module ::TestaAppiumDriver module W3cScrollActions # @return [Array] def w3c_scroll_each(direction, &block) default_deadzone! if direction.nil? scroll_to_start if @scrollable.scroll_orientation == :vertical direction = :down else direction = :right end end case direction when :up align_with = :bottom when :down align_with = :top when :right align_with = :left when :left align_with = :right else align_with = :top end if @driver.ios? # if true w3c_scroll_each_ios(direction, align_with, &block) else w3c_scroll_each_android(direction, align_with, &block) end end def w3c_scroll_each_android(direction, align_with, &block) elements = [] begin iterations = 0 ignore_element_ids = [] previous_element = nil until is_end_of_scroll? # # $__.puts "-- new iteration" # # $__.puts "-------------" aligned_items = 0 new_ignore_element_ids = [] matches = @locator.execute(skip_cache: true) matches.each_with_index do |m, index| # # $__.puts "Matches: #{matches.count}" # # $__.puts "M: #{}" if ignore_element_ids.include?( previous_element = m next end sa = self.dup sa.locator = m sa.w3c_align(align_with, false, 1, speed_coef: 2.0) is_aligned = sa.is_aligned?(align_with, m) # add the previous to ignore if current is not aligned (probably means we cannot scroll any further) new_ignore_element_ids << if !is_aligned && !previous_element.nil? aligned_items += 1 if is_aligned # add last element to ignore new_ignore_element_ids << if matches.count == index + 1 elements << m if block_given? # block is given @locator.driver.invalidate_cache # use call to execute the block else # the value of block_argument becomes nil if you didn't give a block # block was not given end previous_element = m end iterations += 1 break if !@max_scrolls.nil? && iterations == @max_scrolls if self.send("page_#{direction}") else ignore_element_ids = new_ignore_element_ids.dup end end rescue StandardError => e raise e end elements end def w3c_scroll_each_ios(direction, align_with, &block) elements = [] elements_in_current_iteration = [] stale_retries = 0 begin iterations = 0 loop do elements_in_last_iteration = elements_in_current_iteration elements_in_current_iteration = [] elements_count_before_iteration = elements.count new_element_in_this_iteration_found = false matches = @locator.execute(skip_cache: true) matches.each do |m| elements_in_current_iteration << element_found_in_last_iteration = elements_in_last_iteration.include?( # ignore all elements from last iteration until first new element is found if !new_element_in_this_iteration_found && element_found_in_last_iteration next end # new element in this iteration is found, # process all remaining elements regardless if it is found in last iteration or not new_element_in_this_iteration_found = true sa = self.dup sa.locator = m sa.w3c_align(align_with, false, 1, speed_coef: 2.0) elements << if block_given? # block is given @locator.driver.invalidate_cache # use call to execute the block else # the value of block_argument becomes nil if you didn't give a block # block was not given end end iterations += 1 break if !@max_scrolls.nil? && iterations == @max_scrolls if matches.count.positive? # if there are elements on screen, but there are no new elements # then we have reached the end of scrolling if elements.count == elements_count_before_iteration return elements end else # there are no matching elements. to detect end of scroll, # first and last leaf is compared before with first and last leaf of previous iteration if is_end_of_scroll? return elements end end # if there are more than 1 match on screen, # the page is scrolled by aligning elements 1 by one, # but if there is only 1, or none elements. # then scroll the page manually self.send("page_#{direction}") if matches.count < 2 end rescue Selenium::WebDriver::Error::StaleElementReferenceError # if boundElementsByIndex is enabled, we can get stale element reference while doing scroll each stale_retries += 1 sleep 0.2 retry if stale_retries < 4 raise rescue StandardError => e raise e end elements end def w3c_align(with, scroll_to_find, max_attempts, speed_coef: 1.25) default_deadzone! @locator.scroll_to if scroll_to_find if @locator.instance_of?(TestaAppiumDriver::Locator) element = @locator.execute else element = @locator end max_attempts = 3 if max_attempts.nil? || max_attempts <= 0 # $ctx.puts("Is aligned: #{is_aligned?(with, element)}") timeout = 0 stale_retries = 0 begin until is_aligned?(with, element) || timeout == max_attempts # $ctx.puts("align roudn: #{timeout}") w3c_attempt_align(with, speed_coef) timeout += 1 end rescue Selenium::WebDriver::Error::StaleElementReferenceError # if boundElementsByIndex is enabled, we can get stale element reference while doing scroll each stale_retries += 1 sleep 0.2 # $ctx.puts "Looking for #{@locator.xpath_selector}" element = @locator.execute if @locator.instance_of?