# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helpers') describe Project do it 'should be findable' do foo = define('foo') project('foo').should be(foo) end it 'should not exist unless defined' do lambda { project('foo') }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /No such project/) end it 'should fail to be defined if its name is already used for a task' do lambda { define('test') }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /Invalid project name/i) define 'valid' do lambda { define('build') }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /Invalid project name/i) end end it 'should exist once defined' do define 'foo' lambda { project('foo') }.should_not raise_error end it 'should always return same project for same name' do foo, bar = define('foo'), define('bar') foo.should_not be(bar) foo.should be(project('foo')) bar.should be(project('bar')) end it 'should show up in projects list if defined' do define('foo') projects.map(&:name).should include('foo') end it 'should not show up in projects list unless defined' do projects.map(&:name).should_not include('foo') end it 'should be findable from within a project' do define('foo') project('foo').project('foo').should be(project('foo')) end it 'should cease to exist when project list cleared' do define 'foo' projects.map(&:name).should include('foo') Project.clear projects.map(&:name).should be_empty end it 'should be defined only once' do lambda { define 'foo' }.should_not raise_error lambda { define 'foo' }.should raise_error end it 'should be definable in any order' do Buildr.define('baz') { define('bar') { project('foo:bar') } } Buildr.define('foo') { define('bar') } lambda { project('foo') }.should_not raise_error end it 'should detect circular dependency' do Buildr.define('baz') { define('bar') { project('foo:bar') } } Buildr.define('foo') { define('bar') { project('baz:bar') } } lambda { project('foo') }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /Circular dependency/) end end describe Project, ' property' do it 'should be set if passed as argument' do define 'foo', 'version'=>'1.1' project('foo').version.should eql('1.1') end it 'should be set if assigned in body' do define('foo') { self.version = '1.2' } project('foo').version.should eql('1.2') end it 'should take precedence when assigned in body' do define('foo', 'version'=>'1.1') { self.version = '1.2' } project('foo').version.should eql('1.2') end it 'should inherit from parent (for some properties)' do define('foo', 'version'=>'1.2', :group=>'foobar') { define 'bar' } project('foo:bar').version.should eql('1.2') project('foo:bar').group.should eql('foobar') end it 'should have different value if set in sub-project' do define 'foo', 'version'=>'1.2', :group=>'foobar' do define 'bar', :version=>'1.3' do self.group = 'barbaz' end end project('foo:bar').version.should eql('1.3') project('foo:bar').group.should eql('barbaz') end end describe Project, ' block' do it 'should execute once' do define('foo') { self.name.should eql('foo') } end it 'should execute in describe of project' do define('foo') { self.version = '1.3' } project('foo').version.should eql('1.3') end it 'should execute by passing project' do define('foo') { |project| project.version = '1.3' } project('foo').version.should eql('1.3') end it 'should execute in namespace of project' do define('foo') { define('bar') { Buildr.application.current_scope.should eql(['foo', 'bar']) } } end end describe Project, '#base_dir' do it 'should be pwd if not specified' do define('foo').base_dir.should eql(Dir.pwd) end it 'should come from property, if specified' do foo = define('foo', :base_dir=>'tmp') foo.base_dir.should point_to_path('tmp') end it 'should be expanded path' do foo = define('foo', :base_dir=>'tmp') foo.base_dir.should eql(File.expand_path('tmp')) end it 'should be relative to parent project' do define('foo') { define('bar') { define 'baz' } } project('foo:bar:baz').base_dir.should point_to_path('bar/baz') end it 'should be settable only if not read' do lambda { define('foo', :base_dir=>'tmp') }.should_not raise_error lambda { define('bar', :base_dir=>'tmp') { self.base_dir = 'bar' } }.should raise_error(Exception, /Cannot set/) end end describe Layout do before :each do @layout = Layout.new end it 'should expand empty to itself' do @layout.expand.should eql('') @layout.expand('').should eql('') end it 'should expand array of symbols' do @layout.expand(:foo, :bar).should eql('foo/bar') end it 'should expand array of names' do @layout.expand('foo', 'bar').should eql('foo/bar') end it 'should map symbol to path' do @layout[:foo] = 'baz' @layout.expand(:foo, :bar).should eql('baz/bar') end it 'should map symbols to path' do @layout[:foo, :bar] = 'none' @layout.expand(:foo, :bar).should eql('none') end it 'should map strings to path' do @layout[:foo, "bar"] = 'none' @layout.expand(:foo, :bar).should eql('none') @layout.expand(:foo, 'bar').should eql('none') end it 