require "spec_helper" describe Docks::Renderers::Haml do subject { } after :each do subject.instance_variable_set(:@content_blocks, subject.send(:clean) end describe "#render" do it "renders Haml" do haml_template = "%ul\n - 5.times do |i|\n %li Item \#{i + 1}" expect(subject.render(inline: haml_template).gsub(/\s/, "")).to eq"../../../fixtures/renderers/html_output.html", __FILE__)).gsub(/\s/, "") end it "captures Haml" do subject.helpers File.expand_path("../../../fixtures/renderers/helpers.rb", __FILE__) expect(subject.render(inline: "= helper4 do\n bar").strip).to eq "foo bar!" end it "captures Haml with arguments" do subject.helpers File.expand_path("../../../fixtures/renderers/helpers.rb", __FILE__) expect(subject.render(inline: "= helper6('bar') do |val|\n foo \#{val}").strip).to eq "foo bar" end it "renders a template with the passed locals" do expect(subject.render(inline: "= foo", locals: { foo: "bar" }).strip).to eq "bar" end it "renders a template with access to the same helpers as the base template" do subject.helpers File.expand_path("../../../fixtures/renderers/helpers.rb", __FILE__) expect(subject.render(inline: "= helper\n= helper3").strip).to eq "foo bar baz\nBAR" end it "allows helpers to use classes in their scope" do subject.helpers File.expand_path("../../../fixtures/renderers/helpers.rb", __FILE__) expect(subject.render(inline: "= helper5").strip).to eq "thing one" end it "allows helpers to be called from within capture blocks" do subject.helpers File.expand_path("../../../fixtures/renderers/helpers.rb", __FILE__) expect(subject.render(inline: "= helper4 do\n = render(inline: 'foo')").strip).to eq "foo foo!" end it "doesn't preserve locals between template renders" do haml_template = "= foo" subject.render(inline: haml_template, locals: { foo: "bar" }) expect(subject.render(inline: haml_template, locals: { foo: "baz" }).strip).to eq "baz" expect(subject.render(inline: haml_template, locals: { foo: "" }).strip).to eq "" end context "when there's a layout" do it "allows setting a layout file that is rendered around the main file" do layout = "Foo \#{yield.strip} baz" expect(Docks::Templates).to receive(:search_for_template).with(layout, anything).and_return(layout) expect(File).to receive(:read).with(layout).and_return(layout) expect(subject.render(inline: "bar", layout: layout).strip).to eq "Foo bar baz" end describe "#content_for" do it "allows setting the content for multiple yielded blocks using #content_for" do layout = "Foo \#{yield(:first).strip} \#{yield(:second).strip}." expect(Docks::Templates).to receive(:search_for_template).with(layout, anything).and_return(layout) expect(File).to receive(:read).with(layout).and_return(layout) expect(subject.render(inline: "- content_for(:first) do\n bar\n\n- content_for(:second) do\n baz", layout: layout).strip).to eq "Foo bar baz." end it "allows both named and a default content block" do layout = "Foo \#{yield(:first).strip} \#{yield.strip}." expect(Docks::Templates).to receive(:search_for_template).with(layout, anything).and_return(layout) expect(File).to receive(:read).with(layout).and_return(layout) expect(subject.render(inline: "- content_for(:first) do\n bar\n\nbaz", layout: layout).strip).to eq "Foo bar baz." end it "yields do a given content block when no block is given" do layout = "Foo \#{content_for(:first).strip} \#{yield.strip}." expect(Docks::Templates).to receive(:search_for_template).with(layout, anything).and_return(layout) expect(File).to receive(:read).with(layout).and_return(layout) expect(subject.render(inline: "- content_for(:first) do\n bar\n\nbaz", layout: layout).strip).to eq "Foo bar baz." end end describe "#content_for?" do it "identifies whether a block has been given" do layout = "first? \#{content_for?(:first).to_s}, second? \#{content_for?(:second).to_s}" expect(Docks::Templates).to receive(:search_for_template).with(layout, anything).and_return(layout) expect(File).to receive(:read).with(layout).and_return(layout) expect(subject.render(inline: "- content_for(:first) do\n bar", layout: layout).strip).to eq "first? true, second? false" end end end end end