require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'support', 'spec_helper') require 'DeployCommandCreator' describe DeployCommandCreator do def config() config_file = "environment do configured_as :mvc env :systest do host \"Test\" to \"server\", \"path\", \"*\" to \"server2\", \"path2\", \"*\" to \"server2\", \"path2\", \"\" end end" File.stubs(:read).returns(config_file) require 'deploymentconfig' return Deployment.load() end before do creator = @mvc = creator.convert_from_config(config, :systest) end it "should create deployment config object based on configuration" do @mvc.should_not be_nil @mvc.class.should == MvcDeployment end it "should set environment variable" do @mvc.environment.should == :systest end it "should set the host variable" do == "Test" end it "should set the to variable" do[0].server.should == "server"[0].path.should == "path" end it "should set the to variable with both values" do[0].server.should == "server"[0].path.should == "path"[1].server.should == "server2"[1].path.should == "path2" end it "should have a default IP address of *" do[0].ipaddress.should == "*" end it "should have the correct IP address if it has been defined" do[2].ipaddress.should == "" end end describe DeployCommandCreator, "overriding default" do def config() config_file = "environment do configured_as :mvc desc \"Testing\" env :systest do host \"Test\" end end" File.stubs(:read).returns(config_file) require 'deploymentconfig' return Deployment.load() end before do creator = @mvc = creator.convert_from_config(config, :systest) end it "should have a description of Testing" do @mvc.description.should == "Testing" end end describe DeployCommandCreator, "Before and After blocks" do def config() config_file = "environment do configured_as :mvc env :systest do host \"Test\" to \"server\", \"path\" to \"server2\", \"path2\" before do set_value 'xyz' set_host 'ABC' #Redefines the value before executing... end after do set_exec_something 'abc' set_port 99 #Redefines the value after executing... end end end" File.stubs(:read).returns(config_file) require 'deploymentconfig' return Deployment.load() end before do creator = @mvc = creator.convert_from_config(config, :systest) end it "should create deployment config object based on configuration" do @mvc.should_not be_nil @mvc.class.should == MvcDeployment end it "should set environment variable" do @mvc.environment.should == :systest end it "should have a before keys collection containing the method names" do @mvc.before.keys.should include(:set_value) end it "should have a list of before blocks to execute" do @mvc.before[:set_value].should == 'xyz' end it "should have an after keys collection containing the method names" do @mvc.after.keys.should include(:set_exec_something) end it "should support multiple calls being specified" do @mvc.before.keys.length.should == 2 end end describe "DeployCommandCreator", "supports multiple arguments for method" do def config() config_file = "environment do configured_as :mvc desc \"Testing\" env :systest do host \"Test\" end end" File.stubs(:read).returns(config_file) require 'deploymentconfig' return Deployment.load() end before do creator = @mvc = creator.convert_from_config(config, :systest) end it "should have a description of Testing" do @mvc.description.should == "Testing" end end