'should ignore nil elements' do @layout[:foo, :bar] = 'none' @layout.expand(:foo, nil, :bar).should eql('none') @layout.expand(nil, :foo).should eql('foo') end it 'should return nil if path not mapped' do @layout[:foo].should be_nil end it 'should return path from symbol' do @layout[:foo] = 'path' @layout[:foo].should eql('path') end it 'should return path from symbol' do @layout[:foo, :bar] = 'path' @layout[:foo, :bar].should eql('path') end it 'should do eager mapping' do @layout[:one] = 'none' @layout[:one, :two] = '1..2' @layout.expand(:one, :two, :three).should eql('1..2/three') end end describe Project, '#layout' do before :each do @layout = Layout.new end it 'should exist by default' do define('foo').layout.should respond_to(:expand) end it 'should be clone of default layout' do define 'foo' do layout.should_not be(Layout.default) layout.expand(:test, :main).should eql(Layout.default.expand(:test, :main)) end end it 'should come from property, if specified' do foo = define('foo', :layout=>@layout) foo.layout.should eql(@layout) end it 'should inherit from parent project' do define 'foo', :layout=>@layout do layout[:foo] = 'foo' define 'bar' end project('foo:bar').layout[:foo].should eql('foo') end it 'should clone when inheriting from parent project' do define 'foo', :layout=>@layout do layout[:foo] = 'foo' define 'bar' do layout[:foo] = 'bar' end end project('foo').layout[:foo].should eql('foo') project('foo:bar').layout[:foo].should eql('bar') end it 'should be settable only if not read' do lambda { define('foo', :layout=>@layout) }.should_not raise_error lambda { define('bar', :layout=>@layout) { self.layout = @layout.clone } }.should raise_error(Exception, /Cannot set/) end end describe Project, '#path_to' do it 'should return absolute paths as is' do define('foo').path_to('/tmp').should eql(File.expand_path('/tmp')) end it 'should resolve empty path to project\'s base directory' do define('foo').path_to.should eql(project('foo').base_dir) end it 'should resolve relative paths' do define('foo').path_to('tmp').should eql(File.expand_path('tmp')) end it 'should accept multiple arguments' do define('foo').path_to('foo', 'bar').should eql(File.expand_path('foo/bar')) end it 'should handle relative paths' do define('foo').path_to('..', 'bar').should eql(File.expand_path('../bar')) end it 'should resolve symbols using layout' do define('foo').layout[:foo] = 'bar' project('foo').path_to(:foo).should eql(File.expand_path('bar')) project('foo').path_to(:foo, 'tmp').should eql(File.expand_path('bar/tmp')) end it 'should resolve path for sub-project' do define('foo') { define 'bar' } project('foo:bar').path_to('foo').should eql(File.expand_path('foo', project('foo:bar').base_dir)) end it 'should be idempotent for relative paths' do define 'foo' path = project('foo').path_to('bar') project('foo').path_to(path).should eql(path) end end describe Project, '#on_define' do it 'should be called when project is defined' do names = [] Project.on_define { |project| names << project.name } define 'foo' ; define 'bar' names.should eql(['foo', 'bar']) end it 'should be called with project object' do Project.on_define { |project| project.name.should eql('foo') } define('foo') end it 'should be called with project object and set properties' do Project.on_define { |project| project.version.should eql('2.0') } define('foo', :version=>'2.0') end it 'should execute in namespace of project' do scopes = [] Project.on_define { |project| scopes << Buildr.application.current_scope } define('foo') { define 'bar' } scopes.should eql([['foo'], ['foo', 'bar']]) end it 'should be called before project block' do order = [] Project.on_define { |project| order << 'on_define' } define('foo') { order << 'define' } order.should eql(['on_define', 'define']) end it 'should accept enhancement and call it after project block' do order = [] Project.on_define { |project| project.enhance { order << 'enhance' } } define('foo') { order << 'define' } order.should eql(['define', 'enhance']) end it 'should accept enhancement and call it with project' do Project.on_define { |project| project.enhance { |project| project.name.should eql('foo') } } define('foo') end it 'should execute enhancement in namespace of project' do scopes = [] Project.on_define { |project| project.enhance { scopes << Buildr.application.current_scope } } define('foo') { define 'bar' } scopes.should eql([['foo'], ['foo', 'bar']]) end end describe Rake::Task, ' recursive' do before do @order = [] Project.on_define do |project| project.recursive_task('doda') { @order << project.name } end define('foo') { define('bar') { define('baz') } } end it 'should invoke same task in child project' do task('foo:doda').invoke @order.should include('foo:bar:baz') @order.should include('foo:bar') @order.should include('foo') end it 'should invoke in depth-first order' do task('foo:doda').invoke @order.should eql([ 'foo:bar:baz', 'foo:bar', 'foo' ]) end it 'should not invoke