== 0.8.3 * # 450 - Rake tasks failing if rspec is not installed on the system == 0.8.2 * # 445 - Removed rspec plugin and replaced with gem dependency. == 0.8.1 * # 372 - Remove all vendored gems. == 0.8.0 * # 273 - Improve usefulness of prototypes * # 292 - Allow the ability to import roles based permission yaml files from extensions * # 299 - Translation to dutch (belgium) * # 304 - Password reset functionality * # 313 - Line items association extension causes issues with AJAX version of cart * # 318 - Rails 2.3.2 Support * # 321 - Broken spec for admin/variants/edit, and form doesn't show option settings * # 322 - Move searchlogic and all unreleased gems into vendor/gems * # 328 - Bug when adding taxonomies * # 329 - Move shipping out of extension and into main core * # 331 - New Spree apps should be created with a default site extension * # 333 - Switch to authlogic gem to handle authentication * # 334 - Meta data keywords and description fields for products * # 337 - Add user login field which is not restricted to be the user email address * # 338 - Guest Checkout * # 339 - Empty cart should not actually destroy the entire order * # 340 - Token access to restrict viewing of incomplete orders * # 341 - Add email address to order model * # 345 - Refactor address model and relationships * # 346 - Remove defunct viewable_id field from products table * # 347 - Dump active_presenter in favor of nested_attributes * # 348 - Upgrade task should automatically update permissions * # 349 - Upgrade task should update routes.rb * # 352 - Make checkout process more extensible * # 357 - multiple shipments being created for 1 item in checkout * # 362 - Rake doesn't use UTC time * # 365 - Ajax failing on product pages * # 366 - Echoe gem dependency is not installed * # 367 - pagination is missing when you browse products through the taxonomy * # 369 - Upgrade task should automatically update boot.rb * # 386 - Currency problem in order confirmation page == 0.7.1 * # 298 - rake spree:i18n:sync fails on yml files with empty lines * # 303 - "What's This?" CVV link broken * # 308 - Unable to change country for credit card payment (Admin form) * # 309 - Last name of shipping address is wrong field * # 310 - Fixed typo in Tennessee * # 311 - No shipping method can be selected in IE 7 * # 312 - Remove assumption that order has shipment (when finalizing the order) * # 315 - state selector failing on IE7 due to "Object not supported" js error * # 317 - gem dependency command does not list all dependencies * # 314 - Refactor checkout steps as partials == 0.7.0 * # 166 - Order numbers should also use permalink * # 220 - Security holes in a few controllers * # 234 - Sales tax should recalculate after a change in shipping address * # 239 - Rake task for upgrade an existing Spree deployment * # 242 - State events show the UTC version of the timestamp * # 246 - Rake tasks failing if highline is not installed on the system * # 247 - Restrict shipping methods based on order contents * # 249 - Backorders not updated with new quantity * # 251 - Missing message * # 253 - Norwegian Translation * # 255 - Admin has problems with "Available On" * # 260 - Remove the automatic pay event from the order model * # 261 - Do not allow creditcard capture without a response code * # 263 - Support for Protx Gateway * # 264 - Change credit card month and year to drop down * # 265 - Google Analytics Order Tracking * # 266 - Allow quantities when adding a variant to an order * # 268 - Cannot cancel an incomplete order * # 269 - Adjusting inventory on a 1 variant product does not update backorder status properly * # 270 - Additional database indexes * # 276 - French Translation * # 277 - New users should be assigned the 'user' role by default * # 278 - Allow backordering to be set at the variant level instead of all-or-nothing * # 279 - No variant is pre-selected * # 280 - Even deleted variants are available * # 284 - Russian Translation * # 288 - Credit card information should be filtered in logs == 0.6.0 * # 129 - Public extension assets don't respect order when mirrored. * # 131 - Core specs keeps being overriden by extension specs. * # 132 - Add support for use routes.rb files inside extensions instead of using class_eval. * # 133 - Make extension gems be installed by the same gem tasks that installs the system gems. * # 136 - SEO Friendly URL's for Taxonomy * # 142 - Spree don't bootstrap from inside skeleton root dir. * # 145 - Remove legacy FLAT_SHIPPING_RATE variable * # 146 - All actions in the admin order list view should be confirmed * # 147 - Params[:id] in OrdersController used for both product id and order id * # 149 - Bootstrap task should load sample data from SPREE_ROOT instead of RAILS_ROOT * # 150 - Allow users to configure SSL settings for all modes. * # 151 - Switch from attachment_fu to paperclip. * # 152 - Allow extensions to add tabs to products admin UI * # 153 - Allow adding fields to either products or variants * # 156 - New taxonomy is created with a nil permalink * # 158 - CamelCased migration name results in incorrect migration file name * # 159 - Make the number of products that are displayed on the admin interface configurable. * # 160 - Renaming a product causes exception * # 161 - Borders not appearing correctly on cart view (Safari Only) * # 162 - Paranoid deletion of products. * # 163 - Allow user to configure default tax category for products * # 164 - Validation error messages for tax category and shipping category. * # 165 - Child taxon permalinks can get out of date when parent updates * # 167 - Improper zone matching for tax calculations if shipping zones are also configured * # 168 - Product named_scopes should use table names * # 169 - Old taxons route needs to be repositioned * # 171 - Order status filter does not work with certain state names. * # 172 - Allow user to configure the logo in the admin user interface * # 173 - Allow shipping of backordered items. * # 174 - Allow orders to be searched by name * # 175 - Show default "No Image