etag. + do NOT use threads, very risky! -> NO, i AM risky :) Messages -------- yahoo: + send audibles/avatars (flash based). Fora ---- + css export (generalized should parse categories) + show related threads (how calc? --> tags?) mad: + see recent messages 24, 48, 7 h from yahoo: + report abuse. + ignore filter / profanity. + threaded titles. + go to message id. Polls ----- + sort poll results by votes !! (da) Ad Management -------------- + ad management should be centralized, not per page, just overrides. App Server ---------- + sitemap should autocalculate which part a given page belongs (context sensitive search). + use one object (io ??) instead of request/response. + pre-compress css files. DONE: ===== + [rails] Enviroroments, allows scripts and debugging with irb. + .tc-xxxx.rb for unit tests! + dont allow special chars in user names (esp ':') + push model for DRB synchronization to avoid excessive drb calls.