![qipowl](/images/owl.png) ## Name _qipowl_ (pronounced as **keep all**) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/mudasobwa/qipowl.png)](https://travis-ci.org/mudasobwa/qipowl) [![Gemnasium](https://gemnasium.com/mudasobwa/qipowl.png?travis)](https://gemnasium.com/mudasobwa/qipowl) [![Stories in Ready](https://badge.waffle.io/mudasobwa/qipowl.png?label=ready)](http://waffle.io/mudasobwa/qipowl) **Status:** Minimum viable product --- [Introduction into techniques](http://rocket-science.ru/qipowl/) ## Intro _qipowl_ is the next generation parser environment. It’s not the library for parsing, rather it is the framework to build extensive parsers for virtually every markup anyone may imagine. The main idea of _qipowl_ is to yield the power of [DSL in Ruby](http://jroller.com/rolsen/entry/building_a_dsl_in_ruby). The whole input text is treated neither more nor less than `DSL`. That gives the user an ability to make virtually every term in input text the _operating entity_. ## Examples This chapter should be the last one, but who wants to read technical details without any clue of how they might be applied? So, here we go. ### Shipping with: Markright Right is looking right past up and down, right? _qipowl_ comes with built-in markright parser, which is superset of markdown. _qipowl_ markright utilizes UTF-8 heavily. The standard markup (here and further: _qipowl markup_, or _qp_) lays on unicode characters instead of legacy asterisks and underscores in markdown. It brings the better readability to plain text before it’s processed with _qipowl_ and allows more readable `DSL` for processing. For instance, the input: §3 Emphasized text There are four standard modifiers for emphasizing text: ▶ “≡” — bold ▶ “≈” — italic ▶ “↓” — small ▶ “λ” — code The formers are to surround the target text piece. This text contains: • ≡bold≡, • ≈italics≈, • ↓small↓ • and even some λcodeλ. will be processed as: ```html

Emphasized text

There are four standard modifiers for emphasizing text:


The formers are to surround the target text piece. This text contains:

``` The valuable subset of HTML5 is implemented directly, plus the user may eventually extend the list of understandable tags. The markup-specific symbols, like “▶” and “•” in the previous example may be mapped to keyboard (see `typo` file within `data` directory of the project. ## Internals _qipowl_ markup implementation consists of two parts: markup definition (kinda `yaml` file) and markup processor. The latter derives from base processor implementation `Qipowl::Bowler`. ### Markup definition _qipowl_ understands six types of ‘operators’: * flush * block * magnet * inplace * linewide * handshake * kiss * custom #### :flush The operators in this group are executed immediately and do not break the control flow. Technically, they are simply being substituted with their representation. :flush :⏎ : :br means that “⏎” anywhere in text will be substituted with “<br>” #### :block This group contains operators, which are driving the blocks. Such a block should start with the operator and ends with it. Operator may receive an additional parameter, located on the same string as the opening operator. :block :Λ : :pre means that the following block: Λ ruby @mapping[:block].each { |tag, htmltag| break if tag < :inplace } Λ is to be left intouch (except of html is escaped inside) and surrounded with `pre` tags:
      @mapping[:block].each { |tag, htmltag|
        break if tag < :inplace
This operator is the only one which preserves the line breaks. #### :magnet Almost the same as `:inplace` but does not require closing match. Operates on the following text piece until the space. E.g. :magnet :☎ : :span†phone will produce ☎ +1(987)5554321 for the markup: ☎ +1(987)5554321 #### :inplace Acts mostly like `:block` but inside one text block (text blocks are likely paragraphs, delimited with double carriage returns.) Requires closing element. Inplace operators are of highest priority and may overlap. :inplace :≡ : :strong will convert That is ≡bold≡ text. into That is bold text. #### :linewide Those are not require closings, since they are operated on the _rest_ of the text. Support nesting by prepending tags with _non-breakable space_: :linewide :• : li The following syntax • Line item 1  • Nested li 1  • Nested li 2 • Line item 2 will produce: #### :handshake **TODO** rewrite examples for latex The group contains operators, acting on left and right operands between the delimiters given. By default it takes the whole line from `^` till `$`. :handshake : :∈ : :mathml :⊂ : :tag : :mathml :from : '\s' :till : '.' The following syntax Let we have A ⊂ ∅. Then the following formula is OK: ∀ a ∈ ∅ which is evident, though. will produce: Let we have A ⊂ ∅. Then the following formula is OK: ∀ a ∈ ∅ which is evident, though. #### :kiss Almost the same as `:handshake` but operates on the preceeding/following pair of text piece without spaces. E.g. :kiss :÷ : :mathml The following syntax The formula 12 ÷ 5 is simple. will produce: The formula 12 ÷ 5 is simple. #### :custom Custom is not yet fully powerful mechanism to make substitutions inplace for generic words. Please use on your own risk. ### Extending Extending _qipowl_ is as easy as writing a couple of strings in YAML format. Let’s take a look at additional rules file for markdown support: ```yaml :synsugar : # Code blocks, 4+ spaces indent '(?x-mi:(\R)((?:(?:\R)+(?:\s{4,}|\t).*)+\R)(?=\R))' : "\\1\nΛ auto\\2Λ\n" # Pictures '!\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)' : '⚓\2 \1⚓' # Links '\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)' : '⚓\2 \1⚓' # Blockquotes '^\s*>' : '〉' '^\s*>\s*>' : '〉 〉' '^\s*\*\s*\*' : '〉 •' '^\s+\*' : '• •' :inplace : :'__' : :strong :'**' : :strong :'_' : :em :'*' : :em :'`' : :code ``` Bold, italic, code, images, links, blockquotes (including nesteds) are now supported by _qipowl_. Let any one of you who is not delighted with, be the first to throw a stone at me. Need custom support for `github`-flavored markdown _strikethrough_? Oneliner inside an `:inplace` section of custom rules came on scene: ```yaml :'~~' :strike ``` #### Sophisticated extending Whether one needs more sophisticated rules, she is to write her own descendant of `Bowler` class, implementing DSL herself. E.g. `Html` markup uses the following DSL for handling video links to YouTube: ```ruby # Handler for Youtube video # @param [Array] args the words, gained since last call to {#harvest} # @return [Nil] nil def ✇ *args id, *rest = args.flatten harvest nil, orphan(rest.join(SEPARATOR)) unless rest.vacant? harvest __callee__, "" end ``` Here we harvest the previously gained words (`rest`) and transform copy-pasted link to video into embedded frame with video content as by YouTube. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'typogrowl' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install typogrowl ## Usage ```ruby require 'typogrowl' … tg = Qipowl::Html.new puts tg.parse_and_roll(text) ``` or even simplier ```ruby require 'typogrowl' … tg = Qipowl.tg_md__html # typogrowl markup _and_ markdown puts tg.parse_and_roll(text) ``` ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request