require 'rubygems' require 'rake/gempackagetask' require 'merb-core' require 'merb-core/tasks/merb' GEM_NAME = "dm-datastore-adapter" GEM_VERSION = "0.2.2" AUTHOR = "Genki Takiuchi" EMAIL = "" HOMEPAGE = "" RUBYFORGE_PROJECT = 'asakusarb' SUMMARY = "This is a DataMapper adapter to DataStore of Google App Engine." spec = do |s| s.rubyforge_project = RUBYFORGE_PROJECT = GEM_NAME s.version = GEM_VERSION s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.has_rdoc = true s.extra_rdoc_files = ["README", "LICENSE", 'TODO'] s.summary = SUMMARY s.description = s.summary = AUTHOR = EMAIL s.homepage = HOMEPAGE s.add_dependency('dm-core', '>= 0.9.10') s.add_dependency('addressable', '>= 2.0.0') s.require_path = 'lib' s.files = %w(LICENSE README Rakefile TODO) + Dir.glob("{lib,spec}/**/*") end do |pkg| pkg.need_tar = true pkg.gem_spec = spec end desc "install the plugin as a gem" task :install do Merb::RakeHelper.install(GEM_NAME, :version => GEM_VERSION) end desc "Uninstall the gem" task :uninstall do Merb::RakeHelper.uninstall(GEM_NAME, :version => GEM_VERSION) end desc "Create a gemspec file" task :gemspec do"#{GEM_NAME}.gemspec", "w") do |file| file.puts spec.to_ruby end end desc "Run specs" task :spec do sh "jruby -S spec --color spec" end desc 'Package and upload the release to rubyforge.' task :release => :package do |t| require 'rubyforge' v = ENV["VERSION"] or abort "Must supply VERSION=x.y.z" abort "Versions don't match #{v} vs #{GEM_VERSION}" unless v == GEM_VERSION pkg = "pkg/#{GEM_NAME}-#{GEM_VERSION}" require 'rubyforge' rf = puts "Logging in" rf.login c = rf.userconfig # c["release_notes"] = description if description # c["release_changes"] = changes if changes c["preformatted"] = true files = [ "#{pkg}.tgz", "#{pkg}.gem" ].compact puts "Releasing #{GEM_NAME} v. #{GEM_VERSION}" rf.add_release RUBYFORGE_PROJECT, GEM_NAME, GEM_VERSION, *files end task :default => :spec