module Dor class AdministrativeMetadataDS < ActiveFedora::OmDatastream set_terminology do |t| t.root :path => 'administrativeMetadata', :index_as => [:not_searchable] t.metadata_format :path => 'descMetadata/format' t.metadata_source :path => 'descMetadata/source' t.descMetadata do t.source t.format end # Placeholders for existing defined stanzas to be fleshed out as needed :index_as => [:not_searchable] t.rights :index_as => [:not_searchable] t.relationships :index_as => [:not_searchable] t.registration :index_as => [:not_searchable] do t.agreementId t.itemTag t.workflow_id :path => 'workflow/@id', :index_as => [:facetable] t.default_collection :path => 'collection/@id', :index_as => [:facetable] end t.workflow :path => 'registration/workflow' t.deposit :index_as => [:not_searchable] t.accessioning :index_as => [:not_searchable] do t.workflow_id :path => 'workflow/@id', :index_as => [:facetable] end t.preservation :index_as => [:not_searchable] t.dissemination :index_as => [:not_searchable] do t.harvester t.releaseDelayLimit end end define_template :default_collection do |xml| xml.administrativeMetadata{ xml.registration{ xml.collection(:id => '') } } end define_template :agreementId do |xml| xml.administrativeMetadata { xml.registration{ xml.agreementId } } end define_template :metadata_format do |xml| xml.descMetadata{ xml.format } end define_template :metadata_source do |xml| xml.administrativeMetadata{ xml.descMetadata{ xml.source } } end define_template :registration do |xml| xml.administrativeMetadata { xml.registration{ xml.workflow(:id=> '') } } end define_template :default_collection do |xml| xml.administrativeMetadata { xml.registration{ xml.collection } } end def self.xml_template do |xml| xml.administrativeMetadata{ } end.doc end end end