require 'hpricot' class Layer < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :topics_layers, :dependent => :destroy has_many :topics, :through => :topics_layers belongs_to :sublayer_group attr_protected [] validates :name, :presence => true, :uniqueness => {:scope => :topic_name} validates_format_of :name, :with => /\A[A-Za-z][\w-]*\Z/ validates_format_of :topic_name, :with => /\A[\w-]+\Z/ scope :defaultorder, order(:topic_name, :name) scope :unused, includes(:topics_layers).where('topics_layers.layer_id IS NULL') #Namespace for run-time geo classes module Geo end # Enum for RailsAdmin form (causes exception in name search) #def sublayer_group_enum # SublayerGroup.all.collect {|p| [, ] } #end #Structure for Topic selection def self.list(ability, layer_type, topic_name) ActiveRecord::Base.silence do topic = Topic.accessible_by(ability).includes(:layers).where(:name => topic_name).first layers = topic.nil? ? [] : topic.layers.accessible_by(ability).all topic_layers = topic.nil? ? [] : {|tl| layers.include?(tl.layer) } wms_layer_list(ability, topic, topic_layers) end end def self.wms_layer_list(ability, topic, topic_layers) wms_layers = topic_layers.collect do |topic_layer| layer = topic_layer.layer { "id" =>, "layername"=>, "topic"=>, "groupname" => layer.sublayer_group.try(:name), "toclayertitle"=> layer.title, "leglayertitle"=> layer.title, "showscale"=> "true", "minscale"=> layer.minscale, "maxscale"=> layer.maxscale, "wms_sort"=> topic_layer.wms_sort, # MapServer layer order #"leg_sort"=> topic_layer.leg_sort, # Not used client side (Legend sort is in defined in HTML). Query result order. #"query_sort"=> topic_layer.leg_sort, # deprecated "toc_sort"=> topic_layer.toc_sort, # Layer tree order "wms"=> "false", "visini"=> topic_layer.visini, "visuser"=> topic_layer.visini, #User visibility is in request_state "showtoc"=> "true", "editeable"=> ability.can?(:edit, layer) } end { "success" => true, "messageProperty"=> {"topic"=>, "legendtitle"=> "Legende", "legendraster"=> "true"}, "results"=> wms_layers.size, "wmslayers"=> wms_layers } end def full_name "#{topic_name}-#{name}".downcase end def feature_class fc = "Geo::#{feature_class_name}".constantize rescue nil #Geo.const_defined?(feature_class_name) seems not to work here fc ||= Geo.module_eval <: } #e.g. #{"queryTopics":[{ # "level":"main","topic":"Lageklassen2011ZH","divCls":"legmain","layers":"seen,lageklassen-2011-flaechen,grenzen,gemeindegrenzen,bezirkslabels" # customQueries: {'seen': 'tiefen_statistik'}, # customParams: {'tiefe': 25} # }]} custom_query_method = query_topic['customQueries'][name] rescue nil logger.debug "******** #{feature_class} ***************************************************" features = if custom_query_method logger.debug "*** Custom query on layer #{name}: #{query_topic.inspect}" feature_class.send(custom_query_method, self, query_topic, searchgeo) elsif feature_class.respond_to?(:identify_query) logger.debug "*** Custom identify_query on layer #{name}" feature_class.identify_query(searchgeo, searchdistance) else logger.debug "*** Identify on layer #{name} with query fields #{query_fields(ability)} at #{searchgeo.inspect}" feature_class.identify_filter(searchgeo, searchdistance, nearest).select(query_fields(ability)).all end logger.debug "Number of features: #{features.size}" # calculate bbox of all features unless features.empty? envelope = GeoRuby::SimpleFeatures::Geometry.from_hex_ewkb(features.first['extent']).envelope features.each do |feature| next if feature == features.first envelope.extend!(GeoRuby::SimpleFeatures::Geometry.from_hex_ewkb(feature['extent']).envelope) end bbox = [envelope.lower_corner.x, envelope.lower_corner.y, envelope.upper_corner.x, envelope.upper_corner.y] end rescue Exception => e features = "Table: #{table}
Exception: #{e}
query fields: #{query_fields(ability)}
db fields: #{feature_class.column_names.join(',')}
missing: #{(query_fields(ability).split(',') - feature_class.column_names).join(', ')}

