# encoding: utf-8 module Fidgit class GuiState < Chingu::GameState # A 1x1 white pixel used for drawing. PIXEL_IMAGE = 'pixel.png' extend Forwardable def_delegators :@container, :horizontal, :vertical, :grid # The Container that contains all the elements for this GuiState. # @return [Packer] attr_reader :container # The element with focus. # @return [Element] attr_reader :focus # The Cursor. # @return [Cursor] def cursor; @@cursor; end # Sets the focus to a particular element. def focus=(element) @focus.publish :blur if @focus and element @focus = element end # Delay, in ms, before a tool-tip will appear. def tool_tip_delay 500 # TODO: configure this. end # Show a file_dialog. # (see FileDialog#initialize) def file_dialog(type, options = {}, &block) FileDialog.new(type, options, &block) end # (see MenuPane#initialize) def menu(options = {}, &block); MenuPane.new(options, &block); end # (see MessageDialog#initialize) def message(text, options = {}, &block); MessageDialog.new(text, options, &block); end # (see Container#pack) def pack(*args, &block); @container.pack *args, █ end # (see Container#clear) def clear(*args, &block); @container.clear *args, █ end def initialize # The container is where the user puts their content. @container = VerticalPacker.new(padding: 0, width: $window.width, height: $window.height) unless defined? @@draw_pixel media_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', '..', 'media')) Gosu::Image.autoload_dirs << File.join(media_dir, 'images') Gosu::Sample.autoload_dirs << File.join(media_dir, 'sounds') @@draw_pixel = Gosu::Image.new($window, File.join(media_dir, 'images', PIXEL_IMAGE), true) # Must be tileable or it will blur. @@cursor = Cursor.new end @min_drag_distance = 0 super() add_inputs( left_mouse_button: ->{ redirect_mouse_button(:left) }, holding_left_mouse_button: ->{ redirect_holding_mouse_button(:left) }, released_left_mouse_button: ->{ redirect_released_mouse_button(:left) }, middle_mouse_button: ->{ redirect_mouse_button(:middle) }, holding_middle_mouse_button: ->{ redirect_holding_mouse_button(:middle) }, released_middle_mouse_button: ->{ redirect_released_mouse_button(:middle) }, right_mouse_button: ->{ redirect_mouse_button(:right) }, holding_right_mouse_button: ->{ redirect_holding_mouse_button(:right) }, released_right_mouse_button: ->{ redirect_released_mouse_button(:right) }, mouse_wheel_up: :redirect_mouse_wheel_up, mouse_wheel_down: :redirect_mouse_wheel_down ) end # Internationalisation helper. def t(*args); I18n.t(*args); end # Clear the data which is specific to the current $window. def self.clear remove_class_variable '@@cursor' if defined? @@cursor remove_class_variable '@@draw_pixel' if defined? @@draw_pixel end def update cursor.update @tool_tip.update if @tool_tip @menu.update if @menu @container.update # Check menu first, then other elements. new_mouse_over = @menu.hit_element(cursor.x, cursor.y) if @menu new_mouse_over = @container.hit_element(cursor.x, cursor.y) unless new_mouse_over if new_mouse_over new_mouse_over.publish :enter if new_mouse_over != @mouse_over new_mouse_over.publish :hover, cursor.x, cursor.y end @mouse_over.publish :leave if @mouse_over and new_mouse_over != @mouse_over @mouse_over = new_mouse_over # Check if the mouse has moved, and no menu is shown, so we can show a tooltip. if [cursor.x, cursor.y] == @last_cursor_pos and (not @menu) if @mouse_over and (Gosu::milliseconds - @mouse_moved_at) > tool_tip_delay if text = @mouse_over.tip and not text.empty? @tool_tip ||= ToolTip.new @tool_tip.text = text @tool_tip.x = cursor.x @tool_tip.y = cursor.y + cursor.height # Place the tip beneath the cursor. else @tool_tip = nil @mouse_moved_at = Gosu::milliseconds end end else @tool_tip = nil @mouse_moved_at = Gosu::milliseconds end # The element that grabs input. @active_element = @dragging_element || @focus || @mouse_over @last_cursor_pos = [cursor.x, cursor.y] super end def draw @container.draw @menu.draw if @menu @tool_tip.draw if @tool_tip cursor.draw nil end def setup super @tool_tip = nil @mouse_over = nil # Element the mouse is hovering over. @mouse_down_on = Hash.new # Element that each button was pressed over. @mouse_down_pos = Hash.new # Position that each button was pressed down at. @drag_button = nil @dragging_element = nil @focus = nil @mouse_moved_at = Gosu::milliseconds nil end def finalize @tool_tip = nil nil end # Set the menu pane to be displayed. # # @param [MenuPane] menu Menu to display. # @return nil def show_menu(menu) hide_menu if @menu @menu = menu nil end # Hides the currently shown menu, if any. # @return nil def hide_menu @menu = nil nil end # Flush all pending drawing to the screen. def flush $window.flush end # Draw a filled rectangle. def draw_rect(x, y, width, height, z, color, mode = :default) @@draw_pixel.draw x, y, z, width, height, color, mode nil end # Draw an unfilled rectangle. def draw_frame(x, y, width, height, thickness, z, color, mode = :default) draw_rect(x - thickness, y, thickness, height, z, color, mode) # left draw_rect(x - thickness, y - thickness, width + thickness * 2, thickness, z, color, mode) # top (full) draw_rect(x + width, y, thickness, height, z, color, mode) # right draw_rect(x - thickness, y + height, width + thickness * 2, thickness, z, color, mode) # bottom (full) nil end def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) Gosu.distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) end def show $window.game_state_manager.push self unless $window.game_state_manager.game_states.include? self nil end def hide $window.game_state_manager.pop if $window.game_state_manager.current == self nil end protected def redirect_mouse_button(button) # Ensure that if the user clicks away from a menu, it is automatically closed. hide_menu unless @menu and @menu == @mouse_over # Blur if clicking outside the focused element. if @focus and @mouse_over != @focus @focus.publish :blur @focus = nil end # Publish :left_mouse_button for the element that is clicked. if @mouse_over @mouse_down_pos[button] = [cursor.x, cursor.y] @mouse_down_on[button] = @mouse_over @mouse_over.publish :"#{button}_mouse_button", *@mouse_down_pos[button] else @mouse_down_pos[button] = nil @mouse_down_on[button] = nil end nil end protected def redirect_released_mouse_button(button) # Ensure that if the user clicks away from a menu, it is automatically closed. hide_menu if @menu and @mouse_over != @menu if @mouse_over @mouse_over.publish :"released_#{button}_mouse_button", cursor.x, cursor.y @mouse_over.publish :"clicked_#{button}_mouse_button", cursor.x, cursor.y if @mouse_over == @mouse_down_on[button] end if @dragging_element and @drag_button == button @dragging_element.publish :end_drag, cursor.x, cursor.y, @drag_button, @mouse_over @dragging_element = nil @drag_button = nil end @mouse_down_on[button] = nil @mouse_down_pos[button] = nil nil end protected def redirect_holding_mouse_button(button) if not @dragging_element and @mouse_down_on[button] and @mouse_down_on[button].drag?(button) and distance(*@mouse_down_pos[button], cursor.x, cursor.y) > @min_drag_distance @drag_button = button @dragging_element = @mouse_down_on[button] @dragging_element.publish :begin_drag, *@mouse_down_pos[button], :left end if @dragging_element if @drag_button == button @dragging_element.publish :update_drag, cursor.x, cursor.y end else @mouse_over.publish :"holding_#{button}_mouse_button", cursor.x, cursor.y if @mouse_over end nil end protected def redirect_mouse_wheel_up @active_element.publish :mouse_wheel_up, cursor.x, cursor.y if @active_element nil end protected def redirect_mouse_wheel_down @active_element.publish :mouse_wheel_down, cursor.x, cursor.y if @active_element nil end end end