# frozen_string_literal: true require 'lokalise_rails' LokaliseRails.config do |c| # These are mandatory options that you must set before running rake tasks: # c.api_token = ENV['LOKALISE_API_TOKEN'] # c.project_id = ENV['LOKALISE_PROJECT_ID'] # Provide a custom path to the directory with your translation files: # c.locales_path = "#{Rails.root}/config/locales" # Provide a Lokalise project branch to use: # c.branch = 'master' # Provide request timeouts for the Lokalise API client: # c.timeouts = {open_timeout: nil, timeout: nil} # Provide maximum number of retries for file exporting: # c.max_retries_export = 5 # Import options have the following defaults: # c.import_opts = { # format: 'yaml', # placeholder_format: :icu, # yaml_include_root: true, # original_filenames: true, # directory_prefix: '', # indentation: '2sp' # } # Safe mode for imports is disabled by default: # c.import_safe_mode = false # Additional export options (only filename, contents, and lang_iso params are provided by default) # c.export_opts = {} # Provide additional file exclusion criteria for exports (by default, any file with the proper extension will be exported) # c.skip_file_export = ->(file) { file.split[1].to_s.include?('fr') } # Set the options below if you would like to work with format other than YAML ## Regular expression to use when choosing the files to extract from the downloaded archive and upload to Lokalise ## c.file_ext_regexp = /\.ya?ml\z/i ## Load translations data and make sure they are valid: ## c.translations_loader = ->(raw_data) { YAML.safe_load raw_data } ## Convert translations data to a proper format: ## c.translations_converter = ->(raw_data) { raw_data.to_yaml } ## Infer language ISO code for the translation file: ## c.lang_iso_inferer = ->(data) { YAML.safe_load(data)&.keys&.first } end