Available" placeholder when a product doesn't have any images. * # 176 - Order search results are not preserved when paging * # 177 - Searching on products and associated models can be slow * # 178 - Standardize security model * # 179 - Unauthorized users are redirected to login page. * # 180 - Allow usesr to view their order history * # 181 - My account should not show incomplete orders * # 184 - add variant * # 185 - When executing rake specs from inside an extension only its specs should be executed * # 186 - Add paging to admin/users * # 187 - Allow admin to assign user roles * # 189 - Text Bug * # 190 - Add "Resume" event for undoing canceled orders, etc. * # 191 - Country list on address form is firing ajax queries too frequently. * # 192 - shared/form_address partial hard codes the address_country_id field id * # 193 - Allow admin to search existing users * # 194 - Allow orders per page to be configurable * # 197 - Disable bootstrap task in production * # 203 - Create a rake task for keeping translation files in sync with en-US.yml * # 210 - Error when attemtping to create new taxonomy * # 216 - New rake task for creating new translations * # 221 - Rake tasks fail if activemerchant gem is not up to date * # 222 - New demo mode for use in the online demo * # 224 - BCC email is not sent if only one the bcc fields is configured * # 229 - generate_secret is deprecated == 0.5.0 * # 55 - Variants need shipping weights to do shipping calculations. * # 66 - Add a migration generator for extensions * # 83 - Internal Server Error when adding product property to product * # 90 - Support for sample data in extensions * # 91 - Shipping address should be limited to the countries that are configured by a shipping zone * # 92 - Configuration screen for inventory settings. * # 95 - Bogus gateway should decline card instead of raising an exception * # 96 - Creating first Taxon fails with blank database * # 97 - Exception when returning to cart from shipping method selection screen * # 98 - Exception occurs when changing country dropdown for Ship Address * # 99 - Provide built-in mechanism for dealing with near static content * # 100 - Add support for require gems inside extensions and an easy way to install them. * # 101 - Add configuration setting to make bogus gateway in development mode optional * # 102 - Credit card information is not being stored. * # 103 - Rails 2.1.2 Support * # 105 - Error when viewing order with non US state in either address. * # 106 - Adding a new variant causes NoMethodError * # 107 - SKU not saving for products (empty variant) * # 108 - Correct after_transition for paid state in Order model * # 109 - Add purchase method to Spree::PaymentGateway * # 110 - Empty address cannot be validated * # 112 - Check for user before emailing order confirmations * # 113 - Property model references bogus value table. * # 114 - Remove unsupported deactivate method from extensions * # 116 - Updating option types causes all option values to disappear * # 118 - Default authenticaiton screen should be login * # 119 - Include login fields on user creation screen * # 120 - Orders search does not return any results. * # 122 - Credit card Number text field enforces 17 character restriction * # 124 - Move the pay action out of the FSM for order. * # 125 - Sales Tax calculation causes exception * # 126 - Incomplete orders are appearing in admin orders views. == 0.4.1 * #94 - User must be logged in to empty cart * #89 - Cannot run specs for custom extensions * #88 - Gateway Configuration Gives Error == 0.4.0 * Initial support for internationalization * Rails 2.1 support * #38 - Credit card numbers are being logged * #39 - Rails 2.1 Support * #43 - Increase application width * #48 - Support fo Pay Pal Website Payments Pro * #51 - SEO Permalinks for Products * #57 - Optionally store cc numbers in the database * #59 - Convert line breaks to
elements in prodcut description * #60 - Fix image clipping in product details * #61 - Price change is not always reflected in the actual order * #62 - Ability to override mailer templates in extensions * #63 - New spree applications should use a random secret key for sessions * #64 - Extension support of "public" assets * #69 - New spree project is missing script/plugin * #79 - Frozen gems inside of the Spree source are not copied into new applications * #80 - Named routes don't work when defined inside its own extension using define_routes. * #84 - Generating Thumbnails for products: wrong aspect ratio * #82 - Unable to start server when both rails and spree are frozen == 0.2.0 2008-06-05 * Extension support. * Improved user/address model. * Improved payment gateway configuraiton. == 0.0.9 2008-04-23 * Changed source code layout. Spree now runs in stand alone, gem and application modes. * Removed dependency on Engines plugin. * Removed free tagging (will be made obsolete by categorization features in upcoming release) * #20 - Product images in arbitrary order. == 0.0.8 2008-03-27 * Fixed a few new bugs introduced by the variant refactoring * Replaced some instances of the old Railscart logo == 0.0.7 2008-03-26 * Fixed an error with improperly named helper in one of the mailers (this was preventing checkout) * Removed several trivial references to old project name == 0.0.6 2008-03-26 * Now properly requires the mini_magick dependency * Fixed a few minor rake task issues * Other very minor bug fixes == 0.0.5 2008-02-26 * Test release of the newly named gem (formerly known as railscart) == 0.0.4 2008-02-12 * Cookie sessions (no more db sessions) * Streamlined migration stuff * Removed database.master.yml configuration stuff (no longer really necessary) * Improved data model for images * Fixed --edge option to point to new railscart SVN location == 0.0.3 2008-02-07 * Added --edge option to railscart command (which gets latest version of all plugins from SVN.) * Refactored the product optioning stuff. == 0.0.2 2008-01-29 * Additional gem release testing. == 0.0.1 2008-01-29 * Initial release. Test of gem release mechanism.