task in parent project' do task('foo:bar:baz:doda').invoke @order.should eql([ 'foo:bar:baz' ]) end end describe 'Sub-project' do it 'should point at parent project' do define('foo') { define 'bar' } project('foo:bar').parent.should be(project('foo')) end it 'should be defined only within parent project' do lambda { define('foo:bar') }.should raise_error end it 'should have unique name' do lambda do define 'foo' do define 'bar' define 'bar' end end.should raise_error end it 'should be findable from root' do define('foo') { define 'bar' } projects.map(&:name).should include('foo:bar') end it 'should be findable from parent project' do define('foo') { define 'bar' } project('foo').projects.map(&:name).should include('foo:bar') end it 'should be findable only if exists' do define('foo') { define 'bar' } lambda { project('foo').project('baz') }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /No such project/) end it 'should always execute its definition ' do ordered = [] define 'foo' do ordered << self.name define('bar') { ordered << self.name } define('baz') { ordered << self.name } end ordered.should eql(['foo', 'foo:bar', 'foo:baz']) end it 'should execute in order of dependency' do ordered = [] define 'foo' do ordered << self.name define('bar') { project('foo:baz') ; ordered << self.name } define('baz') { ordered << self.name } end ordered.should eql(['foo', 'foo:baz', 'foo:bar']) end it 'should warn of circular dependency' do lambda do define 'foo' do define('bar') { project('foo:baz') } define('baz') { project('foo:bar') } end end.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /Circular dependency/) end end describe 'Top-level project' do it 'should have no parent' do define('foo') project('foo').parent.should be_nil end end describe Buildr, '#project' do it 'should raise error if no such project' do lambda { project('foo') }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /No such project/) end it 'should return a project if exists' do foo = define('foo') project('foo').should be(foo) end it 'should find a project by its full name' do bar, baz = nil define('foo') { bar = define('bar') { baz = define('baz') } } project('foo:bar').should be(bar) project('foo:bar:baz').should be(baz) end it 'should find a project from any context' do bar, baz = nil define('foo') { bar = define('bar') { baz = define('baz') } } project('foo:bar').project('foo:bar:baz').should be(baz) project('foo:bar:baz').project('foo:bar').should be(bar) end it 'should find a project from its parent or sibling project' do define 'foo' do define 'bar' define 'baz' end project('foo').project('bar').should be(project('foo:bar')) project('foo').project('baz').should be(project('foo:baz')) project('foo:bar').project('baz').should be(project('foo:baz')) end it 'should fine a project from its parent by proximity' do define 'foo' do define('bar') { define 'baz' } define 'baz' end project('foo').project('baz').should be(project('foo:baz')) project('foo:bar').project('baz').should be(project('foo:bar:baz')) end it 'should invoke project before returning it' do define('foo').should_receive(:invoke).once project('foo') end it 'should fail if called without a project name' do lambda { project }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'should return self if called on a project without a name' do define('foo') { project.should be(self) } end it 'should evaluate parent project before returning' do # Note: gets around our define that also invokes the project. Buildr.define('foo') { define('bar'); define('baz') } project('foo:bar').should eql(projects[1]) end end describe Buildr, '#projects' do it 'should only return defined projects' do projects.should eql([]) define 'foo' projects.should eql([project('foo')]) end it 'should return all defined projects' do define 'foo' define('bar') { define 'baz' } projects.should include(project('foo')) projects.should include(project('bar')) projects.should include(project('bar:baz')) end it 'should return only named projects' do define 'foo' ; define 'bar' ; define 'baz' projects('foo', 'bar').should include(project('foo')) projects('foo', 'bar').should include(project('bar')) projects('foo', 'bar').should_not include(project('baz')) end it 'should complain if named project does not exist' do define 'foo' projects('foo').should include(project('foo')) lambda { projects('bar') }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /No such project/) end it 'should find a project from its parent or sibling project' do define 'foo' do define 'bar' define 'baz' end project('foo').projects('bar').should eql(projects('foo:bar')) project('foo').projects('baz').should eql(projects('foo:baz')) project('foo:bar').projects('baz').should eql(projects('foo:baz')) end it 'should fine a project from its parent by proximity' do define 'foo' do define('bar') { define 'baz' } define 'baz' end project('foo').projects('baz').should eql(projects('foo:baz')) project('foo:bar').projects('baz').should