# encoding: utf-8 Zen::Language::Translation.add do |trans| trans.language = 'en' trans.name = 'custom_fields' trans.translate do |t| t['titles.index'] = 'Custom Fields' t['titles.edit'] = 'Edit Custom Field' t['titles.new'] = 'Add Custom Field' t['labels.id'] = '#' t['labels.name'] = 'Name' t['labels.slug'] = 'Slug' t['labels.format'] = 'Format' t['labels.description'] = 'Description' t['labels.possible_values'] = 'Possible values (one value per line)' t['labels.required'] = 'Requires a value' t['labels.text_editor'] = 'Enable a text editor' t['labels.textarea_rows'] = 'Textarea rows' t['labels.text_limit'] = 'Character limit' t['labels.sort_order'] = 'Sort order' t['labels.custom_field_type_id'] = 'Field type' t['tabs.general'] = 'General' t['tabs.settings'] = 'Settings' t['messages.no_fields'] = 'No custom fields were found.' t['errors.new'] = 'Failed to create the new custom field.' t['errors.save'] = 'Failed to modify the custom field.' t['errors.delete'] = 'Failed to delete the custom field with ID #%s.' t['errors.no_delete'] = 'You haven\'t specified any custom fields to delete.' t['errors.invalid_field'] = 'The specified custom field is invalid.' t['success.new'] = 'The new custom field has been created.' t['success.save'] = 'The custom field has been modified.' t['success.delete'] = 'The selected custom fields have been deleted.' t['special.type_hash.textbox'] = 'Textbox' t['special.type_hash.textarea'] = 'Textarea' t['special.type_hash.radio'] = 'Radio button' t['special.type_hash.checkbox'] = 'Checkbox' t['special.type_hash.date'] = 'Date' t['special.type_hash.select'] = 'Select dropdown' t['special.type_hash.select_multiple'] = 'Multi select' t['special.type_hash.password'] = 'Password' t['buttons.new'] = 'Add custom field' t['buttons.delete'] = 'Delete selected fields' t['buttons.save'] = 'Save custom field' t['permissions.show'] = 'Show custom field' t['permissions.edit'] = 'Edit custom field' t['permissions.new'] = 'Add custom field' t['permissions.delete'] = 'Delete custom field' t['description'] = 'Manage custom fields, field groups and field types.' end end