" "Identify error on layer #{name} #{features}" end [self, features, bbox] else logger.warn "Table for layer #{name} not found. (Table name: '#{table}')" nil end end def get_feature_info(searchgeo) logger.debug searchgeo.inspect x1, y1, x2, y2 = searchgeo.split(',').collect(&:to_f) #Since we get the query coordinates and not pixels, we have to assume a certain scale dist = (x1*0.01).abs params = [ "FEATURE_COUNT=10", "INFO_FORMAT=application/vnd.ogc.gml", #text/xml "REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo", "SERVICE=WMS", "BBOX=#{x1},#{y1},#{x1+dist},#{y1+dist}", "WIDTH=100", "HEIGHT=100", "X=0", "I=0", "Y=99", "J=99" ] url = "#{table}&#{params.join('&')}" logger.debug "*** Cascaded GetFeatureInfo: #{url}" uri = URI.parse(url) http = Net::HTTP::new(, uri.port, CASCADED_PROXY_ADDR, CASCADED_PROXY_PORT, CASCADED_PROXY_USER, CASCADED_PROXY_PASS) response = http.request( #logger.debug response.body info_features = parse_ogc_gml(response.body) features = info_features.collect {|f| f[:attributes] } logger.debug features.to_s logger.debug "Number of features: #{features.size}" features end def parse_ogc_gml(xml) info_features = [] fields = ident_fields.split(',') doc = Hpricot::XML(xml) (doc/"//gml:featureMember").each do |fm| fm.children.each do |feature| info_feature = {} # attributes attributes = {} feature.containers.each do |c| if fields.include?( attributes[] = c.inner_text end end info_feature[:attributes] = attributes info_features << info_feature end end info_features end # Partial for identify result def info_fname "_#{name}_info.html.erb" end def info_file File.join(Rails.root, 'app', 'views', 'layers', 'custom', topic_name.downcase, info_fname) end def info_file_auto File.join(Rails.root, 'app', 'views', 'layers', 'custom', topic_name.downcase, 'auto', info_fname) end # ignore auto file if empty file exists def info_file_empty File.join(Rails.root, 'app', 'views', 'layers', 'custom', topic_name.downcase, "_#{name}_info_leer.html.erb") end def info @info ||= begin if File.exist?(info_file) "layers/custom/#{topic_name.downcase}/#{info_fname[1..-10]}" elsif !File.exist?(info_file_empty) && File.exist?(info_file_auto) "layers/custom/#{topic_name.downcase}/auto/#{info_fname[1..-10]}" else nil end end end def infotext(count) count > 0 ? "resultcount_p" : "resultcount_s" end def infotab # INFOLAYOUT=0^1^2^3^4^5^6^7 *** Wenn der Parameter = 1 ist, wird ein leerer String �bergeben. # *** Wenn der Parameter = 0 ist, wird der entsprechende Teil weggelassen wenn m�glich # # LayoutString(0) = "Im Umkreis von xUmkreisx Meter(n) wurde xAnzahlx Datensatz gefunden.

" # LayoutString(1) = "Im Umkreis von xUmkreisx Meter(n) wurden xAnzahlx Datensätze gefunden.

" # LayoutString(2) = "layer" # LayoutString(3) = "infotext" # LayoutString(4) = "infotab" # LayoutString(5) = "tabtitle" # LayoutString(6) = "tabcell" # LayoutString(7) = "2" ( If = "" Then 1 Tabellenzeile pro Record [z.B. "1" oder ""], else [z.B. "2"] 1 Zeile pro Feld) "infotable_horizontal" end def legend_fname "_#{name}_legend.html.erb" end def legend_file File.join(Rails.root, 'app', 'views', 'layers', 'custom', topic_name.downcase, legend_fname) end def legend_file_auto File.join(Rails.root, 'app', 'views', 'layers', 'custom', topic_name.downcase, 'auto', legend_fname) end def legend @legend ||= begin if File.exist?(legend_file) "layers/custom/#{topic_name.downcase}/#{legend_fname[1..-10]}" elsif File.exist?(legend_file_auto) "layers/custom/#{topic_name.downcase}/auto/#{legend_fname[1..-10]}" else nil end end end def quoted_wms_layers wms_layers.split(',').collect {|l| %Q<"#{l}"> }.join(',') end DEFAULT_SELECTION_STYLE = { 'POLYGON' => ''+ ''+ '#ff0090'+ '0.6'+ ''+ ''+ '#ff0090'+ '2.00'+ ''+ '', 'LINESTRING' => ''+ ''+ '#ff0090'+ '10.00'+ ''+ '', 'POINT' => ''+ ''+ ''+ 'circle'+ ''+ '#ff0090'+ ''+ ''+ '45.0'+ ''+ '' } def selection_symbolizer if selection_style.blank? gtyp = feature_class.geometry_type.sub(/^MULTI/, '').sub(/M$/, '') #MULTIPOINTM -> POINT logger.error "Unsupported selection geometry type #{feature_class.geometry_type}" unless DEFAULT_SELECTION_STYLE.has_key?(gtyp) DEFAULT_SELECTION_STYLE[gtyp] || '' else selection_style end end end