eql(projects('foo:bar:baz')) end it 'should evaluate all projects before returning' do # Note: gets around our define that also invokes the project. Buildr.define('foo') { define('bar'); define('baz') } projects.should eql(projects('foo', 'foo:bar', 'foo:baz')) end end describe Rake::Task, ' local directory' do before do @task = Project.local_task(task(('doda'))) Project.on_define { |project| task('doda') { |task| @task.from project.name } } end it 'should execute project in local directory' do define 'foo' @task.should_receive(:from).with('foo') @task.invoke end it 'should execute sub-project in local directory' do @task.should_receive(:from).with('foo:bar') define('foo') { define 'bar' } in_original_dir(project('foo:bar').base_dir) { @task.invoke } end it 'should do nothing if no project in local directory' do @task.should_not_receive(:from) define('foo') { define 'bar' } in_original_dir('../not_foo') { @task.invoke } end it 'should find closest project that matches current directory' do mkpath 'bar/src/main' define('foo') { define 'bar' } @task.should_receive(:from).with('foo:bar') in_original_dir('bar/src/main') { @task.invoke } end end describe Project, '#task' do it 'should create a regular task' do define('foo') { task('bar') } Buildr.application.lookup('foo:bar').should_not be_nil end it 'should return a task defined in the project' do define('foo') { task('bar') } project('foo').task('bar').should be_instance_of(Rake::Task) end it 'should not create task outside project definition' do define 'foo' lambda { project('foo').task('bar') }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /no task foo:bar/) end it 'should include project name as prefix' do define('foo') { task('bar') } project('foo').task('bar').name.should eql('foo:bar') end it 'should accept single dependency' do define('foo') { task('bar'=>'baz') } project('foo').task('bar').prerequisites.should include('baz') end it 'should accept multiple dependencies' do define('foo') { task('bar'=>['baz1', 'baz2']) } project('foo').task('bar').prerequisites.should include('baz1') project('foo').task('bar').prerequisites.should include('baz2') end it 'should execute task exactly once' do define('foo') do task 'baz' task 'bar'=>'baz' end lambda { project('foo').task('bar').invoke }.should run_tasks(['foo:baz', 'foo:bar']) end it 'should create a file task' do define('foo') { file('bar') } Buildr.application.lookup(File.expand_path('bar')).should_not be_nil end it 'should create file task with absolute path' do define('foo') { file('/tmp') } Buildr.application.lookup(File.expand_path('/tmp')).should_not be_nil end it 'should create file task relative to project base directory' do define('foo', :base_dir=>'tmp') { file('bar') } Buildr.application.lookup(File.expand_path('tmp/bar')).should_not be_nil end it 'should accept single dependency' do define('foo') { file('bar'=>'baz') } project('foo').file('bar').prerequisites.should include('baz') end it 'should accept multiple dependencies' do define('foo') { file('bar'=>['baz1', 'baz2']) } project('foo').file('bar').prerequisites.should include('baz1') project('foo').file('bar').prerequisites.should include('baz2') end it 'should accept hash arguments' do define('foo') do task 'bar'=>'bar_dep' file 'baz'=>'baz_dep' end project('foo').task('bar').prerequisites.should include('bar_dep') project('foo').file('baz').prerequisites.should include('baz_dep') end it 'should return a file task defined in the project' do define('foo') { file('bar') } project('foo').file('bar').should be_instance_of(Rake::FileTask) end it 'should create file task relative to project definition' do define('foo') { define 'bar' } project('foo:bar').file('baz').name.should point_to_path('bar/baz') end it 'should execute task exactly once' do define('foo') do task 'baz' file 'bar'=>'baz' end lambda { project('foo').file('bar').invoke }.should run_tasks(['foo:baz', project('foo').path_to('bar')]) end end =begin describe Buildr::Generate do it 'should be able to create buildfile from directory structure' do write 'src/main/java/Foo.java', '' write 'one/two/src/main/java/Foo.java', '' write 'one/three/src/main/java/Foo.java', '' write 'four/src/main/java/Foo.java', '' script = Buildr::Generate.from_directory(Dir.pwd) instance_eval(script.join("\n"), "generated buildfile") # projects should have been defined root = Dir.pwd.pathmap('%n') names = [root, "#{root}:one:two", "#{root}:one:three", "#{root}:four"] # the top level project has the directory name. names.each { |name| lambda { project(name) }.should_not raise_error } end end =end describe Rake::Task, 'buildr:initialize' do it 'should be ready to run as the first task' do Buildr.application.top_level_tasks.first.should eql('buildr:initialize') end it 'should evaluate all project definitions' do defined = false Buildr.define('foo') { defined = true } lambda { task('buildr:initialize').invoke }.should change { defined }.to(true) end end