(TestaAppiumDriver::Locator) retry if stale_retries < 4 raise end # $ctx.puts("end align") end def w3c_attempt_align(with, speed_coef) case with when :top y0 = @bounds.bottom_right.y - @deadzone[:bottom] y1 = y0 - @align_offset x0 = @bounds.width / 2 x1 = x0 scroll_direction = :down when :bottom y0 = @bounds.top_left.y + @deadzone[:top] y1 = y0 + @align_offset x0 = @bounds.width / 2 x1 = x0 scroll_direction = :up when :left x0 = @bounds.bottom_right.x - @deadzone[:right] x1 = x0 - @align_offset y0 = @bounds.height / 2 y1 = y0 scroll_direction = :right when :right x0 = @bounds.top_left.x + @deadzone[:top] x1 = x0 + @align_offset y0 = @bounds.height / 2 y1 = y0 scroll_direction = :left else raise "Unsupported align with option: #{with}" end x1, y1 = apply_w3c_correction(x1, y1, scroll_direction) if @driver.device == :android w3c_action(x0, y0, x1, y1, SCROLL_ACTION_TYPE_SCROLL, speed_coef: speed_coef) end def w3c_scroll_to(direction) rounds = 0 max_scrolls_reached = false end_of_scroll_reached = false # $ctx.puts("starting scroll to") until ( && @locator.exists?) || (@driver.ios? && @locator.exists? && @locator.in_viewport?) || end_of_scroll_reached # $ctx.puts("Scroll to round: #{rounds}") end_of_scroll_reached = is_end_of_scroll? case direction when :down page_down when :right page_right when :left page_left when :up page_up else scroll_to_start @previous_elements = nil if @scrollable.scroll_orientation == :vertical direction = :down else direction = :right end end rounds += 1 max_scrolls_reached = true if rounds == @max_scrolls break if rounds == @max_scrolls end # $ctx.puts("end scroll to") raise Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoSuchElementError if max_scrolls_reached || end_of_scroll_reached end def w3c_scroll_to_start_or_end(type) default_deadzone! @previous_elements = nil if type == :start if @scrollable.scroll_orientation == :vertical method = "fling_up" else method = "fling_left" end else if @scrollable.scroll_orientation == :vertical method = "fling_down" else method = "fling_right" end end iterations = 0 until is_end_of_scroll? || iterations >= 3 self.send(method) iterations += 1 end # reset the flag for end of scroll elements @previous_elements = nil end def w3c_page_or_fling(type, direction) default_deadzone! if direction == :down || direction == :up if direction == :down y0 = @bounds.bottom_right.y - @deadzone[:bottom].to_i y1 = @bounds.top_left.y + @deadzone[:top].to_i else y0 = @bounds.top_left.y + @deadzone[:top].to_i y1 = @bounds.bottom_right.y - @deadzone[:bottom].to_i end x0 = @bounds.top_left.x + (@bounds.width - @deadzone[:left].to_i - @deadzone[:right].to_i) / 2 x0 = @bounds.top_left.x if x0 < @bounds.top_left.x x0 = @bounds.bottom_right.x if x0 > @bounds.bottom_right.x x1 = x0 else if direction == :right x0 = @bounds.bottom_right.x - @deadzone[:right].to_i x1 = @bounds.top_left.x + @deadzone[:left].to_i else x0 = @bounds.top_left.x + @deadzone[:left].to_i x1 = @bounds.bottom_right.x - @deadzone[:right].to_i end y0 = @bounds.top_left.y + (@bounds.height - @deadzone[:top].to_i - @deadzone[:bottom].to_i) / 2 y0 = @bounds.top_left.y if y0 < @bounds.top_left.y y0 = @bounds.bottom_right.y if y0 > @bounds.bottom_right.y y1 = y0 end x1, y1 = apply_w3c_correction(x1, y1, direction) if @driver.device == :android speed_coef = 1 speed_coef = 1.5 if type == SCROLL_ACTION_TYPE_SCROLL w3c_action(x0, y0, x1, y1, type, speed_coef: speed_coef) end def w3c_action(x0, y0, x1, y1, type, speed_coef: 1.0) speed_coef = 1 / speed_coef if type == SCROLL_ACTION_TYPE_SCROLL duration = 1.8 * speed_coef elsif type == SCROLL_ACTION_TYPE_FLING duration = 0.1 * speed_coef elsif type == SCROLL_ACTION_TYPE_DRAG duration = 3.5 * speed_coef else raise "Unknown scroll action type #{type}" end action_builder = @driver.action f1 = action_builder.add_pointer_input(:touch, "finger1") f1.create_pointer_move(duration: 0, x: x0, y: y0, origin: ::Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::PointerMove::VIEWPORT) f1.create_pointer_down(:left) f1.create_pointer_move(duration: duration, x: x1, y: y1, origin: ::Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::PointerMove::VIEWPORT) unless type == SCROLL_ACTION_TYPE_FLING # with this move we prevent flinging/overscroll overscroll_pause = @driver.ios? ? 1 : 0.5 f1.create_pointer_move(duration: overscroll_pause, x: x1, y: y1, origin: ::Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::PointerMove::VIEWPORT) end f1.create_pointer_up(:left) puts "Scroll execute[w3c_action]: #{type}: {x0: #{x0}, y0: #{y0}} => (duration: #{duration}) => {x1: #{x1}, y1: #{y1}}" # $ctx.puts "Scroll execute[w3c_action]: #{type}: {x0: #{x0}, y0: #{y0}} => (duration: #{duration}) => {x1: #{x1}, y1: #{y1}}" @driver.perform_actions [f1] end def apply_w3c_correction(x1, y1, direction) y1 -= SCROLL_CORRECTION_W3C if direction == :down y1 += SCROLL_CORRECTION_W3C if direction == :up x1 -= SCROLL_CORRECTION_W3C if direction == :right x1 += SCROLL_CORRECTION_W3C if direction == :left [x1, y1] end def w3c_drag_to(x0, y0, x1, y1) w3c_action(x0, y0, x1, y1, SCROLL_ACTION_TYPE_DRAG) end end end