# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe 'swagger spec v2.0' do include_context "#{MODEL_PARSER} swagger example" def app Class.new(Grape::API) do format :json # Thing stuff desc 'This gets Things.' do params Entities::Something.documentation http_codes [{ code: 401, message: 'Unauthorized', model: Entities::ApiError }] end get '/thing' do something = OpenStruct.new text: 'something' present something, with: Entities::Something end desc 'This gets Things.' do http_codes [ { code: 200, message: 'get Horses', model: Entities::Something }, { code: 401, message: 'HorsesOutError', model: Entities::ApiError } ] end get '/thing2' do something = OpenStruct.new text: 'something' present something, with: Entities::Something end desc 'This gets Thing.' do http_codes [{ code: 200, message: 'getting a single thing' }, { code: 401, message: 'Unauthorized' }] end params do requires :id, type: Integer end get '/thing/:id' do something = OpenStruct.new text: 'something' present something, with: Entities::Something end desc 'This creates Thing.', success: Entities::Something params do requires :text, type: String, documentation: { type: 'string', desc: 'Content of something.' } requires :links, type: Array, documentation: { type: 'link', is_array: true } end post '/thing', http_codes: [{ code: 422, message: 'Unprocessible Entity' }] do something = OpenStruct.new text: 'something' present something, with: Entities::Something end desc 'This updates Thing.', success: Entities::Something params do requires :id, type: Integer optional :text, type: String, desc: 'Content of something.' optional :links, type: Array, documentation: { type: 'link', is_array: true } end put '/thing/:id' do something = OpenStruct.new text: 'something' present something, with: Entities::Something end desc 'This deletes Thing.', entity: Entities::Something params do requires :id, type: Integer end delete '/thing/:id' do something = OpenStruct.new text: 'something' present something, with: Entities::Something end desc 'dummy route.', failure: [{ code: 401, message: 'Unauthorized' }] params do requires :id, type: Integer end delete '/dummy/:id' do end namespace :other_thing do desc 'nested route inside namespace', entity: Entities::QueryInput, x: { 'amazon-apigateway-auth' => { type: 'none' }, 'amazon-apigateway-integration' => { type: 'aws', uri: 'foo_bar_uri', httpMethod: 'get' } } params do requires :elements, documentation: { type: 'QueryInputElement', desc: 'Set of configuration', param_type: 'body', is_array: true, required: true } end get '/:elements' do present something, with: Entities::QueryInput end end version 'v3', using: :path add_swagger_documentation api_version: 'v1', base_path: '/api', info: { title: 'The API title to be displayed on the API homepage.', description: 'A description of the API.', contact_name: 'Contact name', contact_email: 'Contact@email.com', contact_url: 'Contact URL', license: 'The name of the license.', license_url: 'www.The-URL-of-the-license.org', terms_of_service_url: 'www.The-URL-of-the-terms-and-service.com' } end end describe 'whole documentation' do subject do get '/v3/swagger_doc' JSON.parse(last_response.body) end describe 'swagger object' do describe 'required keys' do it { expect(subject.keys).to include 'swagger' } it { expect(subject['swagger']).to eql '2.0' } it { expect(subject.keys).to include 'info' } it { expect(subject['info']).to be_a Hash } it { expect(subject.keys).to include 'paths' } it { expect(subject['paths']).to be_a Hash } end describe 'info object required keys' do let(:info) { subject['info'] } it { expect(info.keys).to include 'title' } it { expect(info['title']).to be_a String } it { expect(info.keys).to include 'version' } it { expect(info['version']).to be_a String } describe 'license object' do let(:license) { subject['info']['license'] } it { expect(license.keys).to include 'name' } it { expect(license['name']).to be_a String } it { expect(license.keys).to include 'url' } it { expect(license['url']).to be_a String } end describe 'contact object' do let(:contact) { subject['info']['contact'] } it { expect(contact.keys).to include 'name' } it { expect(contact['name']).to be_a String } it { expect(contact.keys).to include 'email' } it { expect(contact['email']).to be_a String } it { expect(contact.keys).to include 'url' } it { expect(contact['url']).to be_a String } end describe 'global tags' do let(:tags) { subject['tags'] } it { expect(tags).to be_a Array } it { expect(tags).not_to be_empty } end end describe 'path object' do let(:paths) { subject['paths'] } it 'hides documentation paths per default' do expect(paths.keys).not_to include '/swagger_doc', '/swagger_doc/{name}' end specify do paths.each_pair do |path, value| expect(path).to start_with('/') expect(value).to be_a Hash expect(value).not_to be_empty value.each do |method, declaration| expect(http_verbs).to include method expect(declaration).to have_key('responses') declaration['responses'].each do |status_code, response| expect(status_code).to match(/\d{3}/) expect(response).to have_key('description') end end end end end describe 'definitions object' do let(:definitions) { subject['definitions'] } specify do definitions.each do |model, properties| expect(model).to match(/\w+/) expect(properties).to have_key('properties') end end end end describe 'swagger file' do it do expect(subject).to eql swagger_json end end end describe 'specific resource documentation' do subject do get '/v3/swagger_doc/other_thing' JSON.parse(last_response.body) end let(:tags) { subject['tags'] } specify do expect(tags).to eql [ { 'name' => 'other_thing', 'description' => 'Operations about other_things' } ] end end end