-semantic_form_for report, :html => {:class => 'bp'} do |f| %h1 Creating a new report #sidebar.span-4 %h3 Selected Options =f.commit_button 'Run/Save' #columns %h4 Columns =link_to "Edit", '#columns_editor', :rel => 'toggle_within/#editors' %ul %li Click 'Edit' to add columns to the report. #sorts %h4 Sorts =link_to "Edit", '#sorts_editor' %ul %li Click 'Edit' to sort by one or more columns. #filters %h4 Filters =link_to "Edit", '#filters_editor' %ul %li Click 'Edit' to filter data in the report. #schedule %h4 Schedule =link_to "Edit", '#schedule_editor' %ul %li Click 'Edit' to create a schedule for this report to run automatically. =f.commit_button 'Run/Save' #content.span-20.last =render 'form', :f => f #editors #columns_editor(style='display: none') =render 'columns_editor' #sorts_editor(style='display: none') #filters_editor(style='display: none') #schedule_editor(style='display: none')